Precison medicine

Epigenetic and genetic changes in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML)
Palle, Harila-Saari, Nordlund et al.
ALL is developed from the malignant transformation of precursors of B- and T-cells in the bone marrow but the mechanisms are unknown. This study aims to increase our understanding of the epigenetic regulation of leukemogenisis. We study DNA methylation as a biomarker for classification, prognosis and disease progression in childhood leukemia and also mutations that disturb genes that are involved in chromatin modification.

Genetic studies in lymphomas
Englund et al.
This is a project of collaboration between UU and KI. By studying the genetics in lymphomas in children and young adults we hope to find the signaling pathways that regulate tumor growth which may lead to more targeted therapies, hopefully with fewer side effects. All children and young adults with lymphomas in Sweden from the year 2000 and on will be analyzed to see if there are differences between lymphoma diagnoses and between children and young adults.


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