Preschool as an Arena for Parenting Support
Triple P in Uppsala
The summer of 2008 the Swedish National Institute of Public Health allocated 50 million SKr to six municipalities to enable them to strengthen and develop health promotion for children and adolescents in collaboration with a university. One of those municipalities was Uppsala municipality, which together with Uppsala County was granted funds for a 3-year project.
The project was named Förskolan som arena för föräldrastöd and ran 2009-2011. The aim was to examine whether preschools could be an appropriate arena for parenting support and to test the program Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) in a Swedish cultural context.
The project resulted in the report 'Like hands in a glove' ('Som hand i handske').
Parents' perspectives on parenting programs have been studied qualitatively in two master theses. In one, called Kunskapshunger och vardagsproblem motiverar dagens medvetna föräldrar (Swedish only), parents who have chosen to participate in Triple P in preschools have been interviewed. In the other one parents who chose not to participate were interviewed. Read the thesis Man går inte till banken bara för att säga att man har tillräckligt med pengar (Swedish only).
When the project finished in 2011, Uppsala municipality decided to continue offering Triple P in preschools for two more years while also cooperating with our research group. In 2013, Uppsala municipality and our research group started collaborating on a new project Children and Parents in Focus. As part of this project, more preschool teachers were trained to deliver Triple P.
Read more about the Children and Parents in Focus trial.
Read more about Triple P in Uppsala municipality here (Swedish only).