Máté Erdélyi


Short presentation


  • antibiotic resistance
  • halogen bond
  • medicinal chemistry
  • microwave chemistry
  • natural products
  • nmr
  • organic chemistry
  • organic synthesis
  • peptide synthesis
  • spectroscopy


This text is not available in English, therefore the Swedish version is shown.

2017- Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden

2008- Gothenburg University, Göteborg, Sweden
'Understanding Halogen Bonding in Solution: Investigation of yet unexplored Interactions with application in Medicinal Chemistry' (Swedish Scientific Research Council 2007-4407).

2007-2008 Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany
‘Anti-Cancer’ – NMR investigation of tubulin-ligand complexes. Postdoctoral work with Prof. Teresa Carlomagno (Marie-Curie postdoctoral fellowship, FP6 041136).

2005-2006 Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany

‘Development of paramagnetic tags for polysaccharides, structural studies using dipolar couplings and paramagnetic shifts’. Postdoctoral work with Prof. Christian Griesinger. (Swedish Scientific Research Council 2004-3073)

2004-2005 University of California, San Diego, USA
‘Investigation of n-s* interactions via solution NMR techniques’. Postdoctoral work with Prof. Charles L. Perrin.

1999-2004 Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Development of photoswitchable peptidomimetics. Ph.D. work with Prof. A. Gogoll.

1999 Chinoin-Sanofi-Synthelabo Ltd, Budapest, Hungary
NMR-based conformational investigation of berbanes. Project work with Dr. B. Podanyi.

1998 Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Development of bispidinone and piperazine-based molecular tools for NMR investigation of (p-allyl)palladium complexes. Project work with Prof. A. Gogoll.

1995-1998 Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
Rotamicrospeciation of hydroxycarboxylic acids; investigation of excitatory amino acid analogues. Project work with Prof. B. Noszal.

Research Grants:
2016 Swedish Research Council (2016-05978, proof of concept)
2016 Swedish Research Council (2016-03602, project grant)
2016 Swedish Research Council (2016-05857, development research)
2013 Swedish Research Council (2013-8804, antibiotic resistance)
2013 Sigrud and Elsa Golje's memorial foundation (LA2013-0298)
2012 Swedish Research Council (2012-3819, halogen bonding)
2012 Swedish Research Council (2012-6124, antimalarial natural products)
2012 Swedish Research Council (2012-6074, antitubercular natural products)
2011 Knut Alice Wallenberg Foundation (2011/50)
2010 Carl Tryggers Foundation (CTS 2010:95)
2010 STINT Institutional Grants for Younger Researchers (YR 2010-7045)
2010 European Research Council, Starting Grant (259638)
2010 The Royal Society of Arts and Sciences in Göteborg
2009 Carl Tryggers Foundation (CTS 2009:104)
2009 Åke Wibergs Foundation (8112450333)
2008 Carl Tryggers Foundation (CTS 2008:97)
2007 Swedish Research Council (VR 2007:4407)

2006 Marie Curie Intra-European fellowship
2006 Humboldt postdoctoral fellowship
2004 Swedish Pharmaceutical Society, fellowship
2004 Vetenskapsrådet, postdoc. fellowship
2003 Swedish Pharmaceutical Society, IF:s Foundation
2002 Swedish Pharm. Society, CD Carlssons Foundation
1998 Fellowship of Pro Renov. Cultura Hungariae Found
Fellowship of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Society
Fellowship of the Pharmacy for Health Foundation
Fellowship of the Hungarian Academic Stud. Council
1996-9 Fellowship of the Hungarian Republic

2004 Pedagogic Prize, Uppsala Pharmaceutical Student Association
1999 Mozsonyi Sándor Award
1998 Schulek Elemér Award
1998 Mozsonyi Sándor Award

Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
2004 Ph.D. in organic chemistry.
2002 Ph.Lic. in organic chemistry.

Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
1999 Master of Science in Pharmacy


This text is not available in English, therefore the Swedish version is shown.

Understanding Halogen Bonding in Solution

Halogen bonding is an electron density donation-based weak interaction that has so far mostly been investigated in computational and crystallographic studies.

We examine halogen bonding formed in solution environment employing a novel, exceedingly accurate NMR methodology. Using a combination of spectroscopic and computational techniques the energetics of halogen bonds and the role of electrostatic and non-electrostatic effects in the interaction will be studied. Variation of bond length and symmetry as well as their relevance in inter- and intramolecular interactions are being elucidated.

The gained knowledge will be applied to understand the impact of halogen bonding in biological systems, such as protein-ligand and lipide-ligand interactions as well as used to develop new applications of halogen bonding in organic, analytical and pharmaceutical chemistry.

Exploration of Antimalarial Natural Products from Kenyan Plants

Malaria, caused by the protozoan parasites of the genus Plasmodium, is a major disease in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Out of yearly 300 to 500 million clinical episodes, of which 90% occur in tropical sub-Saharan region, 1.5-2.7 million are lethal. Notably, malaria is the leading cause of mortality of children under five years of age and of pregnant women in this area. The emergence of chloroquine-resistant strains of the parasite Plasmodium falciparum and the rising resistance of the vectors (Anopheles spp.) to insecticides in combination with poverty and lack of a well-functioning health care system are the main causes for the increase of malaria morbidity and mortality over the past decade. To date over thousand herbal species are in use in indigenous health systems as means of treating malaria and managing related fever; however, their efficacy and active components have not yet been studied systematically. Although there are several antimalarial drugs on the market, most do not meet the requirement of ≤ 1 USD per treatment and are unaffordable for the majority of Africa. Chloroquine and sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine are the only remedy available for such low price; however, the already widespread and relentlessly increasing resistance against these agents makes them virtually useless. The discovery of Artemisinin from Artemisia annua showed that plants used in traditional medicine may provide new source of lead structures for the development of novel antiplasmodial drugs.

The goal of this ongoing project is identification of novel pharmaceutical lead compounds from the Kenyan flora by evaluation of efficacious traditional remedies by modern techniques. We collaborate with the research group of Prof. Abiy Yenesew at the University of Nairobi, Kenya, and aim to join our forces by integrating cultural practice with modern pharmaceutical approaches to advance new solutions to malaria, the disease of highest mortality in sub-Saharan Africa. Expected outcomes of the project are bioactive natural products rapidly transferable to the treatment of malaria - either through identification of new lead compounds or through development of phytomedicines.

Development of metallo-beta-lactamase inhibitors to control antibiotic resistance

The appearance of superbugs producing metallo-beta-lactamases (MβLs) have resulted in a clinical crisis. In this collaborative project, subclasses of MβLs including NDM-1 are expressed and purified and a a series of beta-lactam antibiotics transition state analogs are synthesized. Their broad-spectrum inhibition activity and structure-activity relationship is evaluated. Special attention will be given to possible synergestic effects when applied in combination with antibiotics for inhibition of antibiotic resistant bacteria. The complexes of MβLs and the transition state analogs are studied by NMR and X-ray crystallography, to provide information useful for the development of clinically applicable broad spectrum inhibitors. The long term goal of this project is to create novel compounds with broad-spectrum inhibitory potency to MβLs and superbugs, and to provide a deeper understanding of molecular processes behind antibiotic action that is expected to support the development of additional antibacterial drugs.


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Máté Erdélyi

