Additional Telephony Services

Here you will find current additional services for mobile subscriptions and fixed extensions.

Mobile subscriptions

Refers to additional services for:

  • Mobile subscriptions for MEX (Mobile Extension)
  • Standalone mobile subscriptions

Orders for additional services should be sent to IT support.

Additional services can also be selected on the order form when ordering subscriptions.


e-SIMinvolves attaching a digital SIM card to the mobile phone. e-SIM can completely replace the physical SIM card.

Conditions for e-SIM

  • The user needs a mobile phone that supports e-SIM
  • QR code is delivered digitally as a PDF file
  • Activation of e-SIM needs to be done within 90 days
  • Physical SIM card works until e-SIM is activated
  • In addition to scanning the QR code, it is also possible to activate e-SIM manually
  • The QR code can only be scanned once

e-SIM and want to change my mobile phone

A few models can transfer e-SIM directly between different mobile phones; please see each model's information on whether such support exists. However, in most cases, you will need to order a new QR code to scan with the new mobile phone and activate e-SIM again. When e-SIM is activated on the new device, the corresponding e-SIM on the old device will cease to function.

Extra Data-SIM

Extra Data-SIM is an additional SIM card that can be used in a tablet, USB modem, or laptop. The SIM card is linked to an existing corporate mobile subscription and shares its mobile data. Currently, we only provide physical SIM cards for this service. The service has a fixed monthly cost that is billed together with the corporate mobile subscription.

Note: Extra Data-SIM should not be confused with Mobile Broadband, which is a standalone data subscription whose mobile data/Internet usage is only valid within Sweden.


Voicemail allows for recording a greeting message and receiving voice messages. Notification of new voice messages is sent via SMS. Ordering and cancelling voicemail/mobile voicemail is done through a request to IT support.

Fixed extensions

Voicemail/CMG Voice

Voicemail in CMG Voice is a free service for landline connections. The service allows you to receive voice messages and record a personal greeting. Notification of new voice messages is sent via email.


To activate voicemail, send a request to IT support, specifying "Voicemail order" or "Voicemail order without the ability to leave a message" in the subject line.

A quick guide for voicemail can be found under Forms, Guides, etc.

