Åsa Cajander
Professor vid Institutionen för informationsteknologi; Vi3; Människa-Maskininteraktion
- Mobiltelefon:
- 070-425 07 86
- E-post:
- Asa.Cajander@it.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Hus 10, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
- Postadress:
- Box 337
751 05 UPPSALA
Rådgivare vid Universitetets ledning; Rektorsråd
- Mobiltelefon:
- 070-425 07 86
Ladda ned kontaktuppgifter för Åsa Cajander vid Universitetets ledning; Rektorsråd
- Akademiska meriter:
- Docent, Excellent lärare
- 0000-0001-7472-2215
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Kort presentation
Åsa Cajander är professor i människa-datorinteraktion vid Uppsala universitet, där hon specialiserar sig på samspelet mellan IT och arbetsmiljöer. Hennes forskning är innefattar e-hälsa, inkluderande design och hur automatisering påverkar arbetsplatser. Åsa leder forskargruppen Human Technology and Organisation (HTO) och fungerar som rådgivare till rektor i frågor om lika villkor. Hon är också Excellenta lärare.
- agile
- arbetsmiljö
- digital arbetsmiljö
- ehealth
- ehealth services for patients
- global software engineering
- it
- learning
- professional competencies
- software engineering
- sustainable development
- usability
- user centred design
- work engagement
Min forskning fokuserar på samspelet mellan digitalisering, arbetsmiljö och teknikens påverkan på människor. Jag är särskilt intresserad av hur IT-system utformas och implementeras för att stödja hälsa och välbefinnande på arbetsplatsen, med en specifik inriktning på e-hälsa, inkluderande design och effekterna av automatisering och AI på arbetsmiljöer. Inom dessa områden har jag lett flera forskningsprojekt, däribland studier om digitaliseringens inverkan på sjukvård och arbetsplatser samt utveckling av digitala tjänster och verktyg som stödjer både användare och vårdgivare.
Jag har varit huvudhandledare för:
- Jonathan Källbäcker, doktorsexamen förväntas 2028
- Awais Ahmad, doktorsexamen förväntas 2026
- Shweta Premanandan, disputerade 2024
- Gerolf Nauwerck, halv-way seminar 2016
- Diane Golay, disputerade 2022
- Thomas Lind, disputerade 2017
Jag har också varit bihandledare för:
- Celina Sving, Uppsala universitet doktorsexamen förväntas 2029
- Andreas Bergqvist, Uppsala universitet doktorsexamen förväntas 2029
- Irene Muli, Uppsala universitet doktorsexamen 2024 eller 2025
- Annika Bärkås, Uppsala universitet doktorsexamen 2024
- Hanife Rexhepi Högskolan i Skövde, doktorsexamen 2019
- Christian Grünloh KTH, doktorsexamen 2018
- Marta Larusdottir, KTH, doktorsexamen 2012
Jag har handlett eller handleder följande postdoktorer:
- Magdalena Stadin (2021–2025)
- Jonas Moll (2016–2018)
- Thomas Lind (2017–2019)
- Isabella Scandurra (2014-2016)
I min forskargrupp, Human Technology and Organisation (HTO), bedriver vi både grundläggande och tillämpad forskning inom områden som sjukvård, arbetsmiljö och digitalisering av arbetsplatser. Vår forskning finansieras av olika forskningsfonder och vi arbetar ofta i interdisciplinära projekt som kombinerar empiriska studier med utveckling av nya teorier och metoder. Ett exempel på vårt arbete är forskningsprojektet "AROA" som utforskar arbetsengagemang vid automatisering och robotisering, finansierat av AFA Försäkring.
Sedan 2013 har jag också lett DOME-konsortiet (Deployment of Online Medical Records and E-Health Services), vilket har spelat en central roll i att utforska och förbättra användningen av digitala patientjournaler i Sverige.
Betygskommittéer och uppdrag som opponent
Jag har varit opponent och ledamot i ett 30-tal betygskommittéer för doktorsavhandlingar både nationellt och internationellt, med fokus på människa-datorinteraktion och eHälsa.
Undervisning och forskarutbildningskurser
Jag har undervisat kontinuerligt i över 30 år och har tilldeltats titeln "Excellent lärare". Dessutom organiserar och leder jag forskarutbildningskurser, ofta i samarbete med andra forskare, med fokus disputationer inom HCI och review av forskningsartiklar.
Jag granskar årligen ett flertal examensarbeten, främst från programmen inom STS, MDI, IT och datavetenskap.
Jag har omfattande erfarenhet av samarbete med industrin, särskilt inom projekt som rör digitalisering och arbetsmiljö. Jag har också arbetat i många aktionsforskningsprojekt.
