Färdiga rapporter

Färdiga rapporter 2024

Anna af Klercker - The impact of the ribosomal 16S rRNA modifications on the antibiotic susceptibility and fitness in Escherichia coli
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Linnéa Bergström - Modifications of Escherichia coli 23S rRNA: Do they even matter?
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Matilda Björkman - Enhancing Cryptosporidium spp. Detection and Typing in Water Samples: A Pilot Study
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Sebastian Ellwe - Identification of neurons involved in motor and emotional function

Fredrika Höög - Type I Toxin-antitoxin systems and antibiotic persistence in Escherichia coli
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Klara Pettersson - Identification of neurons involved in emotional effect

Penina Thell - Investigation of antibiotic resistance and catheter associated polymicrobial biofilms
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Qianrui Yang - Understanding Stem-chondrichthyan Dental Development Through Computed Tomography of a Silurian Acanthodian Jaw
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Minchun Zhao - Reproductive traits and sex ratio bias in the dwarf willow Salix herbacea
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Ellen Claassen - Can environmental bacterial isolates adapt to 37 °C and become pathogenic?
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Deimante Kasparaviciute - Optimization of protein extraction fromred algae
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Yiwen Zhang - The evolution of heat adaptation and antibiotic resistance in three psychrotrophs

Färdiga rapporter 2023

Josefine Berg - In situ detection of genomic DNA regions by padlock probes and rolling circle amplification for quick diagnosis
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Dylan Blockert - Histological analysis of the amygdala and para-subthalamic nucleus
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Louise Blomberg - Characterization and contribution of Plavaka elements in the genome of Lactarius deliciosus (Milk-cap mushrooms)
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Linnea Eriksson - Identifiering av LPS-bindning till cellytor hos olika blodkroppstyper i sötvattenskräfta
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Klara Eriksson Kalm - Characterization of the subthalamic nucleus and zona incerta using transgenic mouse lines

Kristin Erlandsson - Gene expression analysis of the limbic system and identification of subpopulations in the limbic structures of the mouse brain
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Julius Falck - The unique singing behaviour of an African lark: song variation in the Monotonous Lark (Mirafra passerina)
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Zakaria Hachicho - The definition of fens and bogs: An international meta-study
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Louise Hellberg - The role of Platelet-derived growth factor receptor β-signaling in non-small cell lung cancer
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Sofia Henriksson - Syntetisering av pigmentet xylindein hos Chlorociboria aeruginascens beroende på kvävekälla, kol/kväve ratio och pH-värde.

Elin Hermann - Health-hazardous Fungi in Feces from Feral Pigeons
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Saga Hörling - In vitro evaluation of (EDC-induced) developmental neurotoxicity, emphasis on endosulfan and acrylamide
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Samuel Jorayev - Killer action of Spok homologue in Fusarium vanattenii Investigation through site directed mutagenesis
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Karon Klefbom - Investigating the seasonal abundance of Meringosphaera and their kleptoplasts using qPCR and dPCR

Kalle Lindholm - Gene expression analysis in the extended basal ganglia

Alma Lindqvist - A study on in vitro EDC developmental neurotoxicity with emphasis on the effects of aldicarb and TCP on neuronal morphology
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Katarina Norrby - Can Feeding Amyloid Fibrils Trigger Amyloid Formation in C. Elegans?
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Mathilda Nölke Lock - Molecular markers in the subthalamic area
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Anna Olsson - Egg-laying and nesting behavior of common eider at Stora Karlsö
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Noomi Poska Lund - Gene expression in the subthalamic nucleus and analysis of its limbic tip
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Armin Rassooli Tilehnovi - Phylogenetic distribution and role of Spok homologs in the genus Fusarium
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Amanda Selinder - Syntetisering av pigmentet xylindein hos Chlorociboria aeruginascens beroende på kvävekälla, kol/kväve ratio och pH-värde.
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Yiming Sun - Role of prolactin on insulin-producing beta-cell proliferation and survival
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Maja Svedberg - Neophobia and parental care in collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis)
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Dante Wensby - Taxonomy of Greater Hoopoe-Lark Alaemon aludipes - does song support an African-Asian divide?

Rebecca Örnberg - Arable Plant Diversity on Gotland, Sweden

Felix Fridh - How does temperature affect the severity of Bd infection in the common toad (Bufo bufo)?
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Amanda Jansson - Small scale differences in zooplanktoncommunities in eastern Baltic bays
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Elina Larsson - Inveterarens underbara resa genom Jämtland - ett test av träffsäkerheten i artutbredningsmodell för norna (Calypso bulbosa) med fokus på Jämtlands län
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