6 Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (SCAS)
Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (SCAS)
Chartered by the Government of Sweden as an institute for advanced study, the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study is a national scientific institution and resource, aiming to provide optimal research conditions for curiosity-driven, cutting-edge research. The Collegium offers exceptional and creative scholars a scholarly community where they are free to pursue research of their own choosing in a context of interdisciplinary dialogue, discussion, and cooperation. Since its foundation in 1985, the Collegium strives to protect and nurture independent inquiry, collaborative and creative thinking, and to emphasize the importance of academic freedom worldwide. Governmental support and support from major research foundations, such as Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ) and the Swedish Research Council (VR), allow the invited Fellows to engage in focused research and to collaborate across disciplinary boundaries.
The Collegium is open to applications from scholars across the range of the human and social sciences, as well as from scholars engaged in cross-faculty topics with a natural science component.
Advanced senior scholars as well as early-career scholars are hosted as residential Fellows during one semester or an entire academic year. All candidates are assessed on the basis of their individual achievements and the quality and promise of their research proposal, including those who apply within the framework of a group. Every year presents a novel mixture of Fellows from all over the world who either work on their individual projects or who are part of a cluster of scholars with similar interests.
Read more: http://www.swedishcollegium.se
- Telefon:
- 072-999 95 10
- E-post:
- info@swedishcollegium.se
- Besöksadress:
- Villavägen 6C
752 38 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Villavägen 6C
752 38 Uppsala - Webbsida:
- http://www.swedishcollegium.se
- Prefekt:
- Ekonomiadministration:
- Albu, Oana
- Gästforskare
- oana.albu@swedishcollegium.se
- Avle, Seyram
- Gästforskare
- seyram.avle@swedishcollegium.se
- Bassin, Mark
- Gästforskare
- Berger, Thor
- Gästforskare
- thor.berger@swedishcollegium.se
- Bjarnegård, Elin
- Gästforskare
- elin.bjarnegard@swedishcollegium.se
- Blom, Mattias Bolkéus
- Forskningssamordnare
- 070-425 00 22
- mattias.blom@swedishcollegium.se
- Bondar, Kateryna
- Gästforskare
- kateryna.bondar@swedishcollegium.se
- Caglar, Ayse
- Gästforskare
- ayse.caglar@swedishcollegium.se
- Ciepley, David
- Gästforskare
- Ekström, Anders
- Gästforskare
- anders.ekstrom@swedishcollegium.se
- Epstein, Yaffa
- Gästforskare
- yaffa.epstein@swedishcollegium.se
- Garsten, Andreas
- Administrativ assistent
- andreas.garsten@swedishcollegium.se
- Holmberg, Linn
- Gästforskare
- Karlander, David
- Gästforskare
- david.karlander@swedishcollegium.se
- Kurt, Ümit
- Gästforskare
- umit.kurt@swedishcollegium.se
- Laterza, Vito
- Gästforskare
- vito.laterza@swedishcollegium.se
- Lee, Daniel
- Gästforskare
- daniel.lee@swedishcollegium.se
- Lucic, Iva
- Gästforskare
- iva.lucic@swedishcollegium.se
- Mack, Jennifer
- Gästforskare
- jennifer.mack@swedishcollegium.se
- Nauman, Sari
- Gästforskare
- sari.nauman@swedishcollegium.se
- Neufeld, Janina
- Gästforskare
- janina.neufeld@swedishcollegium.se
- Odengrund, Maria
- Administrativ samordnare
- 070-425 04 13
- maria.odengrund@swedishcollegium.se
- Oras, Ester
- Gästforskare
- ester.oras@swedishcollegium.se
- Rowe, Locke
- Gästforskare
- Somel, Mehmet
- Gästforskare
- mehmet.somel@swedishcollegium.se
- Svensson, Anna
- Forskningssekreterare
- 076-777 70 29
- anna.svensson@swedishcollegium.se
- Sörbom, Astrid
- Forskningsadministratör
- 070-425 03 86
- astrid.sorbom@swedishcollegium.se
- Thaler, Mathias
- Gästforskare
- mathias.thaler@swedishcollegium.se
- Werner, Ellen
- Projektadministratör
- 070-425 04 08
- ellen.werner@swedishcollegium.se
- Wittrock, Björn
- Professor emeritus
- bjorn.wittrock@swedishcollegium.se
- Yamazaki, Yoko
- Gästforskare
- yoko.yamazaki@swedishcollegium.se
- Yildiz, Emrah
- Gästforskare
- emrah.yildiz@swedishcollegium.se
- Zetterberg, Pär
- Gästforskare
- par.zetterberg@swedishcollegium.se