Names in the news in Science and Technology
Awards and grants within the Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology:
Johan Tysk, Professor of Mathematics, has been awarded the Gustaf Adolf Medal in Gold by Vice-Chancellor Anders Hagfeldt.
Peter Stoica, Professor of Systems Modelling 98, has been named Inaugural Highly Cited Scholar by ScholarGPS.
- The Academia and Industry in Collaboration for Future Fusion Energy project receives SEK 7.6 million in funding, with Anders Hjalmarsson at the Division of Applied Nuclear Physics as the main applicant
- Improvement of Uncertainty Propagation to increase the Efficiency of Future nuclear reactors (IMUPEF) is awarded SEK 5.3 million and is a doctoral project at the Division of Applied Nuclear Physics with Erik Andersson Sundén as the main applicant
- The project MÅSTE (Multidisciplinary Commitments for Sweden's Gene IV Technology and Expertise) includes the following co-applicants from the Department of Physics and Astronomy: Henrik Sjöstrand, Sophie Grape and Mattias Lantz at Applied Nuclear Physics and Mattias Klintenberg, Materials Theory. Of the SEK 49.2 million, SEK 15.8 million will go to Uppsala University
- The project A collaborative platform for research and development for fusion power plants involves Eduardo Pitthan Filho and Jacob Eriksson from the Department of Physics and Astronomy and Daniel Primetzhofer, Department of Physics and Astronomy and the Tandem Laboratory. Of the project funding of almost SEK 27 million, approximately SEK 7.5 million goes to Uppsala University
- The Nuclear Materials Platform (NuMaP) involves Daniel Primetzhofer, Department of Physics and Astronomy and the Tandem Laboratory, and Gunnar Westin, Department of Chemistry and Astrophysics, from Uppsala University. Of the SEK 39 million project grant, SEK 6.1 million goes to Uppsala University.
Anneli Björkman