Sustainable working-life for ageing populations in the Nordic-Baltic region
This project aims to generate knowledge and solutions for a sustainable and inclusive future working life for ageing population in the countries of the Nordic-Baltic region.
- Period: 2023-02-01 – 2026-01-31
- Budget: 9,516,756 SEK
- Funder: NordForsk
The consortium consists of three main partners - Uppsala University, which is also the leader partner (Sweden), University of Iceland (Iceland) and Vilnius University (Lithuania), as well as network partners from Riga Stradins University (Latvia) and Tallinn University (Estonia). The network will be even expanded towards other countries in the Nordic region. The scientific work will explore: 1) how our societies can adapt to rapid social, demographic, and technological changes, 2) how to provide an inclusive, competent, and sustainable future labour force, work environments that ensure health and wellbeing and work-life balance in a time of hybrid working environments, flexible contracts/new employment forms and longer working life; 3) how transformation of working life affects income trajectories for men and women. Data will be drawn from, among others, The Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), The Swedish Longitudinal Occupational Survey of Health (SLOSH) in Sweden and an Icelandic study on population ageing (HL20) as well as other sources.
University of Iceland (Iceland) and Vilnius University (Lithuania)