Jag har haft flera ledande uppdrag inom akademin, inklusive rollen som rådgivare till rektor i frågor om lika villkor vid Uppsala universitet. Jag har också varit medlem i det permanenta elektorskollegiet vid universitetet och har varit aktiv i olika program- och anställningskommittéer.
Sakkunnig och extern bedömare
Jag har haft förmånen att tjänstgöra som sakkunnig och extern bedömare vid många universitet och forskningsinstitutioner, både nationellt och internationellt. I denna roll har jag granskat ansökningar för akademiska tjänster, bedömt forskningsprojekt och bidragit till rekryteringsprocesser för professorer och lektorer. Mitt arbete som sakkunnig har inkluderat granskning av forskningskvalitet, vetenskapliga bidrag och pedagogisk skicklighet, där jag har fokuserat på att säkerställa att kandidater uppfyller höga akademiska standarder.
Uppsala Computing Education Group: http://www.it.uu.se/research/group/upcerg
Human Technology and Organisations Research group. https://hto.blog.uu.se/
Urval av publikationer
- Experiences of Extensive User Involvement through Vision Seminars in a Large IT Project (2023)
- Information Technology Use and Tasks Left Undone by Nursing Staff (2023)
- Contextual Think Aloud (2023)
- Designing for Human Well-Being (2022)
- Effects of patient accessible electronic health records on nurses’ work environment (2022)
- UX professionals’ learning and usage of UX methods in agile (2022)
- Artificial intelligence, robotisation and the work environment (2022)
- Artificiell intelligens, robotisering och arbetsmiljön (2022)
Senaste publikationer
- Improving Remote Examination Formats (2024)
- A Qualitative Study with Informal Caregivers and Healthcare Professionals for Individuals with Head and Neck Cancer on the Usage of AI Chatbots (2024)
- From Assistance to Misconduct: Unpacking the Complex Role of Generative AI Use in Student Learning (2024)
- The Impact of Digitalisation on Work Engagement - Protocol for a Scoping Review (2024)
- Towards a framework for digital work engagement of enabling technologies (2024)
Alla publikationer
- Insights from the Implementation of Open Notes in Sweden (2024)
- Adolescents' reasons for accessing their health records online, perceived usefulness and experienced provider encouragement (2024)
- Security and Privacy of Online Record Access (2024)
- A Nordic Perspective on Patient Online Record Access and the European Health Data Space (2024)
- The effect of internet-administered support (carer eSupport) on preparedness for caregiving in informal caregivers of patients with head and neck cancer compared with support as usual (2024)
- Benchmarking usability of patient portals in Estonia, Finland, Norway, and Sweden (2024)
- To read or not to read - A cross-sectional study of Swedish primary care patients' adoption of patient accessible electronic health records (2024)
- Video Consultations and Environmental Sustainability - Usability's Impact on Long-Term Use. (2024)
- HealthCheck (2024)
- Designing and Evaluating IT Applications for Informal Caregivers (2024)
- Positive Design Framework for Carer-eSupport (2023)
- Errors, Omissions, and Offenses in the Health Record of Mental Health Care Patients (2023)
- Experiences of Extensive User Involvement through Vision Seminars in a Large IT Project (2023)
- Information Technology Use and Tasks Left Undone by Nursing Staff (2023)
- The NORDeHEALTH 2022 Patient Survey (2023)
- Understanding the challenges and need for support of informal caregivers to individuals with head and neck cancer - A basis for developing internet-based support (2023)
- To connect or not connect (2023)
- Designing a Mobile e-Coaching App for Immigrant Informal Caregivers (2023)
- Design Suggestions for a Persuasive E-coaching Application (2023)
- Designing and Evaluating IT Applications for Informal Caregivers (2023)
- Users’ Experiences With Online Access to Electronic Health Records in Mental and Somatic Health Care (2023)
- Designing for Human Well-Being (2022)
- Effects of patient accessible electronic health records on nurses’ work environment (2022)
- UX professionals’ learning and usage of UX methods in agile (2022)
- Walking in the Jungle with a Machete (2022)
- Effortlessness and Security (2022)
- Negative emotions induced by work-related information technology use in hospital nursing (2022)
- Implementing Large-Scale Electronic Health Records (2022)
- Personalized Digital Health and Patient-Centric Services (2022)
- Internet-based support for informal caregivers to individuals with head and neck cancer (Carer eSupport) (2022)
- Healthcare Professionals' Experiences of the Work Environment After Patients' Access to Their Electronic Health Records - A Qualitative Study in Primary Care. (2022)
- Defining digital excellence: requisite skills and policy implications for digital transformation (2022)
- Patients’ Access to Their Psychiatric Notes (2021)
- Professional decision making with digitalisation of patient contacts in a medical advice setting (2021)
- Technological and informational frames (2021)
- Non-use of Digital Health Consultations Among Swedish Elderly Living in the Countryside (2021)
- Cancer patients' information seeking behavior related to online electronic healthcare records. (2021)
