Studies of Comparative Didactics (SCOD)

Photo: Pixabay

The members of the Research Group on Comparative Didactics study and compare teaching and learning within a number of different areas. Taking their starting point in approaches and results of studies within various fields of didactics, they undertake comparisons and analyses aimed at creating knowledge about teaching, teaching content, learning and socialisation.

The majority of the texts presented and discussed in the group’s series of seminars are drafts of book chapters and articles written by the members themselves. The members conduct research into a variety of subjects didactic fields, and the purpose of the seminars is among other things to use the participants’ questions and points of view to elucidate and discuss research into specific areas on the basis of perspectives other than their own.

The members of the group contribute both with empirical knowledge about teaching, learning and professional development and to the development of various theoretical and methodological approaches. The research is characterised by practice-oriented studies of texts, video recordings of classroom practices, surveys, interviews, and development projects.

There are several ongoing doctoral projects in the group. The researchers are leading and participating in a wide range of externally funded projects of various size and orientation. In several of the projects, the participants collaborate with colleagues at other universities nationally and internationally.

Research in Comparative Didactics, thus contributes with new knowledge about teaching, learning, content selection, assessment and identity issues in a number of areas. All these issues are important for the teacher profession, professional development and teacher education.


Jonas Almqvist

The seminar series on Comparative Didactics is held every third Wednesday from 1 PM to 3 PM.

Contact: Jonas Almqvist

