
Applied Mathematics and Statistics

Applied Mathematics and Statistics (TNMAST01, FD)

Swedish title: Tillämpad matematik och statistik

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Erik Ekström
  • Department of Mathematics, Section of Mathematics and Computer Science

General Study Syllabus for Applied Mathematics and Statistics

Astronomy and its specialisations

Astronomy (TNASTR00, FD)

Swedish title: Astronomi

  • No new admission
  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Oleg Kochukhov
  • Department of Physics and Astronomy, Section of Physics

General Study Syllabus for Astronomy

Specialisation: Astrophysics (TNASTR01, FD)

Swedish title: Astrofysik

  • No new admission
  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Oleg Kochukhov
  • Department of Physics and Astronomy, Section of Physics

General Study Syllabus for Astronomy with Specialisation in Astrophysics

Astronomy and astrophysics

Astronomy and Astrophysics (TNASTR02, FD)

Swedish title: Astronomi och astrofysik

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Oleg Kochukhov
  • Department of Physics and Astronomy, Section of Physics

General Study Syllabus for Astronomy and Astrophysics


Biochemistry (TNBIKE00, FD/TD)

Swedish title: Biokemi

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Mikael Widersten
  • Department of Chemistry - BMC, Section of Chemistry

General Study Syllabus for Biochemistry


Bioinformatics (TNBIIN00, FD/TD)

Swedish title: Bioinformatik

  • No new admission
  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Bengt Persson
  • Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Section of Biology

General Study Syllabus for Bioinformatics

Biology and its specialisations

Biology (TNBIOL00, FD)

Swedish title: Biologi

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Peter Eklöv
  • Department of Ecology and Genetics, Section of Biology

General Study Syllabus for Biology

Specialisation: Ecological Botany (TNBIOL02, FD)

Swedish title: Ekologisk botanik

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Jon Ågren
  • Department of Ecology and Genetics, Section of Biology

General Study Syllabus for Biology with Specialisation in Ecological Botany

Specialisation: Evolutionary Functional Genomics (TNBIOL24, FD)

Swedish title: Evolutionär funktionsgenomik

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Martin Lascoux
  • Department of Ecology and Genetics, Section of Biology

General Study Syllabus for Biology with Specialisation in Evolutionary Functional Genomics

Specialisation: Evolutionary Genetics (TNBIOL05, FD)

Swedish title: Evolutionär genetik

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Vaishali Katju
  • Assistant responsible professor of doctoral education: Anna Qvarnström
  • Department of Ecology and Genetics, Section of Biology

General Study Syllabus for Biology with Specialisation in Evolutionary Genetics

Specialisation: Evolutionary Organismal Biology (TNBIOL23, FD)

Swedish title: Evolutionär organismbiologi

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Per Ahlberg
  • Department of Organismal Biology, Section of Biology

General Study Syllabus for Biology with Specialisation in Evolutionary Organismal Biology

Specialisation: Comparative Physiology (TNBIOL08, FD)

Swedish title: Jämförande fysiologi

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Åsa Mackenzie
  • Department of Organismal Biology, Section of Biology

General Study Syllabus for Biology with Specialisation in Comparative Physiology

Specialisation: Limnology (TNBIOL09, FD)

Swedish title: Limnologi

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Peter Eklöv
  • Department of Ecology and Genetics, Section of Biology

General Study Syllabus for Biology with Specialisation in Limnology

Specialisation: Environmental Toxicology (TNBIOL27, FD)

Swedish title: Miljötoxikologi

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Joëlle Rüegg
  • Department of Organismal Biology, Section of Biology

General Study Syllabus for Biology with Specialisation in Environmental Toxicology

Specialisation: Microbiology (TNBIOL10, FD/TD)

Swedish title: Mikrobiologi

  • No new admission
  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Staffan Svärd
  • Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Section of Biology

General Study Syllabus for Biology with Specialisation in Microbiology

Specialisation: Molecular Biotechnology (TNBIOL11, TD)

