BUP Master Thesis Training 2024

The 2024 BUP Master Thesis Training (MTT) was held in Uppsala between 25-28 March. The event welcomed 23 students to Uppsala from eight different Baltic Sea Region countries. The central tenet of the event is to offer master students from the Baltic Sea Region the opportunity to come together, interact and network with fellow students and experts in an interdisciplinary and regional setting with the thesis in focus. A focus on academic cooperation and sustainability science are key goals for the BUP, and this is one event by which the BUP looks to facilitate these aims, particularly amongst students.

Objectives of the training

This event aims to give master students from BUP participating universities the possibility to meet and discuss scientific problems with a focus on sustainability in an interdisciplinary and regional context. In doing so, the BUP looks to facilitate a platform for a common understanding of regional challenges and possibilities and open avenues for future cooperation on these issues. These points reflect strongly on key objectives for the BUP in increasing sustainability knowledge amongst students and allowing them to network with fellow peers in a sustainability focused environment.

The master thesis is at the centre of the event, which aims, through all of its activities, to enhance and positively contribute to each student’s thesis and each student’s academic thesis capabilities. To accomplish this objective, the event features a number of feedback sessions- both from fellow peers in a student opposition and from regional experts in a one-to-one session, as well as the chance to present their thesis and lead a discussion.

A new objective for this year’s event was a more enhanced focus on sustainability science and critical academic capabilities in a general sense. The MTT looked to contribute to these points with dedicated workshops on sustainability thinking and critical thinking, further contributing to a wider understanding.

A group of students and experts

Participating master students and experts during the BUP Master Thesis Training held in Uppsala, Sweden. Photo: Pontus Ambros

Evaluation Master Thesis Training

The evaluation was completed by all 23 students and 5 supervisors, which was sent out during the conclusion of the event.

There were many positives elucidated in the evaluation about the event. Of particular note was the individual counselling session with both students and staff reflecting positively, presentations from other students, academic atmosphere and student oppositions.

Both the accommodation and meals were also well praised with students noting the central location, good breakfast and good food. In the future, and in relation with the point below, the BUP hopes to visit more local eateries.

Quotes from the evaluation

‘I really liked the in-depth feedback’

‘I also liked the introduction and getting to know other papers and approaches’

‘I enjoyed the oppositions as it gave each of us a chance to heat feedback on our thesis projects in a small group’

‘Great learning all together’

‘The importance of these peer reviews could be highlighted better in the future’.

Potential improvements

The BUP is always looking to improve our activities and training events, therefore all feedback is welcomed, as this is a real opportunity to improve our events and tailor further our activities. Of note in this evaluation are some changes to the event format. This includes formally introducing the supervisors and their expertise (which was mentioned by both students and supervisors), including a greater range of topics in the workshops/lectures to more socio-political and environmental topics and making the workshops more interactive with games and interaction. For the future too is integrating sustainability on a greater level throughout the whole event as noted by one of the students.

Some changes to the programme were also discussed. There is the potential for extending the event by one day to allow for greater feedback opportunities and more time to process this. Of note too is the option to provide a short session on how to give feedback effectively in an opposition. Being a ‘critical friend’ is an important and valuable skill, and so this would be very effective for the future.

Results of the event

The students gave a rating of 9/10 in response to the question of to what extent the MTT has been worthwhile in attending in terms of studies, future aspirations and career.

A number of positive results, particularly in relation to students' theses have been demonstrated. Students were highly appreciative of the individual feedback sessions with an expert, which has led to productive results including; better linking the overall thread in the thesis, discussions about methodologies, tips about writing, motivation and inspiration for the future. The MTT is a chance for students to receive comprehensive feedback on all facets academically, including their thesis, but also generally and for themselves personally, therefore these are key results.

The BUP has a strong focus on cooperation and networking within a Baltic Sea Region setting. Many of the students associated positively with these elements post event, noting their new contacts and connections. It is also valuable to gain perspectives from other countries and cultures which can enrich one's own perspectives too, especially within a sustainability context.

The supervisors at the event were also positive in their reflections, noting the individual feedback sessions as particularly enjoyable. All supervisors noted that they were able to make a positive contribution to each student’s thesis and appreciated the motivation and interactions with students.

Organiser voice

‘It is incredibly rewarding to see positive impacts for the students in terms of their thesis. To read and hear that the students have gained different perspectives about their thesis, new inputs to take with them and new knowledge about sustainability all within an academic, Baltic Sea context, is fantastic. It was a pleasure to help coordinate!’

Participant evaluations

  • Students gave the event an overall 9.2 rating.
  • Supervisors gave the event an overall 9.6 rating.
  • Communication between the BUP staff and both students and supervisors was rated highly, both before the event (9.4 for students and 9.6 for staff), and at the event (9.7 for students and 9.8 for staff).
  • All supervisors were interested in attending future BUP activities and world recommend this event to colleagues who would like to improve their knowledge of and experience with supervision.

All overall ratings were made on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is considered negative and 10 considered positive.

Voices of participants

Patrícia Szabóová - Participant from Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

My expectations of the Master Thesis Training were pretty high since Uppsala University has a really good reputation among other universities. In the past, I have participated in a BUP event and I knew that this one was going to be a great one too.

The best parts of the Master Thesis Training in my opinion were the presentations because there were topics presented from various fields and it was great to get to know something new. I also have to mention the organisation of the event, the communication of the organisers with us and their helpfulness even before the event.

The most important things I am taking from this event are the valuable advice I received from the supervisor I had during this event, new experiences, and last but not least new contacts and friends across the Baltic Sea region.

Photo of Patrícia Szabóová

Andersson Cueva - Participant from Linnaeus University

I was thrilled at the thought of outstanding academic and professional experiences, and I got even more than I had hoped! Sustainability has always been a topic of great interest to me, so it was fantastic to expand my knowledge during this event. I was amazed by how helpful everyone was in guiding me through my thesis project, and our discussions on sustainability were incredibly engaging.

The best part was the personal feedback and the project presentations. It was such a great environment where we learned from one another. Besides, meeting new people, sharing meals, and creating happy memories together was truly enjoyable.

I would say that I not only gained knowledge from the course, but I also learned to be more open and friendly with others, which is great! Stepping out of my comfort zone can be tough, but, amazing at the same time, I've learned to enjoy the process of learning and growing.

Photo of Andersson Cueva

Images from the MTT

A person giving a presentation in front of people sitting at a tables

Photo: Wenzel Keipke

Evan Goss, BUP Project administrator, introducing the MTT to the participating students.

A group of people sitting at a tables

Photo: Pontus Ambros

Each student gave a presentation of their master thesis. Here is Christina Skjolding Hjelm from Lund University.

A group of people sitting at a tables

Photo: Wenzel Keipke

The students were able to ask each other questions and discuss their theses.

