Mathematics Education

Photo: Pixabay

Research in mathematics education is about the content and methods of mathematics teaching. The common denominator of the group working in this field at Uppsala is the different types of texts used in mathematics teaching. We work with policy documents, teaching materials, national/international tests; contemporary as well as historic texts. The questions we deal with concern the content of these texts, how they have been selected (present/past), how basic mathematical concepts have changed and also the linguistic structure and how the students react to the texts.

The group collaborates with a number of the department’s other research environments, such as STOLP and the group for the history and sociology of education. The department offers several cross-boundary seminars.

The group's intention is to expand its activities with new issues, materials and methods that complement current research. This means, among other things, a continued exchange with other universities both nationally and internationally in the form of visiting researchers and guest lecturers.

Several members of the group are also involved in various development projects such as the development of educational materials and improving teacher competencies.


Johan Prytz

Mathmatics Teaching Seminar

Held on certain Tuesdays between 10 am and midday. Please contact Johan Prytz for more information.

Nordic Network for Algebra Learning started in spring 2016 on the initiative of researchers in algebra learning in Sweden and Finland. The purpose of the network is to share ideas, exchange experiences and collaborate in different research projects. The network members come from several universities in Sweden and Finland with a focus on Uppsala University and the Åbo Academy in Vaasa. The members consist of doctoral students, new and established researchers within the research field of algebra learning.

The network has organised conferences at different universities (see below) and will continue to do so. The intention is to give at least one conference per year. In addition, there are also more informal meetings with the whole network or different parts of the network.

The intention is to expand the network so that all Nordic countries are represented. Please send an interest request to any of the contact persons on this web page.


Åbo Akademi i Vasa: Contact: Ann-Sofi Röj-Lindberg.
Uppsala universitet: Contact: Lars Madej
Lapplands universitet i Rovaniemi: Contact: Anna-Maija Partanen.
Chalmers tekniska högskola: Contact: Kontaktperson: Johanna Pejlare.
Göteborgs universitet Contact: Cecilia Kilhamn.
Uleåborgs universitet: Contact: Peter Hästö.
Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet: Contact: Heidi Strømskag
Agder University: Contac: Jorunn Reinhardtsen
Högskolan i Gävle: Contact: Kristina Palm Kaplan

Earlier Conferences

  • Karlstad University, Dec 5-6 2023
  • Zoom Aug 22, 2022
  • Zoom Dec 7, 2021
  • Zoom May 19, 2021
  • University of Uppsala, April 16-17, 2020
  • University of Oulu, May 15-17, 2019
  • University of Gothenburg, Aug 22-24, 2018
  • University of Lapland in Rovaniemi, Dec 7-8, 2017
  • Uppsala University, Nov 7-8, 2016
  • Åbo Akademi University in Vasa, May 30-31, 2016


Group members

Research leader: Johan Prytz
Group members: Linda Ahl, Ida Bergvall, Synnöve Carlsson, Anneli Dyrvold, Pia Eriksson, Hanna Fredriksdotter, Laura Galeano, Gabriella Gejard, Matilda Hällback, Lars Madej, Tomas Persson, Johan Prytz, Iresha Gayani Ratnayake Wattegamaralalage, Olov Viirman, Cecilia Kilhamn, Johanna Pejlare, Kirsti Hemmi, Kristina Palm Kaplan, Rimma Nyman, Uffe Thomas Jankvist, Yvonne Liljekvist

