Internationell kvinno- och mödrahälsovård och migration
Birgitta Essén leder forskargruppen IMHm och är professor i internationell mödra- och reproduktiv hälsa vid institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa. Hon är överläkare i obstetrik och gynekologi vid Akademiska sjukhuset i Uppsala där hon driver en klinik speciellt för invandrarkvinnor. Hennes forskning och samarbeten med flera institutioner i Sverige har översatt den teoretiska kunskapen om sociala och kulturella aspekter av reproduktiva fenomen och sedan gjort den tillämplig i hälsofrämjande åtgärder eller inom mödravården.
Hennes forskargrupp IMHm består av ett tvärvetenskapligt forskarteam med gynekologer, antropologer, sociologer och matematiker. Forskargruppen är särskilt inriktad på migration och reproduktiv hälsa med fokus på reproduktiva rättigheter, policy och sociala värderingar. Forskargruppen IMHm är särskilt inriktad på migration och reproduktiv hälsa med fokus på reproduktiva rättigheter, policy och sociala värderingar.
Reproduktiv hälsa handlar om hur man på bästa sätt behandlar och förebygger sjukdomar som är relaterade till reproduktion, barnlöshet, abort, familjeplanering, graviditet och moderskap. På grund av att ämnet berör grundläggande sociala värden i ett globaliserat samhälle har det blivit ett av de mest politiserade ämnena inom medicinen och har många anspråkstagare. Det akademiska lärdomens själva natur är den kritiska undersökningen och den kritiska dialogen. Det största hotet mot vetenskapen är därför när sådana dialoger stängs, censureras eller försvåras.
Gruppen har fått ett strategiskt stort nationellt forskningsanslag, som en del av regeringens nationella forskningsprogram inom migration och integration, för att öka kunskapen om hur man hanterar konflikter kring värderingar och kulturella förändringar i vården. Den största utmaningen som vi undersöker är hur vårdgivare kan införliva ett jämlikhetsperspektiv och samtidigt en kulturellt känslig viktvård. Båda aspekterna anges i hälso- och sjukvårdens policyer och riktlinjer, där vissa av dessa aspekter kan vara motsägelsefulla och därmed är ett outforskat dilemma i en mångkulturell vårdmiljö. Ett av huvudmålen med projektet är att utforska likheter och skillnader i kulturella värderingar hos svenska vårdgivare och migranter. Känsliga ämnen som reproduktion, könsbaserat våld, abort, preventivmedelsrådgivning eller sexualitetsfrågor under kliniska konsultationer kan leda till spänningar och missförstånd mellan vårdgivare och migrerande patienter och i slutändan suboptimal vård. Forskningen om hur hälso- och sjukvårdssystemen hanterar dessa utmaningar är sparsam.
Globala projekt
Maternal health and Newborn Sexual Reproductive Health
MigraMed - Equity in Reproductive health care Genitals, gender and ethnicity Maternal health and Newborn
Perceived Religious Discrimination in Healthcare: A Qualitative Study of Formal Complaints
Ingår i Culture, Spirituality and Religious Literacy in Healthcare, s. 90-107, Routledge, 2024
Ingår i Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 2024
Ingår i Vaccines, 2024
Ingår i Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, s. 133-139, 2024
Ingår i Scientific Reports, 2024
Awareness of postpartum depression among midwives and pregnant women in Arkhangelsk, Arctic Russia
Ingår i Global Health Action, 2024
Ingår i Frontiers in Sociology, 2024
- DOI för Assessing knowledge of migrant sexual reproductive health and rights: a national cross-sectional survey among health professionals in Sweden
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Assessing knowledge of migrant sexual reproductive health and rights: a national cross-sectional survey among health professionals in Sweden
Ingår i PLOS Global Public Health, 2024
Ingår i BioSocieties, 2024
- DOI för What is the cure for absolute infertility?: Biomedicalisation and routinisation of surrogacy and uterus transplantation in Nordic medical journals
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av What is the cure for absolute infertility?: Biomedicalisation and routinisation of surrogacy and uterus transplantation in Nordic medical journals
Ingår i Frontiers in Health Services, 2024
- DOI för Unlocking the mechanisms of change in the MAMAACT intervention to reduce ethnic disparity in stillbirth and newborns' health: integration of evaluation findings
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Unlocking the mechanisms of change in the MAMAACT intervention to reduce ethnic disparity in stillbirth and newborns' health: integration of evaluation findings
Ingår i Midwifery, 2024
- DOI för The dynamics of intercultural clinical encounters in times of pandemic crisis. Swedish healthcare providers' reflections on social norms in relation to sexual and reproductive healthcare
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av The dynamics of intercultural clinical encounters in times of pandemic crisis. Swedish healthcare providers' reflections on social norms in relation to sexual and reproductive healthcare
Ingår i Global Health Action, 2024
Ingår i Global Health Action, 2024
- DOI för Association between maternal haemoglobin status during pregnancy and children's mental and psychomotor development at 18 months of age: Evidence from rural Bangladesh
