BUP Symposium 2022
The Symposium is a platform where the regional educational and research communities can get together and get to know their colleagues at participating universities of The Baltic University Programme (BUP). The Symposium is an arena where you can disseminate recent research and where new discussions and collaborations can begin.
The Symposium featured oral presentations from researchers from BUP participating universities in the Baltic Sea Region. During the afternoon there was a session that focused on future research collaboration and projects.

Book of Abstracts BUP Symposium 2022
This is a compilation of abstracts over the oral presentations held at the BUP Symposium 2022.
This issue of the Book of Abstracts contains 12 abstracts from oral presentations held at the BUP Symposium 2022. In total there are 28 authors of the presented abstracts. The contributors are colleagues at BUP participating universities.
Read the Book of Abstracts from the BUP Symposium Pdf, 1 MB.

Evaluation of the BUP Symposium 2022
All participants were asked to evaluate the Symposium. During the event we had between 15 and 35 colleagues that took part. We received 13 answers in the evaluation. The evaluation was sent to the participants at the end of the Symposium and a reminder was also sent out.
The BUP staff was very helpful and responsive in the communication before and during the Symposium.
Overall the participants thought that the Symposium was helpful in terms of furthering their research. According to the evaluation the participants were to some or a large extent able to network and find new partners.The participants apprieciated the range and diversity of themes and speakers as well as getting the opportunity to meet new colleagues and learn about their research.
The participants would like future Symposiums to be either in-person or online and some thought that a hybrid event (both online and in-person) is of interest.
Participant evaluations
- The participants expectations before the event were estimated to be 8.3
- The event got a 8.6 overall rating
- The afternoon session about future research was beneficial for most of the participants work as a researchers
All overall ratings were made on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is considered negative and 10 considered positive.
Voices of participants
Olena Maslyukivska - Presenter from National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
Before the Symposium I expected to learn about the pioneering sustainability research conducted by colleagues from the BUP network.
The best part of the Symposium was the presentations of future research. It allowed for networking using the online format.
From the Symposium I will take with me new research collaborations and the feeling of belonging to a vibrant network of researchers.

Andrew Barney - Presenter from Uppsala University
Before attending the Symposium I expected to meet researchers from the around the Baltic and learn about their research. I was also on the lookout for potential collaborations.
The range of fields covered in the presentations was impressive!
I have learned a bit about the collaboration opportunities presented by the BUP in each of its research themes. I also got more details on the Programme’s focuses and upcoming work.

Marharyta Radomska - Presenter from National Aviation University, Kyiv
This was my first time presenting at the Symposium, I have taken part as a listener before. This is a kind of event you are waiting for as a possibility to hear something new and highly topical.
This year I liked the joined mode of presentations. Every time you see the program of a big event you find many topics on the sessions other that yours, which you are extremely interested in, but none can manage to listen to them all. This year it was possible and it was a great example of multidisciplinary event.
I will take with me some interesting additions to my own research, derived from the questions addressed to me, as well as new research contacts and opportunities for collaboration. After all this is the purpose of the Symposium.

Images from the BUP Symposium 2022

Photo: Adam Söderberg
Madeleine Granvik, Director of the BUP, opened the Symposium. This was the third Symposium that the BUP has hosted and it took place online via Zoom.

The Keynote speech was held by Professor Walter Leal, coordinator of the Baltic Research and Publications Office (BUPRaP) and one of the scientists on the Stanford University's list of the world's top 2 percent scientists in 2021. The Keynote speech was titled 'Advantages of Baltic Research Collaboration: research visibility and grants'.

During the first presentations within the BUP theme Climate Change one presentation was 'Military actions impact on the environment of the southern and eastern regions of Ukraine' which was held by Tetyana Kuchma, PhD, from National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.

During the afternoon discussion regarding future research collaboration and projects the BUP Coordinating Secretariat presented more information about the possibilities to contribute to the BUP Course platform.