Swedish title: Molekulär bioteknik

  • No new admission
  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Johan Elf
  • Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Section of Biology

General Study Syllabus for Biology with Specialisation in Molecular Biotechnology

Specialisation: Molecular Evolution (TNBIOL13, FD/TD)

Swedish title: Molekylär evolution

  • No new admission
  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Siv Andersson
  • Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Section of Biology

General Study Syllabus for Biology with Specialisation in Molecular Evolution

Specialisation: Human Evolution and Genetics (TNBIOL28, FD)

Swedish title: Människans evolution och genetik

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Mattias Jakobsson
  • Department of Organismal Biology, Section of Biology

General Study Syllabus for Biology with Specialisation in Human Evolution and Genetics

Specialisation: Population Biology (TNBIOL17, FD)

Swedish title: Populationsbiologi

  • No new admission
  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Jacob Höglund
  • Department of Ecology and Genetics, Section of Biology

General Study Syllabus for Biology with Specialisation in Population Biology

Specialisation: Structural Biology (TNBIOL18, FD/TD)

Swedish title: Strukturbiologi

  • No new admission
  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Stefan Knight
  • Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Section of Biology

General Study Syllabus for Biology with Specialisation in Structural Biology

Specialisation: Systematics (TNBIOL25, FD)

Swedish title: Systematik

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Peter Eklöv
  • Department of Organismal Biology, Section of Biology

General Study Syllabus for Biology with Specialisation in Systematics

Specialisation: Animal Ecology (TNBIOL21, FD)

Swedish title: Zooekologi

  • No new admission
  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Anna Qvarnström
  • Department of Ecology and Genetics, Section of Biology

General Study Syllabus for Biology with Specialisation in Animal Ecology

Specialisation: Animal Conservation (TNBIOL26, FD)

Swedish title: Zoologisk bevarandebiologi

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Anna Qvarnström
  • Department of Ecology and Genetics, Section of Biology

General Study Syllabus for Biology with Specialisation in Animal Conservation

Specialisation: Animal Development (TNBIOL22, FD)

Swedish title: Zoologisk utvecklingsbiologi

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Elena Jazin
  • Department of Organismal Biology, Section of Biology

General Study Syllabus for Biology with Specialisation in Animal Development

Chemistry and its specialisations

Chemistry (TNKEMI00, FD)

Swedish title: Kemi

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Jan Streuff
  • Department of Chemistry - BMC, Section of Chemistry

General Study Syllabus for Chemistry

Chemistry (TNKEMI14, FD)

Swedish title: Kemi

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Sascha Ott
  • Department of Chemistry - Ångström Laboratory, Section of Chemistry

General Study Syllabus for Chemistry

Specialisation: Analytical Chemistry (TNKEMI01, FD)

Swedish title: Analytisk kemi

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Jonas Bergquist
  • Department of Chemistry - BMC, Section of Chemistry

General Study Syllabus for Chemistry with Specialisation in Analytical Chemistry

Specialisation: Physical Chemistry (TNKMEI04, FD)

Swedish title: Fysikalisk kemi

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Jacinto Sá
  • Department of Chemistry - Ångström Laboratory, Section of Chemistry

General Study Syllabus for Chemistry with Specialisation in Physical Chemistry

Specialisation: Macromolecular Chemistry (TNKEMI16, FD)

Swedish title: Makromolekylär kemi

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Jöns Hilborn
  • Department of Chemistry - Ångström Laboratory, Section of Chemistry

General Study Syllabus for Chemistry with Specialisation in Macromolecular Chemistry

Specialisation: Materials Chemistry (TNKEMI13, FD)

Swedish title: Materialkemi

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Daniel Brandell
  • Department of Chemistry - Ångström Laboratory, Section of Chemistry

General Study Syllabus for Chemistry with Specialisation in Materials Chemistry

Specialisation: Microbial Chemistry (TNKEMI12, FD/TD)

