Auli Niemi
Professor emeritus in Groundwater modelling at Department of Earth Sciences; Program for Air, Water and Landscape Sciences; Hydrology
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Auli Niemi is Professor Emerita in Groundwater Modeling at Department of Earth Sciences at Uppsala University, Sweden. Her earlier positions include Professor in Groundwater Modeling at Uppsala University, Research Professor and Leading Research Scientist at Technical Research Centre of Finland, Visiting Professor at Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm and Research Associate at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA. Her research involves modeling and characterization of flow and transport in porous and fractured media, with applications ranging from energy challenges, such as geothermal energy, CO2 storage and disposal of nuclear waste, to environmental protection. In recent years her research has had a strong focus on processes related to geological storage of CO2, where she e.g. has participated, at the leadership level as a coordinator/WP leader, to several EU financed R&D projects as well as projects in the Baltic Sea region. As part of the EU financed research she has been one of the key developers of Heletz, Israel, CO2 injection site, where scientifically motivated CO2 injection experiments have been carried out to investigate CO2 trapping.
Selection of publications
- Modeling Gas Transport in the Shallow Subsurface in Maguelone Field Experiment (2013)
- Simulation of CO2 injection into a Baltic Sea saline aquifer and seismic monitoring of the plume (2013)
- Understanding the effect of single fracture heterogeneity from single well injection withdrawal (SWIW) tests (2013)
- A new approach to account for fracture aperture variability when modeling solute transport in fracture networks (2013)
- A Numerical Model of Tracer Transport in a Non-isothermal Two-Phase Flow System for Geological Storage Characterization (2013)
- Deep hydrogeology (2013)
- Two-phase flow in rough-walled fractures: Comparison of continuum and invasion-percolation models (2013)
- Dissolution of dense non-aqueous phase liquids in vertical fractures (2013)
- Modeling of far-field pressure plumes and brine migration for CO2 geological storage (2013)
- Upscaling of the constitutive relationships for CO2 migration in multimodal heterogeneous formations (2013)
- The role of geological heterogeneity and variability in water infiltration on non-aqueous phase liquid migration (2013)
- An observed error in PMPATH particle tracking algorithm for MODFLOW in case of varying porosity and a proposed correction (2012)
- A study of flow-wetted surface area in a single fracture as a function of its hydraulic conductivity distribution (2012)
- Small-Scale CO2 Injection into a Deep Geological Formation at Heletz, Israel (2012)
- Effect of Permeability Heterogeneity on Storage Capacity Estimation in CO2 injection (2012)
- A generalized approach for estimation of in-plane curvature in invasion percolation models for drainage in fractures (2012)
- Effects of single-fracture aperture statistics on entrapment, dissolution and source depletion behavior of dense non-aqueous phase liquids (2012)
- Macro-scale constitutive relationships for CO2 migration in heterogeneous geological formations (2012)
- Model for the dependence of conditions at the injection well head and the reservoir during CO2 injection (2011)
- Evaluation of design options for a field experiment of CO2 injection to a deep layered aquifer at the Heletz site using numerical modelling (2011)
- Modelling of novel tracers in a two-phase flow system for characterization of geologically stored CO2 in deep saline formations (2011)
- Subsurface characterisation and modeling of a CO2 test site in south Scania, Sweden, with special emphasis on the treatment of hydrogeological heterogeneity (2011)
- Modeling immiscible displacement in variable aperture fractures (2011)
- Design and Analysis of Field Experiments for the Investigation of In-Situ CO2 Trapping (2010)
- Model simulations for guiding the design of the CO2 injection experiment at the Heletz site (2010)
- Modeling CO2 injection to aid the design of a field experiment at the Heletz site (2010)
