Research meets art: Communicating research on public involvement

Sound art piece on co-creation and participation

Sound art piece on co-creation and participation Photo: Mikael Wallerstedt

This project is a collaboration between researchers, co-researchers with a refugee background, a communicator and an professional artist. Together we explore how to do meaningful and ethical involvement with forced migrants - and how the results can be communicated through art.

  • Period: 2022-12-01 – 2024-11-30
  • Funder: Swedish Research Council
  • Type of funding: Projektbidrag


In the project, researchers, co-researchers with a refugee background, a communicator and a professional artist collaborate on what is the main question of the research - how to do meaningful and ethical co-creative research with refugees and how this can be communicated outside academia. Within the project we create three communication platforms:

  • A handbook with a practical guide to ethical involvement in research with people with experience of forced migration.
  • An experience-based artwork, derived from how the research results are interpreted by a professional artist.
  • Training materials for researchers and organisations that want to work with involvement.

This project builds on research findings from a PhD project on involving forced migrants as co-researchers. The results are based on data from behavioural observations, focus group discussions and analyses of involvement processes.

The project will run during 2023 and 2024.

Participants' hands meet in sound art works

Photo: Mikael Wallerstedt

The artist and composer Anna Haglund, in collaboration with the research group CHAP, Uppsala University, has created a sound art piece that, with a focus on co-creation and participation, examines care and trust.

When do you feel like a human being? During 2023–2024, Anna Haglund has been an artist-in-residence in the research group CHAP (Child Health and Parenting) at Uppsala University. Based primarily on Elin Inge's research on emotional and ethical factors in co-creative research, the interactive sound art piece “In(ter)vention: I felt like a human being” was created.

In the work, Anna Haglund explores how we can create spaces where care, trust and listening can take place and form the basis for interpersonal coexistence. What happens to us when we find ourselves in situations that require our presence as human beings, beyond our social or professional roles?

Artistic advisors: Elize Arvefjord, Johanna Hästö, Ellen Söderhult and Emma Örn

The work is available in both Swedish and English.

The art work will be unveiled during autumn 2024.

Would you like to experience the art work?

Click on the link to see the time for all the events, read more about the art work and book a place.

Elin Inge, PhD student

Anna Haglund, Artist

Helena Conning, Communicator

Georgina Warner, Associate professor

Nimo Elmi & Yasmin Cumar, Co-researchers with lived experience

Anna Sarkadi, Professor


Reach out to Elin Inge with questions regarding this project.

Project leader: Anna Sarkadi
Co-investigators: Elin Inge, Georgina Warner, Helena Conning, Nimo Elmi, Yasmin Cumar