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Association between maternal haemoglobin status during pregnancy and children's mental and psychomotor development at 18 months of age: Evidence from rural Bangladesh
Comparing and modeling the use of online recommender systems
Ingår i Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 2024
American Muslim Engagement With Advance Care Planning: Insights From a Community Survey
Ingår i The American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, s. 405-413, 2024
Ingår i Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, s. 2101-2111, 2024
Ingår i Pan African Medical Journal, 2024
- DOI för Burst abdomen: a preventable risk of severe maternal morbidity in a developing country (a case-control study at a university teaching hospital in Tanzania)
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Burst abdomen: a preventable risk of severe maternal morbidity in a developing country (a case-control study at a university teaching hospital in Tanzania)
Folate deficiency in pregnancy and the risk of preterm birth: A nested case-control study
Ingår i Journal of Global Health, 2024
Framework for Refugee and Migrant Health Research in the WHO European Region
Ingår i Tropical medicine & international health, s. 90-97, 2023
Ingår i Contemporary South Asia, 2023
- DOI för ‘I don’t know how we can stop ragging’: a qualitative study on the perceptions of staff and work-affiliated individuals at a Sri Lankan university, on the phenomena of ragging
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av ‘I don’t know how we can stop ragging’: a qualitative study on the perceptions of staff and work-affiliated individuals at a Sri Lankan university, on the phenomena of ragging
Ingår i African Health Sciences, s. 193-201, 2023
Ingår i International journal of impotence research, s. 228-230, 2023
Ingår i BMJ Open, 2023
- DOI för COVID-19 pandemic hits differently: examining its consequences for women's livelihoods and healthcare access - a cross-sectional study in Kinshasa DRC
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av COVID-19 pandemic hits differently: examining its consequences for women's livelihoods and healthcare access - a cross-sectional study in Kinshasa DRC
Ingår i BMJ Open, 2023
- DOI för Group antenatal care compared with standard antenatal care for Somali-Swedish women: a historically controlled evaluation of the Hooyo Project
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Group antenatal care compared with standard antenatal care for Somali-Swedish women: a historically controlled evaluation of the Hooyo Project
Ingår i The Lancet Regional Health, 2023
Liberal and anti-establishment: An exploration of the political ideologies of American tech workers
Ingår i Sociological Review, s. 1467-1497, 2023
Appropriateness ratings of everyday behaviors in the United States now and 50 years ago
Ingår i Frontiers in Psychology, 2023
Ingår i Midwifery, 2023
- DOI för Paradoxes in the cultural doula concept for migrant women: Implications for gender-inclusive care versus migrant-friendly maternity care
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Paradoxes in the cultural doula concept for migrant women: Implications for gender-inclusive care versus migrant-friendly maternity care
Ingår i Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 2023
The Economic Return to Labour Market Experience of Immigrants in Sweden
Ingår i Social Indicators Research, s. 5-23, 2023
The Governance of Childhood Vaccination Services in Crisis Settings: A Scoping Review
Ingår i Vaccines, 2023
Ingår i International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 2023
A Systematic Review of Vaccination Guidance for Humanitarian Responses
Ingår i Vaccines, 2023
Ingår i Sociology, s. 957-974, 2023
- DOI för ‘You are Still a Guest in This Country!’: Understanding Racism through the Concepts of Hospitality and Hostility in Healthcare Encounters in Sweden
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av ‘You are Still a Guest in This Country!’: Understanding Racism through the Concepts of Hospitality and Hostility in Healthcare Encounters in Sweden
Ingår i PLOS ONE, 2023
Ingår i BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 2023
- DOI för Is there a relation between stillbirth and low levels of vitamin D in the population?: A bi-national follow-up study of vitamin D fortification
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Is there a relation between stillbirth and low levels of vitamin D in the population?: A bi-national follow-up study of vitamin D fortification
Acculturation of hygiene norms among immigrants to Sweden
Ingår i Frontiers in Psychology, 2023
Ingår i Frontiers in Sociology, 2023
- DOI för The relationship between dominant Western discourse and personal narratives of female genital cutting: exploring storytelling among Swedish-Somali girls and women
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av The relationship between dominant Western discourse and personal narratives of female genital cutting: exploring storytelling among Swedish-Somali girls and women
War in Ukraine: Challenges for women's and perinatal health
Ingår i Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare, 2022
Ingår i Disability and Rehabilitation, s. 3834-3842, 2022
- DOI för Self-perceived cognitive status and cognitive challenges associated with cardiac rehabilitation management: experiences of elderly myocardial infarction patients.