- Simulations of CO2 injection at the Heletz field site – providing guidance for optimal design of a planned field injection experiment (2009)
- Modeling of DNAPL spreading in heterogeneous variable aperture fractures (2009)
- Modeling of dense nonaqueous phase liquid entrapment and dissolution in variable aperture fractures (2009)
- Modeling of nonaqueous phase liquid (NAPL) migration in heterogeneous saturated media (2008)
- Comparison of transport persistence and dispersion length for strongly heterogeneous conductivity fields (2008)
- Nonaqueous-phase liquid infiltration and immobilization in heterogeneous media (2007)
- Nonaqueous-phase liquid infiltration and immobilization in heterogeneous media (2007)
- A partially coupled, fraction-by-fraction modelling approach to the subsurface migration of gasoline spills (2007)
- Parameter Sensitivity in the Prediction of DNAPL Infiltration and Redistribution in Heterogeneous Porous Media (2006)
- Sensitivity of model parameter in the prediction of DNAPL infiltration and redistribution in heterogeneous porous media (2005)
Recent publications
- Comparison of performance assessment models and methods in crystalline rock (2025)
- Channel Network Modeling of Flow and Transport in Fractured Rock at the Äspö HRL (2023)
- Pore‐Scale Determination of Residual Gas Remobilization and Critical Saturation in Geological CO2 Storage (2023)
- Pore-scale characterization of residual gas remobilization in CO2 geological storage (2023)
- Apparent flow-dimension approach to the study of heterogeneous fracture network systems (2023)
All publications
- Comparison of performance assessment models and methods in crystalline rock (2025)
- Channel Network Modeling of Flow and Transport in Fractured Rock at the Äspö HRL (2023)
- Pore‐Scale Determination of Residual Gas Remobilization and Critical Saturation in Geological CO2 Storage (2023)
- Pore-scale characterization of residual gas remobilization in CO2 geological storage (2023)
- Apparent flow-dimension approach to the study of heterogeneous fracture network systems (2023)
- Hydraulic stimulation strategies in enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) (2022)
- Role of critical gas saturation in the interpretation of a field scale CO2 injection experiment (2022)
- Determining residual gas remobilization and critical saturation in geological CO2 storage by pore-scale modelling (2022)
- CO2 residual trapping experiments at Heletz, Israel pilot injection site (2022)
- Pore-Scale Mechanisms of Solid Phase Emergence During DNAPL Remediation by Chemical Oxidation (2022)
- Study on the influence of randomly distributed fracture aperture in a fracture network on heat production from an enhanced geothermal system (EGS) (2022)
- Hydraulic Modeling of Induced and Propagated Fractures (2021)
- A methodology for the interpretation of aquifer tests (2021)
- Exploring residual CO2 trapping in Heletz sandstone using pore-network modeling and a realistic pore-space topology obtained from a micro-CT scan (2021)
- Characterization of CO2 self-release during Heletz Residual Trapping Experiment I (RTE I) using a coupled wellbore-reservoir simulator (2020)
- The Influence of Coupled Thermomechanical Processes on the Pressure and Temperature due to Cold Water Injection into Multiple Fracture Zones in Deep Rock Formation (2020)
- Model analysis of CO2 residual trapping from single-well push pull test - Heletz, Residual Trapping Experiment II (2020)
- Model analysis of CO2 residual trapping from single-well push pull test based on hydraulic withdrawal tests (2020)
- Characterizing CO2 residual trapping in-situ by means of single-well push-pull experiments at Heletz, Israel, pilot injection site (2020)
- Gas migration and residual trapping in bimodal heterogeneous media during geological storage of CO2 (2020)
- Modeling Immiscible Two-Phase Flow in Rough Fractures From Capillary to Viscous Fingering (2019)
- Impacts of SO2 gas impurity within a CO2 stream on reservoir rock of a CCS pilot site (2018)
- Residual trapping of carbon dioxide during geological storage (2018)
- The impact of co-contaminant SO2, versus salinity and thermodynamic conditions, on residual CO2 trapping during geological storage (2018)
- The geology and hydrology of the CarbFix2 site, SW-Iceland (2018)
