Introduction to Cryo-electron microscopy, 3 credits

Introduktion till kryo-elektronmikroskopi

Course information

Language of instruction: English
Course period: 2025, period 3
Course structure: Campus teaching only

Recommended prerequisites

B.Sc/M.Sc in Biology, Physics or Chemistry, e.g.
Civilingenjörsprogrammet i molekylär bioteknik

Learning outcomes

After completion of this course, students will have gained:

  • understanding of the theory behind cryo-EM.
  • insight into practical applications of this technique, the role it plays in structural biology and science, and how it pertains to their own research.
  • insight into the basic principles of cryo-EM sample preparation and optimization.
  • understanding of methods for data collection, image processing, 3D reconstruction and model building.
  • hands-on experience in preparing samples for cryo-EM analysis.
  • hands-on experience in operating the cryo-EM.
  • hands-on experience in using various computational methods to process data and generate atomic models

Learning outcomes for doctoral degree

The goal of this course is to enable students to add another tool to their scientific toolbox.

It will allow them to gain deep familiarity with an important research method and to understand how it can be implemented in their own research. It will provide them with the insight to be able to critically assess the quality of work in the field. It will give them the skill set to design and implement experiments using the method, and to aptly trouble shoot when issues arise. It will also enable them to spread their knowledge to others and effectively advice and train other users in their respective research groups.

Course contents

  • Transmission electron microscope optics
  • Fourier transforms and image formation in transmission electron microscopy
  • Principles of biological sample preparation and optimization for cryo-TEM
  • Electron microscopy operations and methods for data collection
  • Principle methods of cryo-EM image processing, 3D reconstruction, map validation and model building


  • Lectures
  • Labs (wet labs and computer labs)
  • Student presentations
  • Student-led seminars


Students will be evaluated based on a written exam and a poster presentation.

We will also provide opportunities for engagement online (slack and Studium) where questions will be posted and answering questions/discussion will count towards the written exam.

Course examiner

Daniel Larsson,
Anna Sundborger-Lunna,

Department with main responsibility

Department of Cell and Molecular Biology

Contact person/s

Daniel Larsson,
Anna Sundborger-Lunna,


Submit the application for admission to: Daniel Larsson,
Anna Sundborger-Lunna,
Submit the application not later than: November 29, 2024

