Christian Benedict
Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för farmaceutisk biovetenskap; Forskning; Farmakologi
- Telefon:
- 018-471 43 30
- Mobiltelefon:
- 070-425 02 15
- E-post:
- Besöksadress:
- Biomedicinskt centrum BMC, Husargatan 3
- Postadress:
- Box 591
751 24 UPPSALA
- Akademiska meriter:
- PhD, Docent
- CV:
- Ladda ned CV
- 0000-0002-8911-4068
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Kort presentation
- aging
- alzheimer
- circadian
- circadian disruption
- cohort
- diabetes
- experiments
- lifestyle
- memory
- obesity
- sleep
- sleep deprivation
Jag föddes i Hamburg, Tyskland och avslutade min grundläggande studier i human nutrition vid universitetet i Kiel. Genom att följa min passion för vetenskaplig forskning, tog jag min doktorsexamen i Human Biology vid medicinska fakulteten vid universitetet i Luebeck. Efter att ha avslutat min doktorandutbildning, utförde jag postdoktoral forskning vid Uppsala universitet under ledning av professor Helgi Schiöth, en ledande expert inom neuropsykofarmakologi.
Fortsättningsvis utvecklade jag min kunskap och blev docent i neurovetenskap vid Uppsala universitet. Under hela min karriär har jag fått många vetenskapliga utmärkelser för min forskning.
Som en ledande expert inom sömnforskning är jag en vetenskaplig talesperson för Svenska sömnsällskapet och innehar positionen som universitetslektor i farmakologi vid Uppsala universitet.
Som universitetslektor i farmakologi vid Uppsala universitet leder jag ett team av forskare dedikerade till att utforska de skadliga hälsoeffekterna av störd sömn. Våra forskningsresultat har bidragit till vår förståelse av den kritiska rollen som sömn spelar för att bibehålla viktreglering, reglera glukosmetabolism och främja hjärnhälsa. Resultaten har publicerats i ansedda vetenskapliga tidskrifter som Nature Communications, Current Biology, Science Advances, Neurology, Diabetes Care och Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, för att nämna några.
Följ med oss när vi fortsätter att avslöja sömnens mysterier och dess avgörande roll för att bibehålla optimal hälsa!
Urval av publikationer
- Reverse Dipping of Systolic Blood Pressure Is Associated With Increased Dementia Risk in Older Men (2021)
- Chronotype preference and glycemic control in type 2 diabetes (2021)
- Oral Antidiabetics and Sleep Among Type 2 Diabetes Patients (2021)
- Effects of acute sleep loss on diurnal plasma dynamics of CNS health biomarkers in young men (2020)
- Sleep characteristics and HbA1c in patients with type 2 diabetes on glucose-lowering medication (2020)
- Associations between chronotype, MTNR1B genotype and risk of type 2 diabetes in UK Biobank (2020)
- Acute sleep loss results in tissue-specific alterations in genome-wide DNA methylation state and metabolic fuel utilization in humans (2018)
- Association between long sleep duration and increased risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes (2018)
- Aiding sleep in type 2 diabetes (2018)
- Candidate mechanisms underlying the association between sleep-wake disruptions and Alzheimer's disease (2017)
- Acute Sleep Loss Induces Tissue-Specific Epigenetic and Transcriptional Alterations to Circadian Clock Genes in Men (2015)
- Associations of self-reported sleep disturbance and duration with academic failure in community-dwelling Swedish adolescents (2015)
- Acute sleep deprivation increases serum levels of neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and S100 calcium binding protein B (S-100B) in healthy young men (2014)
- Association between physical activity and brain health in older adults (2013)
Senaste publikationer
- Habitual short sleepers with pre-existing medical conditions are at higher risk of Long COVID (2024)
- Nightmare frequency is a risk factor for suicidal ideation during the COVID-19 pandemic. (2024)
- Estimation bias and agreement limits between two common self-report methods of habitual sleep duration in epidemiological surveys. (2024)
- Habitual Short Sleep Duration, Diet, and Development of Type 2 Diabetes in Adults (2024)
- Insomnia, OSA, and Mood Disorders (2024)
Alla publikationer
- Habitual short sleepers with pre-existing medical conditions are at higher risk of Long COVID (2024)
- Nightmare frequency is a risk factor for suicidal ideation during the COVID-19 pandemic. (2024)
- Estimation bias and agreement limits between two common self-report methods of habitual sleep duration in epidemiological surveys. (2024)
- Habitual Short Sleep Duration, Diet, and Development of Type 2 Diabetes in Adults (2024)
- Insomnia, OSA, and Mood Disorders (2024)
- Obstructive sleep apnea during rapid eye movement sleep and cognitive performance in adults (2024)
- Adequate sleep duration accentuates the effect of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor variant on HbA1c (2024)
- Threshold-dependent association between non-rapid eye movement obstructive sleep apnea and interictal epileptiform discharges (2024)
- Association between age and comorbid insomnia and sleep apnea. (2024)