- Importance of stress effects on inputs to fracture network models used for subsurface flow and transport studies (2018)
- Pore-scale modeling of wettability effects on CO2–brine displacement during geological storage (2017)
- The effects of nearby fractures on hydraulically induced fracture propagation and permeability changes (2017)
- Study of hydraulic fracturing processes in shale formations with complex geological settings (2017)
- The effect of designing parameter of WAG injection on enhancement of CO2trapping in heterogeneous formations: A numerical study (2017)
- Gaussian Process Emulators for Quantifying Uncertainty in CO2 Spreading Predictions in Heterogeneous Media (2017)
- Numerical modelling of CO2 injection at small-scale field experimental site in Maguelone, France (2016)
- Lessons learned from using expert elicitation to identify, assess and rank the potential leakage scenarios at the Heletz pilot CO2 injection site (2016)
- Mineralogical properties of the caprock and reservoir sandstone of the Heletz field scale experimental CO2 injection site, Israel; and their initial sensitivity to CO2 injection (2016)
- Multilevel Monte Carlo methods for computing failure probability of porous media flow systems (2016)
- Review: The state-of-art of sparse channel models and their applicability to performance assessment of radioactive waste repositories in fractured crystalline formations (2016)
- Laboratory experiments on CO2 rich brine percolation experiments through Heletz samples (Israel) - role of fow rate and brine composition (2016)
- CO2-rich brine percolation experiments through Heletz samples (Israel): Role of the flow rate and brine composition. (2016)
- Heletz experimental site overview, characterization and data analysis for CO2 injection and geological storage (2016)
- Characterization of formation properties for geological storage of CO2 - Experiences from the Heletz CO2 injection site and other example sites from the EU FP7 project MUSTANG Preface (2016)
- Techno-economic assessment of CO2 quality effect on its storage and transport (2016)
- A simulation study of the effect of trapping model, geological heterogeneity and injection strategies on CO2 trapping (2016)
- Analysis of 6‑year fluid electric conductivity logs to evaluate the hydraulic structure of the deep drill hole at Outokumpu, Finland (2016)
- An integrated core-based analysis for the characterization of flow, transport and mineralogical parameters of the Heletz pilot CO2 storage site reservoir (2016)
- Effects of permeability heterogeneity on CO2 injectivity and storage efficiency coefficient (2016)
- Integrated simulations of CO2 spreading and pressure response in the multilayer saline aquifer of South Scania Site, Sweden (2016)
- Hydrologic testing during drilling: application of the flowing fluid electrical conductivity (FFEC) logging method to drilling of a deep borehole (2016)
- Hydrologic testing during drilling (2016)
- Benefits and restrictions of 2D reactive transport simulations of CO2 and SO2 co-injection into a saline aquifer using TOUGHREACT V3.0-OMP (2016)
- Fluid trapping during capillary displacement in fractures (2016)
- A feasibility and efficiency study of seismic waveform inversion for time-lapse monitoring of onshore CO2 geological storage sites using reflection seismic acquisition geometries (2016)
- Experimental and modeling investigation of CO2 flow and transport in a coupled domain of porous media and free flow (2015)
- Coupled hydro-mechanical processes and fault reactivation induced by Co-2 Injection in a three-layer storage formation (2015)
- A study of changes in deep fractured rock permeability due to coupled hydro-mechanical effects (2015)
- Distribution of injected CO2 in a stratified saline reservoir accounting for coupled wellbore-reservoir flow (2015)
- Prerequisites for density-driven instabilities and convective mixing under broad geological CO2 storage conditions (2015)
- Modeling of pressure build-up and estimation of maximum injection rate for geological CO2 storage at the South Scania site, Sweden (2015)
- Assessing CO2 storage capacity in the Dalders Monocline of the Baltic Sea Basin using dynamic models of varying complexity (2015)
- Merging single-well and inter-well tracer testsinto one forced gradient dipole test, at the Heletz site within the MUSTANG project. (2014)
