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Obligatorisk läsning
Ytterligare bakgrunds- och rekommenderad läsning finns i läsanvisningarna på kurssidan.
- Ahmed, Sara, "Orientations: Towards a Queer Phenomenology", Ingår i: GLQ: a journal of lesbian and gay studies, vol. 12, nr. 4, 2007Obligatorisk (s. 543–574 (25 s))
- Ahmed, Sara, A Phenomenology of Whiteness, Ingår i: Feminist theory., vol. 8, nr. 2, 2007, s. 149–168Obligatorisk (25 s)
- Anzaldúa, Gloria, Borderlands: the new mestiza = La frontera, 2. ed., San Francisco, Aunt Lute Books, cop. 1999Obligatorisk ("La Conciencia de la Mestiza: Towards a New Consciousness", s. 77–91 (14 s))
- Barad, Karen, Nature´s Queer Performativity, Ingår i: Kvinder, køn og forskning., vol. 26, nr. 1-2, 2012Obligatorisk (s. 25–53 (28 s))
- Beauvoir, Simone de, The second sex, New York, Vintage books, 1989Obligatorisk ("introduction", s. ix-xxxvi (27 s.))
- Braidotti, Rosi., Nomadic subjects: embodiment and sexual difference in contemporary feminist theory, 2. ed., New York, Columbia University Press, cop. 2011Obligatorisk ("Sexual Difference as a Nomadic Political Project" (25 s.))
- Butler, Judith, Performative Acts and Gender Constitution, Ingår i: Theatre journal, vol. 40, nr. 4, 1988Obligatorisk (s. 519–531 (12 s))
- Butler, Judith, Undoing gender, New York, Routledge, 2004Obligatorisk ("The End of Sexual Difference?", s. 174–203 (29 s))
- Connell, R.W., A Very Straight Gay: Masculinity, Homosexual Experience, and the Dynamics of Gender, Ingår i: American sociological review, vol. 57, 1992Obligatorisk (s. 735–751 (16 s.))
- Dahl, Ulrika, Sexism: A femme-inist perspective, Ingår i: New formations: a journal of culture, theory, politics, vol. 86, 2015, s. 54–73Obligatorisk (9 s)
- Deleuze, Gilles, Lecture Transcripts on Spinoza´s Concept of Affect, EMILIE AND JULIEN DELEUZE, 1978, Lecture Transcript´s on Spinoza´s Concept of AffectObligatorisk (27 s)
- Duggan, Lisa; McHugh, Kathleen, A fem(me)inist manifesto, Ingår i: Women & performance: a journal of feminist theory, vol. 8, nr. 2, 1996Obligatorisk (s. 153–159 (6 s))
- Frye, Marilyn, The politics of reality: essays in feminist theory, Trumansburg, N.Y., Crossing P., cop 1983Obligatorisk ("Oppression" s. 1–16 (16 s.))
- Grosz, E. A., Time travels: feminism, nature, power, Durham, Duke University Press, 2005Obligatorisk ("The Force of Sexual Difference", s. 171–183 (12 s))
- Grosz, Elizabeth, Space, time, and perversion: essays on the politics of bodies, New York, Routledge, 1995Obligatorisk ("Refiguring Lesbian Desire", s. 173–185 (12 s))
- Hemmings, Clare, Invoking Affect: Cultural Theory and the Ontological Turn, Ingår i: Cultural studies., vol. 19, nr. 5, 2005Obligatorisk (s. 548 - 567 (18 s))
- Hoodfar, Homa, The Veil in Their Minds and on Our Heads: The Persistence of Colonial Images of Muslim Women, Ingår i: RFR/DRF: Resources for feminist research: Documentation sur la recherche féministe, vol. 22, nr. 3/4, 1993Obligatorisk (s. 5–22 (14 s))
- hooks, bell, Feminist theory: from margin to center, 2. ed., London, Pluto Press, cop. 2000Obligatorisk ("Feminism: A Movement to End Sexist Oppression", s. 17–31 (14 s))
- hooks, bell, Yearning: race, gender, and cultural politics, Boston, Mass., South End Press, cop. 1990Obligatorisk ("Postmodern blackness", s. 23–31 (7 s))
- Irigaray, Luce, This sex which is not one, Ithaca, N.Y., Cornell University Press, 1985Obligatorisk (s. 23–33 och 205–218 (25 s.))