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Self-perceived cognitive status and cognitive challenges associated with cardiac rehabilitation management: experiences of elderly myocardial infarction patients.
Ingår i Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, s. 45-67, 2022
Group antenatal care (gANC) for Somali-speaking women in Sweden - a process evaluation
Ingår i BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 2022
Ingår i Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare, 2022
- DOI för Healthcare providers' experiences of comprehensive emergency obstetric care in Somaliland: An explorative study with focus on cesarean deliveries
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Healthcare providers' experiences of comprehensive emergency obstetric care in Somaliland: An explorative study with focus on cesarean deliveries
WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2022
Ingår i European journal of contraception & reproductive health care, s. 221-229, 2022
- DOI för Intervening factors in health care professionals’ attitudes and behaviours towards comprehensive abortion care in the workplace: a comparative case study of Tanzania and Ethiopia
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Intervening factors in health care professionals’ attitudes and behaviours towards comprehensive abortion care in the workplace: a comparative case study of Tanzania and Ethiopia
Beyond tingles: An exploratory qualitative study of the Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR)
Ingår i PLOS ONE, 2022
Ingår i PLOS ONE, 2022
- DOI för Ragging as an expression of power in a deeply divided society: a qualitative study on students perceptions on the phenomenon of ragging at a Sri Lankan university
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Ragging as an expression of power in a deeply divided society: a qualitative study on students perceptions on the phenomenon of ragging at a Sri Lankan university
Ingår i BMC Health Services Research, 2022
Ingår i Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare, 2022
Improving health in immigration detention and promoting alternatives to detention
Ingår i The Lancet, s. 1849-1850, 2022
Companions to unaccompanied asylum-seeking children in Sweden – experiences of Swedish families
Ingår i International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care, s. 179-191, 2022
The social values of newly arrived immigrants in Sweden
Ingår i PLOS ONE, 2022
Ingår i International Journal of Public Health, s. 1-9, 2022
- DOI för The Liberal Social Values of Swedish Healthcare Providers in Women’s Healthcare: Implications for Clinical Encounters in a Diversified Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av The Liberal Social Values of Swedish Healthcare Providers in Women’s Healthcare: Implications for Clinical Encounters in a Diversified Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare
Ingår i BMC Health Services Research, 2022
- DOI för Improving care for immigrant women before, during, and after childbirth - what can we learn from regional interventions within a national program in Sweden?
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Improving care for immigrant women before, during, and after childbirth - what can we learn from regional interventions within a national program in Sweden?
Ingår i PLOS ONE, 2022
Ingår i Global Public Health, s. 3142-3159, 2022
Pål Repstad (ed.): "Political Religion, Everyday Religion: Sociological Trends"
Ingår i Nordic Journal of Religion and Society, s. 61-63, 2021
Ingår i Journal of Global Health Reports, 2021
Ingår i Sexual Health, s. 203-211, 2021
Ingår i Ilmiö, 2021
Ingår i BMC Women's Health, 2021
- DOI för Men's reproductive coercion of women: prevalence, experiences, and coping strategies-a mixed method study in urban health facilities in León, Nicaragua
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Men's reproductive coercion of women: prevalence, experiences, and coping strategies-a mixed method study in urban health facilities in León, Nicaragua
Attitudes towards comparison of male and female genital cutting in a Swedish Somali population
Ingår i Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, s. 604-613, 2021
Ingår i Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, s. 579-586, 2021
- DOI för How to ensure policies and interventions rely on strong supporting facts to improve women's health: The case of female genital cutting, using Rosling's Factfulness approach
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av How to ensure policies and interventions rely on strong supporting facts to improve women's health: The case of female genital cutting, using Rosling's Factfulness approach
Deinfibulation Contextualized: Delicacies of Shared Decision-Making in the Clinic
Ingår i Archives of Sexual Behavior, s. 1943-1948, 2021
Ingår i Health Policy, s. 1085-1091, 2021
- DOI för Migrant health and language barriers: Uncovering macro level influences on the implementation of trained interpreters in healthcare settings
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Migrant health and language barriers: Uncovering macro level influences on the implementation of trained interpreters in healthcare settings
Ingår i JOURNAL OF PRIMARY HEALTH CARE, s. 334-339, 2021
- DOI för 'Some women are proud of their experience and I have to respect that': an interview-study about midwives' experiences in caring for infibulated women during childbirth in Sweden
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av 'Some women are proud of their experience and I have to respect that': an interview-study about midwives' experiences in caring for infibulated women during childbirth in Sweden
Ingår i Midwifery, 2020
'Violence exists to show manhood': Nepali men's views on domestic violence - a qualitative study
Ingår i Global Health Action, 2020
Ingår i Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare, 2020
Symptoms of a broken system: the gender gaps in COVID-19 decision-making
Ingår i BMJ Global Health, 2020
Ingår i Acta Paediatrica, s. 2532-2538, 2020
Ingår i Female Genital Cutting, s. 259-287, Centre for Sexology and Sexuality Studies, Malmö University, 2020
Improving Safety Among Pregnant Women Reporting Domestic Violence in Nepal-A Pilot Study.