- Merging single-well and inter-well tracer tests inot one forced gradient dipole test, at the Heletz site within Mustang project (2014)
- CO2QUEST: Techno-economic Assessment of CO2 Quality Effect on Its Storage and Transport (2014)
- Geological Storage of CO2 in the Southern Baltic Sea (2014)
- Geological Storage of CO2 in the Southern Baltic Sea (2014)
- Analysis of alternative push-pull-test-designs for determining in situ residual trapping of carbon dioxide (2014)
- Modeling Gas Transport in the Shallow Subsurface in Maguelone Field Experiment (2013)
- Design of a two-well field test to determine in situ residual and dissolution trapping of CO2 applied to the Heletz CO2 injection site (2013)
- Interwell field test to determine in-situ CO2 trapping in a deep saline aquifer (2013)
- Simulation of CO2 injection into a Baltic Sea saline aquifer and seismic monitoring of the plume (2013)
- CO2 storage is feasible and further demonstration projects are needed CO2 storage at the EGU general assembly 2012 Preface (2013)
- Understanding the effect of single fracture heterogeneity from single well injection withdrawal (SWIW) tests (2013)
- A new approach to account for fracture aperture variability when modeling solute transport in fracture networks (2013)
- A Numerical Model of Tracer Transport in a Non-isothermal Two-Phase Flow System for Geological Storage Characterization (2013)
- Deep hydrogeology (2013)
- Two-phase flow in rough-walled fractures: Comparison of continuum and invasion-percolation models (2013)
- Dissolution of dense non-aqueous phase liquids in vertical fractures (2013)
- Modelling of far-field pressure plumes for carbon dioxide sequestration (2013)
- Upscaling of the constitutive relationships for CO2 migration in multimodal heterogeneous formations (2013)
- The role of geological heterogeneity and variability in water infiltration on non-aqueous phase liquid migration (2013)
- An observed error in PMPATH particle tracking algorithm for MODFLOW in case of varying porosity and a proposed correction (2012)
- A study of flow-wetted surface area in a single fracture as a function of its hydraulic conductivity distribution (2012)
- Small-Scale CO2 Injection into a Deep Geological Formation at Heletz, Israel (2012)
- A generalized approach for estimation of in-plane curvature in invasion percolation models for drainage in fractures (2012)
- Effects of single-fracture aperture statistics on entrapment, dissolution and source depletion behavior of dense non-aqueous phase liquids (2012)
- Modeling of nonaqueous phase liquid (NAPL) migration in heterogeneous saturated media (2008)
- Regional channelized transport in fractured media with matrix diffusion and linear sorption (2008)
- Nonaqueous-Phase Liquid Infiltration and Immobilization in Heterogeneous Media: 1. Experimental Methods and Two-Layered Reference Case (2007)
- Nonaqueous-phase liquid infiltration and immobilization in heterogeneous media (2007)
- Nonaqueous-phase liquid infiltration and immobilization in heterogeneous media (2007)
- A partially coupled, fraction-by-fraction modelling approach to the subsurface migration of gasoline spills (2007)
- Comparison of relative permeability-fluid saturation-capillary pressure relations in the modelling of non-aqueous phase liquid infiltration in variably saturated, layered media (2006)
- From well-test data to input to stochastic continuum models: effect of the variable support scale of the hydraulic data (2006)
- A Regional-Scale Particle-Tracking Method for Nonstationary Fractured Media (2005)
- Probabilistic Estimation of Fracture Transmissivity from Wellbore Hydraulic Data Accounting for Depth-Dependent Anisotropic Rock Stress (2005)
- Role of rock heterogeneity on lateral diversion of water flow at the soil–rock interface (2004)
- Role of rock heterogeneity on lateral diversion of water flow at the soil-rock interface (2004)
- Flow Dimension as an Indicator of Hydraulic Behavior in Site Characterization of Fractured Rock (2003)
- Upscaling of Fracture Hydraulics by Means of an Oriented Correlated Stochastic Continuum Model (2003)
- Upscaling of Fracture Hydraulics by Means of an Oriented Correlated Stochastic Continuum Model (2003)
