Oliver Schlotterer

Research Interests

My research is centered on the rich physical implications and mathematical structures of string scattering amplitudes. First, I am studying the point-particle limit and low-energy expansion of string amplitudes to reveal striking connections between gauge theories, gravity and effective field theories. Second, I am using string amplitudes as a mathematical laboratory for integration on Riemann surfaces of different genera. In this way, string theory greatly facilitates the construction and organization of iterated integrals and modular forms which find applications in particle physics and inspire new mathematical research in number theory and algebraic geometry.

Oliver Schlotterer

ERC-StG Project Uniscamp 2019-2023

My research during the period January 2019 to December 2023 was funded through the ERC Starting- Grant project UNISCAMP – The unity of scattering amplitudes: gauge theory, gravity, strings and number theory. During this 60-month funding period, up to 5 simultaneous team members produced a total of 45 research papers that can be found on INSPIRE HEP, including the following research highlights:


My group coauthored three White Papers within the Snowmass community planning exercise:

Moreover, I recently published a comprehensive review together with C. Mafra, Tree-level amplitudes from the pure spinor superstring, Phys. Rept. 1020 (2023), arXiv:2210.14241. We review the supersymmetric computation of multiparticle tree-level amplitudes of massless superstring excitations as well as their interplay with the gravitational double copy and multiple zeta values.

Review Material that you cannot find on the arXiv


I am teaching a doublet of master courses on string theory from fall 2023 to spring 2024, the lecture notes including homework problems can be found in the file String Theory I and II Pdf, 14 MB..

Moreover, you can find the notes of Max Guillen's extra lectures on Advanced Topics in String Theory (March 2021) Pdf, 418 kB..


