BUP Symposium 2023
The Symposium is a platform where regional educational and research communities can come together and get to know colleagues at participating universities of The Baltic University Programme (BUP). The Symposium is an arena for disseminating recent research and where new discussions and collaborations can begin.
The Symposium featured oral presentations from researchers and sessions that focused on future research collaboration and projects. Those that attended had the opportunity to share new research and project ideas as well as search for new project partners.
During the two days that the Symposium took place there were more than 70 presentations from colleagues representing around 30 participating universites.

Book of Abstracts BUP Symposium 2023
The Book of Abstracts from the Symposium is a compilation of abstracts over the oral presentations held at the BUP Symposium 2023.
This issue of the Book of Abstracts contains 45 abstracts from oral presentations held on day one of the BUP Symposium 2023. In total there are 73 authors of the presented abstracts. The contributors are colleagues at BUP participating universities.
Book of Abstracts from the BUP Symposium 2023 (pdf). Pdf, 893 kB.

Evaluation BUP Symposium 2023
All participants and moderators were asked to evaluate the Symposium. During the event, there were multiple sessions progressing simultaneously and each had about 5-15 colleagues attending. We received 11 responses to the evaluation for day one and 14 responses to the evaluation for day two. We had a total of 11 moderators on days one and two, and we received 8 answers in the moderator evaluation. The evaluation was sent to the participants at the end of the Symposium and a reminder was also sent out.
The participants and moderators thought that the BUP staff was helpful before the event and very helpful during the event. Those who participated thought that the BUP Symposium was helpful in terms of furthering their research.
The opening presentation on day one by Victor Shadurski, focusing on the book Re-thinking the Baltic Sea Region: trends and challenges, was appreciated by those attending. This was also the case for the opening presentation and discussion with Carsten Hille and Markus Vossel on day two which focused on research collaboration.
Those who participated in the Symposium said that they will take with them new acquaintances, knowledge, and ideas for the future. All of the moderators wished to take part in future BUP activities.
The majority of the participants and moderators would like the Symposium to be either a hybrid or in-person event in the future.
Participant evaluations
- The participants expectations before day one and two were estimated to be 8.1 and 7.9
- Day one had a 8.6 rating
- Day two had a 8.8 rating
- The moderators gave the Symposium a 7.6 overall rating
- The participants and moderators rated the communication with event staff during the event at 9.5
All overall ratings were made on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is considered negative and 10 considered positive.
Voices of participants
Inga Uvarova - Participant from BA School of Business and Finance
From the perspective of a representative for my university, I was very pleased with the opportunity to present the results and future research avenues of our research project (Quadruple Helix Concept as base of the next generation PPP model).
The Symposium is a great platform to find other researchers who would be interested in further collaboration in research projects. Thus, the second day was very useful for widening the geographical scale and impact of our research. The first day was valuable for me personally as I presented the results of my PhD thesis. I am in the final stage and this Symposium helped to strengthen my confidence for the defence of the thesis, which is expected in the coming months.

Keith Larson - Moderator from Umeå University
Before attending the Symposium I was hoping to learn about the science of the contributors, but mostly I was interested in how they approached their research questions and presented their research.
For me the best parts of the Symposium were both the talks and Q & A. Meeting researchers from diverse disciplines and realizing that we are addressing similar challenges regarding issues like sustainability and climate change, but from completely different perspectives. I really enjoy listening and learning from disciplines outside my own.
From the Symposium I will take with me the logistical challenges of supporting researchers during difficult political times. Most importantly, how to make connections between research in different fields that can benefit from interdisciplinary collaboration.

Andrea Dobri - Participant from Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
It was the first time I participated in the Symposium. Before attending, I expected to get insights about projects related to plastic pollution reduction and circular economy in the Baltic Sea Region. With its complex agenda, the Symposium exceeded my expectations.
For me, the best part was the diversity of the topics I had the opportunity to have a peek into as well as the variety of the affiliations of the speakers. With each speaker coming from a different country and field of expertise I gained a deeper understanding of the situation across the entire region, and not just a country-specific point of view.
I believe the Symposium was a great networking opportunity for me and enabled me to find contacts with similar interests as I have. I would like to participate next time as well, to share more updates about the projects that I am involved in and to find out about insightful initiatives taking place in other countries.

Additional material from presenters
All colleagues who presented during the BUP Symposium have been offered to share additional material such as their presentations and material connected to it.
Anna Buncler gave two presentations during the BUP Symposium and wishes to share both the presentation focusing on carnism (pdf) Pdf, 516 kB. as well as the presentation focusing on conscious food choices (pdf) Pdf, 2 MB..
Andrea Dobri from Hamburg University of Applied Science presented the BALTIPLAST Project and wish to share the BALTIPLAST Symposium presentation (pdf) Pdf, 1 MB..
Anna Jakubczak and Aleksandra Tomasiewicz from Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology held a presentation and wish to share their presentation about social responsibility and professional career of young polish women in the perspective of sustainable development (pdf) Pdf, 11 MB..
Aki Kadulin from Estonian University of Life Sciences in Tartu gave the presentation 'Agricultural Land Abandonment: Case of Estonian Semi-natural Grasslands' and wish to share a link that is related to the topic: The website of the Showcase project.
Viktor Karamusha from National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy in Kyiv gave a presentation focusing on fires in natural systems as a result of climate change and as a factor influencing climate change (pdf) Pdf, 2 MB..
Viktor Karamushka-Fires in natural systems as a result of climate change and as a factor influencing climate change
Iryna Vyshenska and Olena Kozak from the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy wish to share their Symposium presentation on adapting Ukrainian forestry to climate change (pdf) Pdf, 735 kB..