- Numerical simulation of geological storage of CO2 with impurities in large scale saline aquifer
- Pore-scale characterization of residual phase remobilization in geological CO2 storage using X-ray microtomography and pore-network modelling
- Chapter 8: Field Injection Operations and Monitoring of the Injected CO2 (2017)
- Chapter 7: Site Characterization (2017)
- Chapter 4: Mathematical Modeling (2017)
- Chaphter 2: Overview of Processes Occurring During CO2 Geological Storage and Their Relevance to Key Questions of Performance (2017)
- Feasibility ofLong-term Monitoring of Deep Hydrogeology with Flowing Fluid Electric Conductivity Logging Method. (2015)
- Feasibility of Long-term Monitoring of Deep Hydrogeology with Flowing Fluid Electric Conductivity Logging Method (2015)
- Feasibility of Long‐Term Passive Monitoring of Deep Hydrogeology with Flowing Fluid Electric Conductivity Logging Method (2015)
- Thermo-Mechanical effects on hydraulic conductivity in a nuclear waste repository setting (2004)
- Thermo-mechanical effects on hydraulic conductivity in a nuclear waste repository setting (2004)
- Determining Gas Re-Mobilization and Critical Saturation (2022)
- Simplified Computations of Radionuclide Transport in Complex Fracture Networks in Deep Crystalline Rock (2022)
- Use of apparent flow dimension in transient pressure analysis to evaluate non-uniform flow in heterogeneous porous media (2022)
- Role of Critical Saturation in Evaluating Residual Trapping in a Field Scale CO2 Injection Experiment (2020)
- A Stochastic Model for Interpreting the Partitioning Tracer Recovery from Residual Trapping Experiment at Heletz, Israel, Pilot Injection Site (2019)
- Study of CO2 Residual Trapping In-Situ – Results from Push- Pull Experiments at Heletz (Israel) Pilot CO2 Injection Site (2018)
- Study of the influenceof geological features and key parameters on coupled hydro-mechanical processesin hydraulic fracturing of shale-gas reservoirs. (2017)
- Single-well push-pullCO2 injection experiment for evaluating in-situ residual trapping at Heletz, Israel. (2017)
- 2D reactive transport simulations of CO2 streams containing impurities in a saline aquifer, Heletz, Israel (2017)
- Pore-scale modeling of wettability effects on CO2-brine displacement during geological storage (2016)
- Enhancement of CO2 Trapping in Saline AquifersUsing a Water-Alternating-Gas Method (2016)
- Influence of design parameters in Water-Alternating-Gas Injection on enhancement of CO2 trapping in heterogeneous formations: A numerical study. (2016)
- Laboratory measurements of density-driven convection in analogy with solubility trapping of geologically sequestered CO2 (2016)
- Fluid trapping characteristics of immiscible displacement in fractures (2016)
- Viability of modelling gas transport in shallow injection-monitoring experiment field at Maguelone,France (2015)
- Study of the Potential Fault Reactivation induced by CO2 injection ina three-layer storage formation. (2015)
- Parameter sensitivity analysis on potential fault reactivation induced by CO2 injection in a multi-layer storage formation. (2015)
- From pore to field-scale modelling of kinetic interface sensitive tracers for monitoring CO2 plume migration in deep salineaquifers (2015)
- Effect of permeability heterogeneity on CO2 injectivity and sweep efficiency based on numerical simulations (2015)
- Hydrogeologic Testing During Drilling of COSC-1 Borehole: Application of FFEC Logging Method. (2015)
- Impact of SO2 Co injectionon the Reservoir - A Modelling Sensitivity Study (2015)
- Experimental study of advective-diffusive gaseous CO2 transport through porous media. (2014)
- Merging single-well and inter-well tracer tests into one forced-gradient dipole test, at the Heletz site within the MUSTANGproject (2014)
- Hydrogeological characterization and first CO2 injection experiment in the Heletz sands Reservoir, Heletz (Israel) (2014)
- CO(2)QUEST (2014)
- Comparison between a vertical equilibrium model and a three-dimensional multiphase flow model for CO2 sequestration ingeologic formations (2014)
- Evaluation of CO2 migration and formation storagecapacity in the Dalders formations, Baltic Sea- Preliminary analysis by means ofmodels of increasing complexity. (2014)
