Exit from postgraduate studies, 1.5 credits

Exitkurs på forskarnivå

Course information

Language of instruction: English
Course period: October 2024
Course structure: Online

Recommended prerequisites

Complete about than 50% of the requirments for a PhD degree at Teknat

Learning outcomes

The aim of this course is to prepare and inform PhD students for the time after completing their degree. This includes illustrations of possible career paths as well as formalities and regulations.

Learning outcomes for doctoral degree

The nature of this course is not directly related to the learning outcomes as specified in the Qualifications Ordinance. The course prepares the students for their career after graduation and informs them about the transfeability of their skills. To a certain degree, it also reduces pressure and anxiety that students would be facing during the last parts of their studies. Overall, this should enhance all of their learning outcomes from other parts of their studies and turn them into well equipped alumni of Uppsala University.

Course contents

The course will include general information about the job market for TekNat graduates, as well as more specific information about career options in academia and the private sector. The course will provide information on where and how to apply for research grants, planning a postdoc, general CV and application writing, documentation of pedagocial and teaching skills, and the social security system.
The course will largely rely on contributions from invited speakers. These will come from units within UU (e.g. for general career aspects, research funding and options in the academic sector), interest groups (e.g. Uppsala University Postdoc Association), as well as outside of UU (both for career options and regulations/the social security system, e.g. Naturvetarna).

The course will consist of nine sessions with various invited speakers. In addition to presentations by the invited speakers, the course will include a panel discussion with current and past PhD students and Postdocs.


During the last years, the course mainly consisted of different lectures/seminars and ended with a panel discussion of recent PhD alumni, which did not give the students much opportunity for active participation and learning. To complement the lectures/seminars, more interactive group sessions (e.g. CV feedback, interview practice) will be included.


To pass the course, participants need to attend at least 80% of the sessions and actively participate in the course.

Course examiner

Torsten Günther, torsten.gunther@ebc.uu.se

Department with main responsibility

Department of Organismal Biology

Contact person

Torsten Günther, torsten.gunther@ebc.uu.se


Submit the application for admission to: torsten.gunther@ebc.uu.se
Submit the application not later than: September 30, 2024

