Doctoral Student
The time spent in doctoral studies is divided between:
- a research assignment that will lead to a licentiate or doctoral degree;
- doctoral-level courses to introduce, deepen and broaden doctoral studies;
- any departmental duties, such as teaching assistant duties in Bachelor’s and Master’s level courses.
All doctoral students must have adequate means of support throughout their studies. This is to be guaranteed by the department at which they are studying.
Planning and follow-up
The planning and follow-up of doctoral studies is a joint commitment for the doctoral student, the appointed supervisors and other staff responsible for doctoral studies at the department. The primary instruments for planning and follow-up are the individual study plans, which are revised annually, and the regular performance and development conversations between the doctoral student and the head of department (or a person to whom the head of department has delegated this task).
If a research idea or research results are deemed capable of commercialisation, some form of agreement should be drawn up between those involved, and UU Innovation should be involved at an early stage, before any results are published.
Programme length
The studies are to be planned so that the effective period of study is a maximum of 48 months for a doctoral degree and 24 months for a licentiate degree. The effective period of study is the time that is actually devote to doctoral studies, excluding departmental duties, sickness absence, parental leave, etc.

Information about compulsory courses, as well as faculty-wide and subject-specific courses
Part-time studies
The Higher Education Ordinance allows for the possibility of admitting doctoral students with a different pace of study than normal, at their own request, though no less than 50 per cent of full-time. Decisions on admission to part-time studies are taken by the Faculty Board’s Working Committee. The total effective period of study may not exceed four years.
In the case of externally employed doctoral students or doctoral students holding a position at another higher education institution, whose employer wishes to fund their doctoral studies, a written declaration of intent from the funding provider is required upon admission.
Terms and conditions of work and study
The list below details a number of rights and obligations concerning doctoral students’ terms and conditions of work and study. Doctoral students operate in a border area between studies and employment, with an emphasis on the latter. The category to which a doctoral student formally belongs depends on the type of funding they have during their studies.
- Working and employment conditions for doctoral students
- Means of support for doctoral students.
- Work environment and equal opportunities.The University has agreements for occupational health services that apply to all doctoral students (including those funded by scholarships) with an activity rate of at least 20 per cent.
- Continuing professional development for members of staff. Like other employees, doctoral students have the right to participate in internal education and training courses. Course listings and related information can be found via the Staff Portal page on continuing professional development. Some courses are also provided by the Council for Pedagogical Development at the Faculty of Science and Technology (TUR).
- Support for employees and students with disabilities.
Extension of period of study
If there are special reasons, the duration of doctoral studies can be extended beyond the maximum of four years (i.e. 48 months of effective study). These reasons include elected positions, service in the total defence and parental leave.
Extension because of parental leave
Extension for parental leave is based on the number of days spent on parental leave. Over and above parental leave, after at least four consecutive months of full-time parental leave the Faculty Board can also approve an extension of the effective period of study of up to three months (per child) to compensate for the time it takes to start research activities. Applications for an extension for elected positions and for parental leave (over and above the number of days of parental leave) should be sent to the Faculty Board.
Discontinuation of doctoral studies at the doctoral student’s request refers to a situation where a doctoral student chooses not to continue with their studies (without taking a degree). Anyone wishing to resume their studies after discontinuation must re-apply for admission. See Guidelines for doctoral (third-cycle) education, Faculty of Science and Technology.
Before a doctoral degree
Checklist before a doctoral degree.
Before a licentiate degree
Checklist before a licentiate degree.
The supervisor-doctoral student relationship
The relationship between supervisor and doctoral student should be characterised by professionalism. Within the faculty, many doctoral students work closely with their supervisor and it is natural that over a period of four to five years, conflicts or other problems may arise.