- Effects of Impurities in CO2 Spreading Model Development for Field Experiments in the Framework of the CO2QUEST Project. (2014)
- Study of Pore-Pressure Induced Hydromechanics Effects on Permeability of Fractured Rock with Curved and Dead-End Fractures (2014)
- A comparative approach for modeling of CO2 storage capacity and associated pressure response– analysis of data from South Scaniasite, Sweden. (2014)
- Geological Storage of CO2 in the Southern BalticSea. (2014)
- Fluid trapping characteristics of immiscible displacement in fractures (2014)
- Capillary Displacement and Fluid Trapping in Fractures (2014)
- Capillary Displacement and Fluid Trapping in Fractures (2014)
- Modeling gas transport in the shallow subsurface in the Maguelone field experiment (2013)
- Modeling gas transport in the shallow subsurface in the Maguelone field experiment (2013)
- Hydrogeological characterization of the Heletz SandsReservoir, Heletz (Israel) as a preliminary step towards CO2 injectionexperiments. (2013)
- Inter-well field test to determine in-situ CO2 trapping in a deep saline aquifer: Modelling study of the effects of testdesign and geological parameters. (2013)
- Single-well and inter-well dual-tracer tests for CCSpilot site characterization at Heletz (Israel): scope and limitations. (2013)
- CCS site characterization by single-well andinter-well tracer tests. Proceedings. (2013)
- Application of the reflection seismic method formonitoring CO2 injection in a deep saline aquifer in Baltic Sea: A modelingstudy. (2013)
- Pre-injection characterization tests of Helet (Israel) site in preparation of small-scale CO2injection experiments. (2013)
- Use of FFEC logging for long-term monitoring of regional flow in multi-layer aquifer system (2013)
- Effect of permeability heterogeneity on CO2 sweep efficiency and implication for storage capacity. (2013)
- Modeling of far-field pressure plumes and brine migration for CO2 geological storage (2013)
- Modelling of far-field pressure plumes for carbon dioxide sequestration (2013)
- Small scale laboratory design investigation of leakage of gaseous CO2 through heterogeneous subsurface system (2012)
- Small scale laboratory design investigation of leakage of gaseous CO2 through heterogeneous subsurface system (2012)
- Design and Instrumentation of a high controlled experiment of CO2 injection at Heletz, Israel in the frame of the EU-FP7MUSTANG project. (2012)
- Facies distribution, heterogeneity study and numerical 3D modeling of a multilayered Rhaetian-Lower Cretaceous aquifer succession inthe Höllviken Halfgraben, SW Skåne, Sweden - assessment of suitability forstorage of CO2. (2012)
- Design of a two-well field test to determine in-situ residual and dissolution trapping of CO2 in a deep saline aquifer (2012)
- Field Test for Measurement of In-Situ CO2 Dissolution and Residual Phase Trapping at the Heletz Experimental CO2 Injection Site (2012)
- Modeling wellbore and reservoir carbon dioxide flow for the Heletz experiment (2012)
- Modeling wellbore and reservoir carbon dioxide flow for the Heletz experiment (2012)
- Identification of scale effects in dissolution trapping from the response of a push-pull experiment (2012)
- Identification of scale effects in dissolution trapping from the response of a push-pull experiment (2012)
- Analysis of alternative push-pull-test-designs for determining in-situ trapping of CO2 (2012)
- Analysis of alternative push-pull-test-designs for determining in-situ trapping of CO2 (2012)
- Small scale experiment design to study CO2 leakage through a shallow subsurface system (2012)
- Small scale experiment design to study CO2 leakage through a shallow subsurface system (2012)
- Flowing Fluid Electrical Conductivity Logging at the Heletz Site for Detailed Hydraulic Information for CO2 injection (2012)
- Effect of Permeability Heterogeneity on Storage Capacity Estimation in CO2 injection (2012)
- A solution scheme for simulating of tracer transportin a non-isothermal two-phase flow system. (2012)
- A discussion of issues related to hydrogeology of deepgeologic systems. (2012)
- Macro-scale constitutive relationships for CO2 migration in heterogeneous geological formations (2012)
- Model for the dependence of conditions at the injection well head and the reservoir during CO2 injection (2011)
