Mental health in young people on Gotland

More than 10 percent of adolescents in Sweden are estimated to suffer from mental health problems. Stigmatisation of mental illness also increases the suffering. Over time, there has been an increase in self-reported mental health difficulties and diagnosed psychiatric conditions among adolescents.

  • Period: 2023-05-19 – 2024-12-31
  • Funder: Länsförsäkringar Gotland; Planeringsrådet Campus Gotland; Region Gotland


More than 10 percent of adolescents in Sweden are estimated to suffer from mental health problems. Stigmatisation of mental illness also increases the suffering. Over time, there has been an increase in self-reported mental health difficulties and diagnosed psychiatric conditions among adolescents. When planning to improve adolescents’ mental health, it is important to listen to their voices on mental health concepts, the prevalence of mental health problems and how to measure the actual prevalence.

A collaboration project between Uppsala University, Region Gotland and Läsförsäkringar, focusing on mental health in young people on Gotland, has been initiated.

The project involves Professor Anna Sarkadi, Associate Professor Natalie Durbeej, and PhD student Veronica Hermann.

For more information, contact PhD-student Veronica Hermann.


The project comprises four sub-studies:

1. Adolescents’ views on mental health

In this study, 32 adolescents aged 15-18 years on Gotland were interviewed about their views on mental well-being, mental health problems and related stigma. The results have been presented in the following publications:

2. Description of adolescents’ mental health

In 2021, both mental well-being and symptoms of mental health problems were measured through the Life and Health in Youth survey of all secondary schools on Gotland. By combining responses according to the two-factor model of mental health, four groups with different mental health status were formed. The mental health status of each group was described and associations with various background factors were explored.

Två-faktor modellen för psykisk hälsaZoom image

Figur 1 Image of the two-factor model for mental health, from the Licentiate thesis "Mental health, mental ill health and related stigma - A qualitative study from the perspective of young people, Veronica Hermann, 2022

Some results based on the two-factor model for mental health can be found in the report “How healthy are adolescents on Gotland?” (in Swedish) - "Hur mår ungdomar på Gotland?”. Further results will be presented in a scientific article, which is currently under review by a journal.

3. Measurement of stereotypical stigmatising attitudes towards mental health problems among adolescents

The Life and health Youth (LHU) survey conducted in secondary schools on Gotland in 2021 included an instrument to measure stereotypical stigmatising attitudes towards mental health problems. Analysis of the responses is ongoing to explore the instrument's ability to measure attitudes that can lead to stigmatising behaviour.

4. Follow-up of the dissemination of First Aid for Mental Health in the population

Since 2019, an initiative on Gotland to disseminate the Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) programme has been on-going, through the association MindShift Gotland. This including Region Gotland and various actors in the business community and the non-profit sector. At the end of 2024, a follow-up on the awareness of the programme and attitudes towards people with mental health problems will be carried out.

Project leader: Anna Sarkadi
Co-investigators: Natalie Durbeej, Veronica Hermann