Swedish title: Mikrobiell kemi

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Peter Lindblad
  • Department of Chemistry - Ångström Laboratory, Section of Chemistry

General Study Syllabus for Chemistry with Specialisation in Microbial Chemistry

Specialisation: Molecular Biomimetics (TNKEMI11, FD)

Swedish title: Molekylär biomimetik

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Gustav Berggren
  • Department of Chemistry - Ångström Laboratory, Section of Chemistry

General Study Syllabus for Chemistry with Specialisation in Molecular Biomimetics

Specialisation: Inorganic Chemistry (TNKEMI06, FD)

Swedish title: Oorganisk kemi

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Leif Nyholm
  • Department of Chemistry - Ångström Laboratory, Section of Chemistry

General Study Syllabus for Chemistry with Specialisation in Inorganic Chemistry

Specialisation: Organic Chemistry (TNKEMI07, FD)

Swedish title: Organisk kemi

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Helena Grennberg
  • Department of Chemistry - BMC, Section of Chemistry

General Study Syllabus for Chemistry with Specialisation in Organic Chemistry

Specialisation: Polymer Chemistry (TNKEMI08, FD/TD)

Swedish title: Polymerkemi

  • No new admission
  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Jöns Hilborn
  • Department of Chemistry - Ångström Laboratory, Section of Chemistry

General Study Syllabus for Chemistry with Specialisation in Polymer Chemistry

Specialisation: Theoretical Chemistry (TNKEMI15, FD)

Swedish title: Teoretisk kemi

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Roland Lindh
  • Department of Chemistry - Ångström, Section of Chemistry

General Study Syllabus for Chemistry with Specialisation in Theoretical Chemistry

Computer science and its specialisations

Computer Science (TNDAVE00, FD/TD)

Swedish title: Datavetenskap

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Stefanos Kaxiras
  • Assistant responsible professor for doctoral education: Di Yuan
  • Department of Information Technology, Section of Mathematics and Computer Science

General Study Syllabus for Computer Science

Specialisation: Database Technology (TNDAVE04, FD/TD)

Swedish title: Databasteknik

  • No new admission
  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Di Yuan
  • Department of Information Technology, Section of Mathematics and Computer Science

General Study Syllabus for Computer Science with Specialisation in Database Technology

Specialisation: Computing Education Research (TNDAVE05, FD/TD)

Swedish title: Datavetenskapens didaktik

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Anna Eckerdal
  • Department of Information Technology, Section of Mathematics and Computer Science

General Study Syllabus for Computer Science with Specialisation in Computer Education Research

Specialisation: Computer Communication (TNDAVE01, FD/TD)

Swedish title: Datakommunikation

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Stefanos Kaxiras
  • Department of Information Technology, Section of Mathematics and Computer Science

General Study Syllabus for Computer Science with Specialisation in Computer Communication

Specialisation: Embedded Systems (TNDAVE06, FD/TD)

Swedish title: Inbyggda system

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Wang Yi
  • Department of Information Technology, Section of Mathematics and Computer Science

General Study Syllabus for Computer Science with Specialisation in Embedded Systems

Specialisation: Human-Computer Interaction (TNDAVE02, FD/TD)

Swedish title: Människa-datorinteraktion

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Mike Hazas
  • Department of Information Technology, Section of Mathematics and Computer Science

General Study Syllabus for Computer Science with Specialisation in Human-Computer Interaction

Computerized Image Processing

Computerised Image Processing (TNDBIB00, TD)

Swedish title: Datoriserad bildbehandling

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Ingela Nyström
  • Department of Information Technology, Section of Mathematics and Computer Science

General Study Syllabus for Computerised Image Processing

Earth Science and its specialisations

Specialisation: Historical Geology and Palaeontology (TNGEVE03, FD)

Swedish title: Historisk geologi och paleontologi

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Jorijntje Henderiks
  • Department of Earth Sciences, Section of Earth Sciences

