Our projects
We explore ethical, philosophical and societal aspects of research and clinical practice. We create value with and for stakeholders through identifying and helping them solve ethical issues.
European cooperation projects
- CAVAA: Counterfactual Assessment and Valuation for Awareness Architecture (European Innovation Council)
- ConcePTION: Building an ecosystem for better monitoring and communicating of medication safety in pregnancy and
breastfeeding: validated and regulatory endorsed workflows for fast, optimised evidence generation (Innovative Medicines Initiative) - ENLIGHTENme: Innovative policies for improving citizens’ health and wellbeing addressing indoor and outdoor lighting (Horizon 2020)
- MINDtheGEPs: Modifying Institutions by Developing Gender Equality Plans (Horizon 2020)
- Neurotwin: Digital twins for model-driven non-invasive electrical brain stimulation (Horizon 2020)
- ONCOLOGICS: AI-based decision support for better treatment of colorectal cancer (ERA-PERMED)
- RELIABLE: Targeting subclinical motor and cognitive impairment in patients with early onset Multiple Sclerosis at high Risk of disEase acitivity through a preventive personaLised and InnovAtive rehaBiLitation stratEgy (ERA-PERMED)
- Screen4Care: Shortening the path to rare disease diagnosis by using newborn genetic screening and digital technologies (Innovative Medicines Initiative)
The Swedish Research Council
- In the best interest of the child? Ethical, legal and empirical assessments of decisions in social service to restrict social contact
- Just Severity: Severity as a priority setting criterion in healthcare
- Strain a gnat & swallow a camel? Ethical review of humanities and social sciences fit for purpose
- Severity as a priority setting criterion in health care
Other funders
- AICare: AI and Automated systems and the Right to Health - Revisiting law accounting for the exploitation of users’ preferences and values (WASP-HS)
- GPStress: Interpersonal and contextual causes of stress in general practice consultations - A focus group study (Region Sörmland)
- Providing dietary advice in primary care (Uppsala University)
- Public perceptions of cancer risk (Swedish Cancer Society)
- RUBIKS: Ethical and clinical aspects of recruiting children with cancer to research (Swedish Childhood Cancer Society)
- Transformation of family medicine (Region Sörmland, Uppsala University)
Recently completed projects
- Human Brain Project (EU FET Flagship)
- Mind the Risk: Ethical, psychological and social implications of provision of risk information from genetic and related technologies. A joint European research program. (Riksbankens jubileumsfond)
- MEET-AML: Metabolic vulnerabilities for personalized therapeutic approaches in acute myeloid leukemia (ERA-PERMED)
- BRIDGE: Bridging Integrity in Higher Education, Business and Society (Erasmus + Strategic Partnership)
- Governance of health data in cyberspace (NordForsk)
- PREFER: Patient Preferences in Benefit-Risk Assessments during the Drug Life Cycle (Innovative Medicines Initiative)
- SIENNA: Stakeholder-Informed Ethics for New technologies with high socio-ecoNomic and human rights impAct (Horizon 2020)
- STARBIOS2: Structural Transformation to Attain Responsible BIOSciences (Horizon 2020)
Outcomes of our work
Our publications
We publish the results of our research in scientific journals and in books. We publish dissertations, recommendations and reports and participate in the debate - both in media and through the Ethics Blog.
Our dissertations
Explore the wide range of research topics and questions our doctoral students have undertaken throughout the years.
Our recommendations & reports
We share the results of our work in sicentific journals, books and reports. Our recommendations provide support for decision-makers.
Our areas of expertise
Healthcare, public health & professional ethics
We explore ethical issues raised in clinical practice and care, preventive programmes, and healthcare management. Examining policy, organisation, professional roles and value conflicts.
Biomedicine, biobanks & genomics
We explore the ethical and societal aspects of genetic genomic data collection, storage and use in biobank and registry studies, and the translation of biomedical research results into clinical applications.
Research ethics & academic integrity
We explore value conflicts and ethical issues related to research practice: providing a bridge from research ethics to academic integrity providing guidance on informed consent, academic publishing, and good research practice.
Brain, consciousness & artificial intelligence
We explore ethical, social and philosophical questions raised by artificial intelligence, neuroscience and brain research, consciousness and cognition, and the idea and use of digital twins.
Food, medicine & environment
We explore the value conflicts and ethical dilemmas that we experience as individuals, patients and professionals in relation to what we eat, the medicines we use, and where we live.
Policy, engagement & communication
We explore current ethical issues together with stakeholders. Our work provides insights on how to communicate with citizens, patients and professionals about research, risk and individual responsibility.