Ingår i International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020
Gathering evidence on the decreased emergency room visits during the coronavirus disease 19 pandemic
Ingår i Public Health, s. 42-43, 2020
World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe, 2020
Ingår i Nutrients, 2020
Ingår i Nutrients, 2020
- DOI för The Social Stratification of Availability, Affordability, and Consumption of Food in Families with Preschoolers in Addis Ababa: The EAT Addis Study in Ethiopia
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av The Social Stratification of Availability, Affordability, and Consumption of Food in Families with Preschoolers in Addis Ababa: The EAT Addis Study in Ethiopia
Ingår i Culture, Health and Sexuality, s. 619-635, 2019
Antenatal care for Somali-born women in Sweden: Perspectives from mothers, fathers and midwives
Ingår i Midwifery, s. 107-115, 2019
Factors associated with female genital cutting in Yemen and its policy implications
Ingår i Midwifery, s. 99-106, 2019
Barriers and facilitators to cervical cancer screening in Nepal: A qualitative study
Ingår i Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare, s. 20-26, 2019
Ingår i Midwifery, s. 59-65, 2019
- DOI för Are 'low socioeconomic status' and 'religiousness' barriers to minority women's use of contraception? A qualitative exploration and critique of a common argument in reproductive health research
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Are 'low socioeconomic status' and 'religiousness' barriers to minority women's use of contraception? A qualitative exploration and critique of a common argument in reproductive health research
Ingår i Sexuality & Culture, s. 1230-1249, 2019
Ingår i Health Evidence Network, 2019
Ingår i Sexual and reproductive health matters, 2019
- DOI för Sexual health counselling targeting girls and young women with female genital cutting in Sweden: mind-body dualism affecting social and health care professionals' perspectives
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Sexual health counselling targeting girls and young women with female genital cutting in Sweden: mind-body dualism affecting social and health care professionals' perspectives
Ingår i Global Health Action, 2019
Ingår i Reproductive Biomedicine and Society Online, s. 23-31, 2019
Ingår i Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare, s. 64-70, 2019
Use of a criteria-based audit to optimize uptake of cesarean delivery in a low-resource setting
Ingår i International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, s. 199-209, 2019
Ingår i International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, s. 49-55, 2019
Ingår i BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 2019
- DOI för A much valued tool that also brings ethical dilemmas - a qualitative study of Norwegian midwives' experiences and views on the role of obstetric ultrasound
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av A much valued tool that also brings ethical dilemmas - a qualitative study of Norwegian midwives' experiences and views on the role of obstetric ultrasound
Ingår i Global Health Action, 2019
Shifting perceptions of female genital cutting in a Swedish migration context
Ingår i PLOS ONE, 2019
Ingår i BMC Health Services Research, 2019
Domestic violence and perinatal outcomes - a prospective cohort study from Nepal
Ingår i BMC Public Health, 2019
Migrant health research in the Republic of Ireland: a scoping review
Ingår i BMC Public Health, 2019
Ingår i BMJ Open, 2019
- DOI för Rationale, development and feasibility of group antenatal care for immigrant women in Sweden: a study protocol for the Hooyo Project
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Rationale, development and feasibility of group antenatal care for immigrant women in Sweden: a study protocol for the Hooyo Project
Ingår i Nutrients, 2019