General Study Syllabus for Earth Science with Specialisation in Historical Geology and Palaeontology

Specialisation: Environmental Analysis (TNGEVE05, FD/TD)

Swedish title: Miljöanalys

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Giuliano Di Baldassarre
  • Department of Earth Sciences, Section of Earth Sciences

General Study Syllabus for Earth Science with Specialisation in Environmental Analysis

Specialisation: Mineralogy, Petrology and Tectonics (TNGEVE06, FD)

Swedish title: Mineralogi, petrologi och tektonik

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Peter Lazor
  • Department of Earth Sciences, Section of Earth Sciences

General Study Syllabus for Earth Science with Specialisation in Mineralogy, Petrology and Tectonics

Specialisation: Physical Geography (TNGEVE07, FD)

Swedish title: Naturgeografi

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Veijo Pohjola
  • Department of Earth Sciences, Section of Earth Sciences

General Study Syllabus for Earth Science with Specialisation in Physical Geography

Electrical Engineering and its specialisations

Specialisation: Networked Embedded Systems (TNELTE06, TD)

Swedish title: Nätverksbaserade inbyggda system

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Thiemo Voigt
  • Department of Electrical Engineering

General Study Syllabus for Electrical Engineering with Specialisation in Networked Embedded Systems

Specialisation: Automatic Control (TNELTE01, TD)

Swedish title: Reglerteknik

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Alexander Medvedev
  • Department of Information Technology, Section of Mathematics and Computer Science

General Study Syllabus for Electrical Engineering with Specialisation in Automatic Control

Specialisation: Automatic Control (TNELTE02, TD)

Swedish title: Reglerteknik

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Subhrakanti Dey
  • Department of Electrical Engineering, Section of Technology

General Study Syllabus for Electrical Engineering with Specialisation in Automatic Control

Specialisation: Signal Processing (TNELTE04, TD)

Swedish title: Signalbehandling

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Subhrakanti Dey
  • Department of Electrical Engineering, Section of Technology

General Study Syllabus for Electrical Engineering with Specialisation in Signal Processing

Specialisation: Signal Processing (TNELTE03, TD)

Swedish title: Signalbehandling

  • No new admission
  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: David Sumpter
  • Department of Information Technology, Section of Mathematics and Computer Science

General Study Syllabus for Electrical Engineering with Specialisation in Signal Processing

Engineering Science and its specialisations

Engineering Sciences (TNTEKF16, TD)

Swedish title: Teknisk fysik

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Jörgen Olsson
  • Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Section of Technology

General Study Syllabus for Engineering Sciences

Specialisation: Biomedical Engineering (TNTEKF22, FD/TD)

Swedish title: Medicinsk teknik

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Maria Tenje
  • Assistant responsible professor for doctoral education: Cecilia Persson
  • Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Section of Technology

General Study Syllabus for Engineering Sciences with specialisation in Biomedical Engineering

Specialisation: Electrical Discharges in the Atmosphere (TNTEKF01, TD/FD)

Swedish title: Atmosfäriska urladdningar

  • No new admission
  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Mats Leijon
  • Department of Electrical Engineering, Section of Technology

General Study Syllabus for Engineering Sciences with Specialisation in Electrical Discharges in the Atmosphere

Specialisation: Civil Engineering and Built Environment (TNTEKF20, TD/FD)

Swedish title: Byggteknik och byggd miljö

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Joakim Widén
  • Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering, Section of Technology

General Study Syllabus for Engineering Sciences with Specialisation in Civil Engineering and Built Environment

Specialisation: Science of Electricity (TNTEKF02, TD/FD)

Swedish title: Elektricitetslära

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Jan Isberg
  • Department of Electrical Engineering, Section of Technology

General Study Syllabus for Engineering Sciences with Specialisation in Science of Electricity

Specialisation: Electronics (TNTEKF03, TD)