- Use of Gaussian Process Emulators for Quantifying Uncertainty in CO2 Spreading Predications in Heterogeneous Geological Media (2011)
- The MUSTANG site characterisation programme (2011)
- Analysis of boundary conditions in numerical simulations of geological CO2 storage (2011)
- Modelling and Design of Field Tests for Characterization and Monitoring of CO2 Injected to a Deep Saline Aquifer at the Heletz Site (2011)
- Evaluation of design options for a field experiment of CO2 injection to a deep layered aquifer at the Heletz site using numerical modelling (2011)
- Modelling of novel tracers in a two-phase flow system for characterization of geologically stored CO2 in deep saline formations (2011)
- Single-well and inter-well tracer test design for CCS pilot site assessment (Heletz, Israel) (2011)
- Subsurface characterisation and modeling of a CO2 test site in south Scania, Sweden, with special emphasis on the treatment of hydrogeological heterogeneity (2011)
- Modeling of single-well CO2 injection-withdrawal experiment to becarried out at the Heletz site (2011)
- Modeling of single-well CO2 injection-withdrawal experiment to becarried out at the Heletz site (2011)
- Flowing Fluid Electric Conductivity logging method as a tool to characterize the hydraulic conducitivity strucure of a target layer for CO2 injection (2011)
- A finite element code for modelling tracer transport in a non-isothermal two-phase flow system for CO2 geological storage characterization (2011)
- Modeling immiscible displacement in variable aperture fractures (2011)
- Design and Analysis of Field Experiments for the Investigation of In-Situ CO2 Trapping (2010)
- Model simulations for guiding the design of the CO2 injection experiment at the Heletz site (2010)
- Modeling CO2 injection to aid the design of a field experiment at the Heletz site (2010)
- 'MUSTANG- a large scale integrating EU FP7 project for developing methodolgies for quantifying saline aquifers for geological storage of CO2' (2010)
- MUSTANG: Key Results of the MUSTANG project. CCS Ready to Go? (2010)
- MUSTANG-A multiple space and time scale approach for quatifying saline aquifers for deep disposal of carbondioxide. (2010)
- Effects of fracture aperture statistics and boundary characteristics on DNAPL migration, entrapment, dissolution and source depletion behavior (2010)
- Simulations of CO2 injection at the Heletz field site – providing guidance for optimal design of a planned field injection experiment (2009)
- A Multiple Space and Time Scale Approach for the Characterization and Modeling of Deep Saline Formations for CO2 storage. (2009)
- Modeling of dense nonaqueous phase liquid entrapment and dissolution in variable aperture fractures (2009)
- Modeling of DNAPL spreading in heterogeneous variable aperture fractures (2009)
- Modeling of dense nonaqueous phase liquid entrapment and dissolution in variable aperture fractures (2009)
- Modeling of DNAPL migration, entrapment and dissolution in single and intersecting variable aperture fractures (2009)
- Comparison of transport persistence and dispersion length for strongly heterogeneous conductivity fields (2008)
- Modeling NAPL migration in heterogeneous media (2007)
- Partitioning TracerTest Performance in 3D Heterogeneous Tank Experiment: Influence of Nonaqueous Phase Liquid Source Zone (2007)
- Partitioning Tracer Test Performance in 3D Heterogeneous Tank Experiment: Influence of Nonaqueous Phase Liquid Source Zone (2007)
- Modeling of NAPL source zone formation in stochastically heterogeneous layered media – a comparison with experimental results. (2006)
- Parameter Sensitivity in the Prediction of DNAPL Infiltration and Redistribution in Heterogeneous Porous Media (2006)
- A Modeling case study of NAPL transport in porous medium under the influence of variable infiltration and geological heterogeneity. (2006)
- Experimental investigation of NAPL migration and source zone formation in saturated heterogeneous media (2005)
- NAPL migration and source zone formation in layered heterogeneous media (2005)
- Sensitivity of model parameter in the prediction of DNAPL infiltration and redistribution in heterogeneous porous media (2005)
- Multi-constituent modelling of a gasoline spill using the T2VOC numerical simulator (2003)