- Lorde, Audre, Sister outsider: essays and speeches, Trumansburg, N.Y., Crossing Press, cop. 1984Obligatorisk ("The Master´s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master´s House" (2 s.) och "Sexism: An American Disease in Blackface" (3 s.))
- Martin, Biddy, Sexualities Without Genders and Other Utopias, Ingår i: Diacritics: a review of contemporary criticism, vol. 24, nr. 2-3, 1994Obligatorisk (s. 104–121 (17 s))
- Hekman, Susan J.; Alaimo, Stacy, Material feminisms, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 2008Obligatorisk ("Trans-corporeal Feminisms and the Ethical Space of Nature" s. 237–264 (27 s))
- McRuer, Robert, Compulsory Able-Bodiedness and Queer/Disabled Existence, Ingår i: The disability studies reader, 4th ed., New York, NY, Routledge, 2013Obligatorisk (s. 88–99 (11 s))
- Munoz, Jose Esteban, Feeling Brown: Ethnicity and Affect in Ricardo Bracho´s 'The Sweetest Hangover (And Other STDs)', Ingår i: Theatre journal, vol. 52, nr. 1, 2000Obligatorisk (s. 67–79 (12 s))
- Muñoz, José Esteban, Cruising utopia: the then and there of queer futurity, New York, New York University Press, cop. 2009Obligatorisk ("Queerness as Horizon", s. 19–32 (13 s))
- Narayan, Uma, Dislocating cultures: identities, traditions, and Third-World feminists, London, Routledge, 1997Obligatorisk ("Contesting Cultures", s. 2–39 (37 s.))
- Paternotte, David; Kuhar, Roman, 'Gender ideology' in movement: Introduction, Ingår i: Anti-gender campaigns in Europe: mobilizing against equality, London, Rowman & Littlefield International, Ltd., [2017], s. 1–22Obligatorisk (22 s)
- Weinstein, Jami; Colebrook, Claire, Posthumous life: theorizing beyond the posthuman, New York, Columbia University Press, [2017]Obligatorisk ("Preface: Postscript on the Posthuman", ix-xxi (11 s))
- Preciado, Beatriz, Testo Junkie: sex, drugs, and biopolitics in the pharmacopornographic era, New York, The Feminist Press at The City University of New York, 2013Obligatorisk ("Testogel", s. 55–67 (12 s))
- Puar, Jasbir K., Bodies with new organs: becoming trans, becoming disabled, Ingår i: Right to maim: debility, capacity, disability, Durham, Duke University Press, 2017Obligatorisk (29 s)
- Serano, Julia., Whipping girl: a transsexual woman on sexism and the scapegoating of femininity, Seattle, Wash., Seal, 2007Obligatorisk (Kap. 8 (33 sidor))
- Somerville, Siobhan, Scientific Racism and the Invention of the Homosexual Body, Ingår i: Journal of the history of sexuality, vol. 5, nr. 2, 1994Obligatorisk (s. 243–266 (23 s))
- Spade, Dean, Mutilating Gender, Ingår i: The transgender studies reader, London, Routledge, 2006Obligatorisk (s. 315–332 (17 s))
- Styrker, Susan, My Words to Victor Frankenstein above the village of Chamounix:: Performing transgender rage, Ingår i: GLQ: a journal of lesbian and gay studies, vol. 1, nr. 3, 1994Obligatorisk (s. 234–254 (14 sidor))
* Obligatorisk
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- Kursplan giltig från och med vårterminen 2019, version 2
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