Call for proposals: create a course for professionals in consultation with external partners

Pieces of a puzzle in sunlight.

The reference group's course proposals include courses in AI, information management and change management. The call for funds for course development is open until February 14.

There is now an opportunity to apply for funding to develop and deliver a course for professionals. The call is for courses based on course proposals from the faculty's reference group for lifelong learning. The proposals include courses in AI, information management and change management.

Matías Urenda Moris, coordinator for lifelong learning.

Matías Urenda Moris is the coordinator for lifelong learning at the Faculty of Science and Technology. Photo: Mikael Wallerstedt

- The call is aimed at teachers who want to develop and offer in-demand courses for professional participants. Anyone who develops and delivers one of these courses will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of pedagogy and didactics adapted to this target group, explains Matías Urenda Moris, Coordinator for Lifelong Learning at the Faculty of Science and Technology.

The call offers a choice of a number of different course proposals developed by the Faculty's Lifelong Learning Reference Group. The group consists of representatives from companies, industry organizations and the public sector. The course proposals have been developed during a workshop in the fall, where the task was to identify courses that industries in technology and science have a great need for.

Matías Urenda Moris sees the fact that the courses that will now be developed have a clear link to the actual need for skills development as something very positive:

- The reference group acts as our ‘ear to the ground’ and as a compass to navigate the changing educational landscape and its needs. They contribute by identifying the skills needs of their employees, collaborators and stakeholders, as well as by providing feedback on what works well and less well in our course offerings.

Information on the call for proposals

The deadline for applications is February 14.

Read more about the call and apply