- Computer science club for girls and boys – a survey study on gender differences (2021)
- Help-seeking behaviour and attitudes towards internet-administered psychological support among adolescent and young adults previously treated for cancer during childhood (2021)
- The effects of automation of a patient‑centric service in primary care on the work engagement and exhaustion of nurses (2020)
- User Experiences of an Internet-Based Stepped-Care Intervention for Individuals With Cancer and Concurrent Symptoms of Anxiety or Depression (the U-CARE AdultCan Trial) (2020)
- Oncology health-care professionals’ perceived effects of patient accessible electronic health records 6 years after launch (2020)
- ‘I do not share it with others. No, it’s for me, it’s my care’ (2020)
- Searching for global employability (2019)
- Complex systems for society (2018)
- ACM SIGCHI/EIT health summer school on user-centered design in e-Health (2018)
- Why do they need to check me? (2018)
- Patients' experiences of accessing their electronic health records (2018)
- Cancer patients' attitudes and experiences of online access to their electronic medical records (2018)
- On threats and violence for staff and patient accessible electronic health records (2018)
- What is the use of vision seminars? (2017)
- A license to kill (2017)
- Digital transformation and the changing role of student administrators (2017)
- Swinging machetes in the jungle (2017)
- Peer reflection on inclusive supervision (2016)
- The record is our work tool! (2016)
- Patients reading their medical records (2016)
- Things take time (2015)
- Collaborative technologies in global engineering (2015)
- Patients' perceptions of their medical records from different subject positions (2015)
- Informal feedback rather than performance measurements (2014)
- Empowerment or anxiety? (2013)
- On valuing peers (2012)
- Reasoning about the value of cultural awareness in international collaboration (2011)
- Assessing professional skills in engineering education (2011)
- Constructive controversy as a way to create "true collaboration" in an open ended group project setting (2010)
- Engineering Education Research in Practice (2010)
- User-Centred Systems Design as Organizational Change (2009)
- Evolution of an international collaborative student project (2009)
- Key principles for user centred systems design (2003)
- Work environment and computer systems development (2003)
- Design for Well-Being of Informal Caregivers: Insights from Carer eSupport Users Caring for Head and Neck Cancer Patients.
- Who uses video consultations, and why?
- Implementing Patient Accessible Electronic Health Records in Primary Care
- Personalized Digital Health and Patient-Centric Services (2022)
- Integrating User-Centred Design in Agile Development (2016)
- Usability – Who Cares? (2010)
- Values and perspectives affecting IT systems development and usability work (2006)
- User-Centered Design Approaches and Software Development Processes (2023)
- Personcentrering med journalåtkomst och andra e-hälsotjänster (2020)
- Den digitala arbetsmiljön inomhälso- och sjukvården (2020)
- Integrating user-centred design in agile development (2016)
- Workshop on the integration of user-centred design and agile development (2016)
- Challenges from integrating usability activities in Scrum (2016)
- Internationella studentprojekt – en ämnesdidaktisk utmaning (2010)
- Usability and User’s Health Issues in Systems Development - Attitudes and Perspectives (2007)
- Improving Remote Examination Formats (2024)
- A Qualitative Study with Informal Caregivers and Healthcare Professionals for Individuals with Head and Neck Cancer on the Usage of AI Chatbots (2024)
- From Assistance to Misconduct: Unpacking the Complex Role of Generative AI Use in Student Learning (2024)
- Towards a framework for digital work engagement of enabling technologies (2024)
- Design Methods in Connected Health (2024)
- A Plan for a Joint Study into the Impacts of AI on Professional Competencies of IT Professionals and Implications for Computing Students (2024)
- Impact of healthcare education on preferences for electronic health records (2024)
- Digitalisation and the Work Environment: Insights from Evaluating the Contextual Think-Aloud Method (2024)
- Video Consultations and Environmental Sustainability – Usability’s Impact on Long-Term Use (2024)
- Restructuring Teaching/Learning and Assessment Activities in an Online Course to Ensure Constructive Alignment (2024)
- Digital Inertia (2024)
- Contextual Think Aloud (2023)
- Designing a Persuasive E-Coaching Application for Informal Caregivers (2023)
- Generic Requirements for Inclusive Healthcare Software (2023)
- Collective Collaboration Mapping’ towards Knowledge Commons (2023)
- Patients' Access to Their Psychiatric Records (2022)
- Towards Mapping of Information Technology (2022)
- An Emotion-driven Approach to Hospital Physicians' Work-Related User Experience (2022)
- Making Visible and Modeling the Underrepresented (2022)
- Role Modeling as a Computing Educator in Higher Education (2022)
- Contextual Personas (2022)
- How To Train Your Stakeholders (2022)
- Why Don't You Tell Me What I Need to Know? (2021)
- Introduction to User-Centred Design Sprint (2021)
- Describing Digital Work Environment Through Contextual Personas (2021)
