Wiebren Boonstra
Professor i naturresurser och hållbar utveckling vid Institutionen för geovetenskaper; Naturresurser och Hållbar utveckling
- E-post:
- wijnand.boonstra@geo.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Villavägen 16
75236 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Villavägen 16
75236 Uppsala
- 0000-0002-1191-0574
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Kort presentation
My research investigates the social-historical dynamics of primary resources, and how it impacts the long-term biocultural sustainability of sea- and landscapes
- agriculture
- alternative technologies
- fisheries
- global change
- moral responsibility
- power
- qualitative methods
- rural development
- rural studies
- small-scale fisheries
- smallholders
- sociological theory
- sociology
- sociology of emotion
- sustainability studies
- sustainability transition
From an early age I have been fascinated by the diverse ways in which humans work with and dependent on nature. This fascination led me to scientifically study rural life as a MSc student (1995-2000) in Rural Development Studies, and as a PhD student (2001-2006) in Rural Sociology at Wageningen University, the Netherlands. I also worked at the Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences (2006-2010), the department of Earth Sciences at Uppsala University (2015-2018), the Stockholm Resilience Centre (2010-2020), and I have spent 10 months as visiting professor at the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources and Human Ecology at Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA (2016-2017).
The thematic focus of my research can be summarized broadly as the social dynamics and relations that shape the primary use of natural resources. My case studies - located in The Netherlands, Malawi, Australia, Vietnam, and Sweden - include investigations of how farmers and fishers impact and depend upon terrestrial and marine ecologies. I am particularly interested in understanding (mis)matches between the values, interests of farmers and fishers and the social and ecological opportunities to realize their preferred farming and fishing styles. I strive to construct case studies through a mixed-method design that includes qualitative and quantitative methods.
I also work to develop social scientific theory and method for the study of natural resource use, to contribute to the development of sustainability science in research and education. I supervise students at both MSc and PhD levels, and teach courses at both levels. Furthermore, I also act as an associate editor-in-chief for the journal Ambio: A journal of the Human Environment, which is published by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and Springer. I also contribute as lead author to the upcoming IPBES assessment on Transformative Change.
One of my major research projects is on urban fishing and fishers. More information can be found here.
A complete list of my published work can be found here.
Forskare har länge varnat för att utarmningen av arter och gränserna för världens ekosystem närmar sig bristningsgränsen. Vi vet dessutom att problemet ligger i hur vi producerar och konsumerar. Varför är det då så svårt att vända utvecklingen och gynna biologisk mångfald?
Så tar vi hänsyn till biologisk mångfald
Nyheter från Uppsala Universitet 2023-06-14
Senaste publikationer
- Revisiting the sustainability science research agenda (2025)
- Theorising resistance in times of fossil fuels (2024)
- How justice shapes transition governance - a discourse analysis of Swedish policy debates (2024)
- Making meat moral (2024)
- Understanding and analysing the complex causality of conflicts over marine environments through process tracing (2023)
Alla publikationer
- Revisiting the sustainability science research agenda (2025)
- Theorising resistance in times of fossil fuels (2024)
- How justice shapes transition governance - a discourse analysis of Swedish policy debates (2024)
- Making meat moral (2024)
- Understanding and analysing the complex causality of conflicts over marine environments through process tracing (2023)
- Earth steward (2023)
- Knowing through fishing (2023)
- Analysis across case-based global sustainability projects (2023)
- History matters (2023)
- Ambio fit for the 2020s (2022)
- Urban fishing reveals underrepresented diversity (2022)
- More than ponds amid skyscrapers (2022)
- Transformation archetypes in global food systems (2022)
- Going on and off the map (2021)
- More than a single footnote (2021)
- Closing the gap between knowing and causing the Anthropocene (2021)
- Fishing in the city for food (2021)
- Why are geographical indications unevenly distributed over Europe? (2021)
- A review of adaptation options in fisheries management to support resilience and transition under socio-ecological change (2021)
- Towards a bridging concept for undesirable resilience in social-ecological systems (2020)
- Behavioural diversity in fishing (2020)
- What prevents small-scale fishing and aquaculture households from engaging in alternative livelihoods? (2019)
- Can income diversification resolve social-ecological traps in small-scale fisheries and aquaculture in the global south? (2018)
- Exploring the local context of mangrove fragmentation. An analysis of livelihood security and potenital for mangrove conservation in Batan, the Philippines