Tools for Social Investments

There is an increased need amongst local decision-makers, NGO’s and the society at large to both work more preventively and widen the perspective of potential effects of early interventions. If we are planning to make investments in children and adolescents mental wellbeing, it is of relevance to include estimates on the costs and potential savings related to these investments. At the same time we want to think and plan with a long-term perspective, use more evidence-based methods and keep up to date with new information and discoveries. Can we expect decision-makers to do all of that?


There is an increased need amongst local decision-makers, NGO’s and the society at large to both work more preventively and widen the perspective of potential effects of early interventions. If we are planning to make investments in children and adolescents mental wellbeing, it is of relevance to include estimates on the costs and potential savings related to these investments. At the same time we want to think and plan with a long-term perspective, use more evidence-based methods and keep up to date with new information and discoveries. Can we expect decision-makers to do all of that?

The aim of the Tool for Social Investments that we have developed in collaboration with the foundation Idéer för Livet, is to provide a platform for evidence based work within mental health. This tool provides information regarding what evidence based methods are available, how effective they are, what they cost and what their potential health and economic returns are.

The tool is free to use, and the only thing you need to access it is to attend a 1-day training course (free of charge). The tool is only available in Swedish. If you are interested, please have a look at the tool on their website!

Do you want to attend a training course? Email to their support!

