Instructions for applications for project funding

The Equal Opportunities Committee provides SEK 400,000 in funding for activities that promote equal opportunities at the Faculty of Science and Technology.

Each individual project can apply for an amount between SEK 50,000 and 150,000, meaning there is scope for around 38 projects. These projects can be carried out during the period August 2024December 2025. Both employees and students at the faculty can apply for this equal opportunities funding.

Examples of activities that can receive funding include, but are not limited to:

  • Arranging series of skills development seminars, lectures and workshops.
  • Reviewing teaching materials.
  • Introducing aspects of equal opportunities.
  • Recruitment processes and decision-making processes.
  • Guidelines for introductory materials.
  • Resource allocation at the departments.
  • Investigating the need for improved accessibility for students and employees.

See also Vision and goals: Faculty of Science and Technology 2020/31, and Åtgärdsplan för lika villkorsarbete 2024 (Plan of measures for equal opportunities management), TEKNAT 2022/102 for tips on measures.

The Equal Opportunities Committee welcomes applications focused on activities in the area of equal opportunities, and ideally applications involving multiple areas within equal opportunities.*

*Grounds of discrimination: Sex (legal), gender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, functionality, sexual orientation and age.

Application deadline

Applications should be sent to faculty officer Lovisa Högberg. The deadline for applications is 10 May 2024. Applications must be signed by the head of department/equivalent at the applicant’s department/equivalent.

The applications will be assessed by the Equal Opportunities Committee, which will also decide on the allocation of funding in June.

Applications must contain:

  • description of the project’s goals (purpose, background and questions)
  • description of the project’s implementation, including timetable
  • description of planned continuation after the end of the project/assessment of the project’s expected ongoing effects
  • plans for documentation, follow-up/evaluation and dissemination of project results
  • description of the project’s budget (co-financing, other granted funds, compensation for completed work, travel costs, premises costs, printing costs, etc.)
  • signature of responsible head of department/equivalent at applicant’s department/equivalent (applies to both employees and students). The application from the student union must be signed by the president of the union.

Please note: The department is expected to pay overheads for the project (costs for the University’s administrative and support services).

Applications may not be longer than 5,000 characters (excluding spaces).

Assessment criteria

  • The project’s potential to fill knowledge gaps in the areas of equal opportunities at the Faculty of Science and Technology.
  • The project’s potential to improve the work environment from an equal opportunities perspective.
  • The project’s potential to make an impact at the faculty.
  • The project’s feasibility.

After the completed project, applicants must send a written report of its implementation along with a written report of how the allocated funds were used. If any problems arise during the course of the project that could delay or thwart the implementation of the project, this must be reported to the Equal Opportunities Committee immediately. Failure to implement and report on the project may result in an obligation to repay the funding received.