- What brings women into ehealth? (2020)
- Communication Breakdowns between Nurses and IT Department (2020)
- The Use of Scenarios in a Vision Seminar Process (2020)
- On Patient Accessible Electronic Health Records and the Experienced Effect on the Work Environment of Nurses (2020)
- Design Guidelines for Educational Games Targeting Children (2020)
- Care ethics to develop computing and engineering education for sustainability (2020)
- Cancer patients' information seeking behaviour related to online electronic healthcare records (2020)
- Students as Prosumers (2020)
- Electronic health records are more than a work tool (2019)
- Age-related differences in seeking clarification to understand medical record information (2019)
- Automatic for the People (2019)
- Utilising Diversity for Project Work and Learning (2019)
- Software engineering with conflicting user needs (2018)
- Using data for better cancer treatments (2018)
- Medical records online for patients and effects on the work environment of nurses (2018)
- Modelling Competencies for Computing Education beyond 2020 (2018)
- Modeling Global Competencies for Computing Education (2018)
- 50 years of software engineering (2018)
- Why are we here? (2018)
- The self-flipped classroom concept (2018)
- Unexpected student behaviour and learning opportunities (2017)
- Why are we here? (2017)
- The Archetype Learning Method (2017)
- What computing instructors did last summer (2017)
- Designing eHealth Services for Patients and Relatives (2016)
- A framework for writing learning agreements (2016)
- Empowering towards healthy behaviours (2016)
- Responsibilities and challenges of product owners at Spotify (2016)
- Students envisioning the future (2016)
- Stakeholder Involvement in Agile Software Development (2016)
- Motivation, optimal experience and flow in first year computing science (2016)
- "Please do not confuse your Google search with my medical degree"? (2016)
- Worlds Apart (2015)
- Contextual personas as a method for understanding digital work environments (2015)
- Challenges for action research on HWID in activity based workplaces (2015)
- Vision seminars and administration of university education (2015)
- Competencies for paradigm shift "survival" (2015)
- User and client satisfaction in agile development (2015)
- Perseverance measures and attainment in first year computing science students (2015)
- A comparative analysis of two globally distributed group projects (2015)
- Preparing the global software engineer (2015)
- Cancer patients' attitudes and experiences of online medical records (2015)
- Critical thinking, peer-writing, and the importance of feedback (2014)
- On the establishment of user-centred perspectives (2014)
- Towards using the creation of a mosaic as a metaphor for change (2014)
- On the integration of user centred design in agile development (2014)
- Continuous improvement in agile development practice (2014)
- Integrating global systems development skills into the engineering curriculum (2014)
- Towards national deployment of online medical records and eHealth services (2014)
- Existing but not explicit (2013)
- Using open-ended group projects in HCI courses (2013)
- Experiences and attitudes of patients reading their medical records (2013)
- Mind the gap (2013)
- Investigation into the personal epistemology of Computer Science students (2013)
- Contemplations on results from investigating the personal epistemology of computing students (2013)
- Intercultural competence in global collaboration courses in computer engineering (2012)
- Professionella kompetenser i projektkurser (2012)
- Categorizing how students use collaborative technologies in a globally distributed project (2012)
- Managing international student collaborations (2012)
- The usage of usability techniques in Scrum projects (2012)
- The big picture of UX is missing in Scrum projects (2012)
- Student reflections on collaborative technology in a globally distributed student project (2012)
- Development of Professional Competencies in Engineering Education (2011)
- Towards a usability coaching method for institutionalizing usability in organisations (2010)
- Experiences from using Constructive Controversy in an Open Ended Group Project (2010)
- Introducing an external mentor in an international open ended group project (2009)
- Students analyzing their collaboration in an international open ended group project (2009)
- Hello World! (2009)
- Introducing Usability Roles in Public Authorities (2008)
- Only Figures Matter? (2008)
- Automation and E-government Services (2007)
- Evaluating Procurement, Usability and Off-the-Shelf Office Software (2007)
- Management Perspectives on Usability in a Public Authority - A Case Study (2006)
- Managing cross-cultural differences in an open ended group project course (2005)
- Artificial intelligence, robotisation and the work environment (2022)
- Artificiell intelligens, robotisering och arbetsmiljön (2022)
- Digital spetskompetens – den nya renässansmänniskan (2020)
- Journal via nätet (2016)
- Cancerpatienter och användningen av journal via nätet (2015)
- Ekonomiadministratörernas IT-relaterade arbetsmiljö vid Uppsala universitet (2014)
- Förstudierapport (2013)
- Användbara IT-stöd (2008)