Swedish title: Elektronik

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Shili Zhang
  • Assistant responsible professor for doctoral education: Zhen Zhang
  • Department of Electrical Engineering, Section of Technology

General Study Syllabus for Engineering Sciences with Specialisation in Electronics

Specialisation: Electronics (TNTEKF21, TD)

Swedish title: Elektronik

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Marika Edoff
  • Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Section of Technology

General Study Syllabus for Engineering Sciences with Specialisation in Electronics

Specialisation: Solid State Physics (TNTEKF04, TD)

Swedish title: Fasta tillståndets fysik

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Lars Österlund
  • Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Section of Technology

General Study Syllabus for Engineering Sciences with Specialisation in Solid State Physics

Specialisation: Solid Mechanics (TNTEKF05, TD)

Swedish title: Hållfasthetslära

  • No new admission
  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Kristofer Gamstedt
  • Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Section of Technology

General Study Syllabus for Engineering Sciences with Specialisation in Solid Mechanics

Specialisation: Industrial Engineering and Management (TNTEKF19, FD/TD)

Swedish title: Industriell teknik

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Thomas Lennerfors
  • Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering, Section of Technology

General Study Syllabus for Engineering Science with Specialisation in Industrial Engineering and Management

Specialisation: Materials Analysis (TNTEKF07, FD/TD)

Swedish title: Materialanalys

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Klaus Leifer
  • Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Section of Technology

General Study Syllabus for Engineering Sciences with Specialisation in Materials Analysis

Specialisation: Materials Science (TNTEKF08, TD)

Swedish title: Materialvetenskap

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Håkan Engqvist
  • Assistant responsible professor for doctoral education: Wei Xia
  • Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Section of Technology

General Study Syllabus for Engineering Sciences with Specialisation in Materials Science

Specialisation: Microsystems Technology (TNTEKF09, TD)

Swedish title: Mikrosystemteknik

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Greger Thornell
  • Assistant responsible professor for doctoral education: Maria Tenje
  • Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Section of Technology

General Study Syllabus for Engineering Sciences with Specialisation in Microsystems Technology

Specialisation: Microwave Engineering (TNTEKF10, TD)

Swedish title: Mikrovågsteknik

  • No new admission
  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Jörgen Olsson
  • Department of Electrical Engineering, Section of Technology

General Study Syllabus for Engineering Sciences with Specialisation in Microwave Engineering

Specialisation: Nano Technology and Functional Materials (TNTEKF15, TD/FD)

Swedish title: Nanoteknologi och funktionella material

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Maria Strömme
  • Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Section of Technology

General Study Syllabus for Engineering Sciences with Specialisation in Nano Technology and Functional Materials

Specialisation: Applied Mechanics (TNTEKF18, TD)

Swedish title: Tillämpad mekanik

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Per Isaksson
  • Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Section of Technology

General Study Syllabus for Engineering Sciences with Specialisation in Applied Mechanics

Specialisation: Tribo Materials (TNTEKF11, TD)

Swedish title: Tribomaterial

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Staffan Jacobson
  • Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Section of Technology

General Study Syllabus for Engineering Sciences with Specialisation in Tribo Materials

Geophysics and its specialisations

Specialisation: Solid Earth Physics (TNGEFY01, FD)

Swedish title: Fasta jordens fysik

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Alireza Malehmir
  • Department of Earth Sciences, Section of Earth Sciences

General Study Syllabys for Geophysics with Specialisation in Solid Earth Physics

Specialisation: Seismology (TNGEFY02, FD)

Swedish title: Seismologi

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Alireza Malehmir
  • Department of Earth Sciences, Section of Earth Sciences

General Study Syllabys for Geophysics with Specialisation in Seismology

Molecular Life Science

Molecular Life Science (TNMOBI00, FD)

Swedish title: Molekylär biovetenskap

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Suparna Sanyal
  • Assistant responsible professors for doctoral education: Stefan Knight, Anders Virtanen, Filipe Maia, Bengt Persson, Siv Andersson and Johan Elf.
  • Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Section of Biology