- Adequate sleep is important for children's cardiometabolic health. (2024)
- Associations between obesity, a composite risk score for probable long COVID, and sleep problems in SARS-CoV-2 vaccinated individuals. (2024)
- Melatonin (2024)
- The dark side of light (2024)
- Melatonin (2024)
- OSA Is Associated With the Human Gut Microbiota Composition and Functional Potential in the Population-Based Swedish CardioPulmonary bioImage Study (2023)
- Acute Effects of Coffee Consumption. (2023)
- Shift workers are at increased risk of severe COVID-19 compared with day workers (2023)
- The association of insomnia with long COVID (2023)
- Association between accelerometer-measured amplitude of rest-activity rhythm and future health risk (2023)
- Associations of timing of physical activity with all-cause and cause-specific mortality in a prospective cohort study (2023)
- Toward Precision Medicine (2023)
- Associations between changes in habitual sleep duration and lower self-rated health among COVID-19 survivors (2023)
- Sleep symptoms are essential features of long-COVID - Comparing healthy controls with COVID-19 cases of different severity in the international COVID sleep study (ICOSS-II) (2023)
- A weighted blanket increases pre-sleep salivary concentrations of melatonin in young, healthy adults (2023)
- A useful tool or a new challenge? Hand-wrist-worn sleep trackers in patients with insomnia. (2023)
- Association between hypersomnolence and the COVID-19 pandemic (2023)
- A meta-analysis of the associations between insufficient sleep duration and antibody response to vaccination (2023)
- Effects of acute sleep loss on leptin, ghrelin, and adiponectin in adults with healthy weight and obesity (2023)
- Persistent short nighttime sleep duration is associated with a greater post-COVID risk in fully mRNA-vaccinated individuals. (2023)
- Sweet Dreams for Better Metabolic Health. (2023)
- Association of socioeconomic deprivation with sleep health in patients with type 2 diabetes. (2023)
- Association of poor sleep and HbA1c in metformin-treated patients with type 2 diabetes (2023)
- Association of accelerometer-derived circadian abnormalities and genetic risk with incidence of atrial fibrillation (2023)
- Association of Circadian Rest-Activity Rhythms with Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality in Type 2 Diabetes (2023)
- Objective sleep characteristics and continuous glucose monitoring profiles of type 2 diabetes patients in real-life settings (2023)
- Impaired procedural memory in narcolepsy type 1 (2022)
- Association of Daily Eating Duration and Day-To-Day Variability in the Timing of Eating With Fatal Cancer Risk in Older Men (2022)
- Acute sleep loss increases CNS health biomarkers and compromises the ability to stay awake in a sex-and weight-specific manner. (2022)
- Effects of One Night of Forced Wakefulness on Morning Resting Blood Pressure in Humans (2022)
- Self-reported regular daytime napping is associated with indicators of poor type 2 diabetes control (2022)
- Sleep Duration and Visceral Adipose Tissue (2022)
- Could a good night's sleep improve COVID-19 vaccine efficacy? (2021)
- Sleep in Female Healthcare Workers during COVID-19 (2021)
- Reverse Dipping of Systolic Blood Pressure Is Associated With Increased Dementia Risk in Older Men (2021)
- Chronotype preference and glycemic control in type 2 diabetes (2021)
- Oral Antidiabetics and Sleep Among Type 2 Diabetes Patients (2021)
- Effects of acute sleep loss on diurnal plasma dynamics of CNS health biomarkers in young men (2020)
- Sleep characteristics and HbA1c in patients with type 2 diabetes on glucose-lowering medication (2020)
- Associations between chronotype, MTNR1B genotype and risk of type 2 diabetes in UK Biobank (2020)
- Acute sleep loss results in tissue-specific alterations in genome-wide DNA methylation state and metabolic fuel utilization in humans (2018)
- Association between long sleep duration and increased risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes (2018)
- Aiding sleep in type 2 diabetes (2018)
- Candidate mechanisms underlying the association between sleep-wake disruptions and Alzheimer's disease (2017)
- Antihypertensive medication prior to nocturnal sleep reduces the risk of new-onset type 2 diabetes in hypertensive patients (2016)
- Association between shift work history and performance on the trail making test in middle-aged and elderly humans (2016)
- Self-reported sleep disturbance is associated with Alzheimer's disease risk in men (2015)
- Acute Sleep Loss Induces Tissue-Specific Epigenetic and Transcriptional Alterations to Circadian Clock Genes in Men (2015)
- Associations of self-reported sleep disturbance and duration with academic failure in community-dwelling Swedish adolescents (2015)
- Acute sleep deprivation increases serum levels of neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and S100 calcium binding protein B (S-100B) in healthy young men (2014)
- Association between physical activity and brain health in older adults (2013)