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Projekt i fokus - Forskning om Prader-Willis syndrom
Impaired neuromuscular transmission and motor difficulties in children with Prader-Willis syndrome
Ehrstedt, Nergårdh, Rostedt-Punga, et al.
The mechanisms behind muscle weakness and motor difficulties in children with Prader-Willis syndrome (PWS) are unclear and believed to be multifactorial. Here, we will perform two pilot studies with children to investigate whether an impaired neuromuscular transmission may be a contributing factor to PWS, and whether it is affected by treatment with growth hormone. Please read more on the Swedish page.

Other studies
Follow-up patients with ventriculoperitoneal shunts
Liminga, Ehrstedt, et al.
Children with hydrocephaly ofta receive a so-called ventriculoperitoneal shunt. Postoperative shunt monitoring within our region takes place through a detailed follow-up program, which is evaluated within the framework of this project.
Follow-up of patients with idiopathic intracranial hypertension
Ehrstedt, Liminga, Kristiansen, et al.
The care of children and adolescents with idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) is followed up within the framework of this project. We evaluate the investigation, treatment and follow-up of patients with IIH and investigate possible long-term side effects with the aim of optimizing the care provided today.
Research on neuromuscular diseases in children and adolescents
Ehrstedt, Wentzel, Gkiotsaliti, et al.
Opportunities for a faster, improved and more cost-effective diagnosis of neuromuscular diseases in children and adolescents are evaluated within the framework of this project.