General Study Syllabus for Molecular Life Science


Meteorology (TNMETE00, FD)

Swedish title: Meteorologi

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Anna Rutgersson
  • Department of Earth Sciences, Section of Earth Sciences

General Study Syllabus for Meteorology


Mathematics (TNMATE00, FD)

Swedish title: Matematik

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Volodymyr Mazorchuk
  • Department of Mathematics, Section of Mathematics and Computer Science

General Study Syllabus for Mathematics

Machine Learning

Machine Learning (TNMASK00, FD/TD)

Swedish title: Maskininlärning

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: David Sumpter
  • Department of Information Technology, Section of Mathematics and Computer Science

General Study Syllabus for Machine Learning


Hydrology (TNHYDR00, FD/TD)

Swedish title: Hydrologi

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Auli Niemi
  • Department of Earth Sciences, Section of Earth Sciences

General Study Syllabus for Hydrology

Natural Resources and Sustainable Development

Natural Resources and Sustainable Development (TNNRHU00, FD)

Swedish title: Naturresurser och hållbar utveckling

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Valentin Troll
  • Department of Earth Sciences, Section of Earth Sciences

General Study Syllabus for Natural Resources and Sustainable Development

Physics and its specialisations

Physics (TNFYSI00, FD)

Swedish title: Fysik

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Mattias Klintenberg
  • Assistant responsible professors for doctoral education: Daniel Primetzhofer, Carlos Perez de los Heros, Stephan Pomp, Philippe Wernet, Håkan Rensmo, Annica Black Schaffer, Karin Schönning

  • Department of Physics and Astronomy, Section of Physics

General Study Syllabus for Physics

Specialisation: Astrophysics (TNFYSI01, FD)

Swedish title: Astrofysik

  • No new admission
  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Oleg Kochukhov
  • Department of Physics and Astronomy, Section of Physics

General Study Syllabus for Physics with Specialisation in Astrophysics

Specialisation: Atomic, Molecular and Condensed Matter Physics (TNFYIS02, FD)

Swedish title: Atom-, molekyl- och kondenserade materiens fysik

  • No new admission
  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Mattias Klintenberg
  • Department of Physics and Astronomy, Section of Physics

General Study Syllabus for Physics with Specialisation in Atomic, Molecular and Condensed Matter Physics

Specialisation: Biophysics (TNFYSI03, FD)

Swedish title: Biofysik

  • No new admission
  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: David van der Spoel
  • Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Section of Biology

General Study Syllabus for Physics with Specialisation in Biophysics

Specialisation: Physics Education (TNFYSI05, FD)

Swedish title: Fysikens didaktik

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Urban Eriksson
  • Department of Physics and Astronomy, Section of Physics

General Study Syllabus for Physics with Specialisation in Physics Education

Specialisation: Space and Plasma Physics (TNFYSI08, FD/TD)

Swedish title: Rymd- och plasmafysik

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Yuri Khotyaintsev
  • Department of Physics and Astronomy, Section of Physics

General Study Syllabus for Physics with Specialisation in Space and Plasma Physics

Scientific Computing and its specialisations

Scientific Computing (TNBEVE00, FD/TD)

Swedish title: Beräkningsvetenskap

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Lina von Sydow
  • Department of Information Technology, Section of Mathematics and Computer Science

General Study Syllabus for Scientific Computing

Specialisation: Numerical analysis (TNBEVE01, FD/TD)

Swedish title: Numerisk analys

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Ken Mattsson
  • Department of Information Technology, Section of Mathematics and Computer Science

General Syllabus for Scientific Computing with Specialisation in Numerical Analysis

Theoretical Physics

Theoretical Physics (TNTEFY00, FD/TD)

Swedish title: Teoretisk fysik

  • Responsible professor for doctoral education: Ulf Danielsson
  • Department of Physics and Astronomy, Section of Physics

General Study Syllabus for Theoretical Physics

