Ongoing research projects
- Finding ways to each other - Early intervention for language and communication on Gotland (Information only in Swedish)
- Measuring social sustainability among children and young people - Mina Svar (My Answers) (Information only in Swedish)
- Calculation tool for social investments
- "Parenting with Awareness and Compassion" - Strengthening parenting support for parents-to-be
- Healthier Wealthier Families (HWF)
- In my shoes
- Long-term consequences of mental health problems and socio-economic vulnerability among preschool children
- Mental health among young people on Gotland
- Public involvement in research - how do we do it in a meaningful and ethical way?
- Research meets art: Communicating research on public involvement
- "Safe groups": interventions for women who have experienced migration and gender-based violence
- "Together for a safe start" - An extended home visit programme in vulnerable areas
- Trauma support in your pocket
- Triumph Hero: Game-based digital solution (app) for children and young people (Information only in Swedish)
- Everyday life and parenting
- Consent, Mutuality & Sexual Violence Among Youth: A School-based Impact Evaluation