BUP Rectors’ Conference 2022

The Baltic University Programme's Rectors' Conference is a recurring event where all rectors at BUP participating universities are invited to share knowledge and experiences as well as discussing cooperation and long-term directions for the BUP.

During 28-29 September 2022 the BUP hosted the 6th Rectors' Conference at Uppsala University in Uppsala. In total close to 90 rectors and rectors' representatives from all ten member countries participated during the conference, both in person and online via Zoom. The Rectors' Conference also included the Programmes 30-year celebration held at Uppsala Castle. Program for the Rectors' Conference (pdf). Pdf, 372 kB.

A group of people standing on a large staircase

Photo: Pontus Ambros

Voices of participants

Rafał Witkowski - Vice-rector for International Cooperation at Adam Mickiewicz University

Before I came to the conference I knew a lot about the Programme because my university has been involved in the BUP for years. My expectations were to meet the other participants who are also interested in this kind of international cooperation, to establish personal contacts and to find out what possible ways there are for our university's engagement in the BUP.

At the conference I could meet official representatives from all bodies of the BUP and the lectures and panel discussions were very instructive and innovative.

I would say that our university can contribute to the prosperity of the BUP by offering the specialities of our university, so I will go back to Poznan with the strong conviction that we should continue our involvement in the BUP as broadly as possible.

Photo of Rafał Witkowski

Regina Erlenheim - Vice-rector for Research at Estonian Business School

I had heard that The Baltic University Programme had a long history and I was looking forward to meeting all the people involved in the Programme with a lot of knowledge about the universities and activities that have been going on over the years.

I found the first day the most interesting, as it gave me the opportunity to learn more about the BUP participating universities, as our university is also a newcomer in the Programme. It really gave me a good background and understanding of what the BUP is working on.

I will bring back all of the good contacts that I have made here. I am looking forward to organising joint events together with the BUP. All of the work that the BUP is already doing we are looking forward to being a part of.

Photo of Regina Erlenheim

Seymur Inqilabli - BUP Student Representative

The most important part of the conference for me was meeting the rectors, researchers and lecturers that took part in the conference because I learned many things that can benefit the quality of education at participating universities and even though our interests may differ we can find common ground.

One of the main aims for me in my role as a Student Representative is sustainability at universities, I really want to contribute to spreading sustainable knowledge at participating universities. We are doing good but we can do better and this conference has been a big step in the right direction.

Photo of Seymur Inqilabli

Images from the Rectors' Conference

A person in front of a microphone

Photo: Adam Söderberg

Anders Hagfeldt, Rector at Uppsala University, welcomed the participants during the opening speech at the 6th Baltic University Programme Rectors’ Conference in Uppsala.

A person in front of an amphitheater

Photo: Adam Söderberg

Madeleine Granvik, Director of The Baltic University Programme, presented the Programme and what has happened since the last Rectors' Conference.

People sitting in rows.

Photo: Adam Söderberg

During the first day the venue was the Humanities Theatre at Uppsala University and in addition to colleagues taking part in person, Ukrainian colleagues were able to attend the conference online.

Two smiling people

Photo: Adam Söderberg

The Rectors' Conference is an opportunity to meet colleagues in person to exchange experiences and share knowledge. Pictured are Madeleine Granvik and Wolfgang Schareck, Rector at the University of Rostock.

A person in front of a microphone

Photo: Pontus Ambros

Lucyna Wozniak, Vice-rector at the Medical University of Lodz, gave a presentation during the session Quality Assurance of Higher Education.

A chior

Photo: Adam Söderberg

The first day of the Rectors' Conference concluded with The Baltic University Programme's 30-year celebration dinner at Uppsala Castle. During the dinner the choir Värmlands Nations Kör performed a selection of songs connected to the Baltic Sea Region.

A person giving a speech

Photo: Adam Söderberg

Lars Rydén, the founder and former Director of The Baltic University Programme, gave a speech about the early days of the Programme during the celebration dinner.

People sitting down in front of microphones

Photo: Pontus Ambros

During the second day of the conference there were panel discussions within different themes of relevance for the Programme. Here is the panel discussing the theme Sustainability at Universities.

People standing in a garden

Photo: Hans Odöö

After the closing of the conference the participants were invited for a guided tour of Uppsala, here pictured in The Linnaean Gardens of Uppsala.


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