Joseph Minahan
Professor at Department of Physics and Astronomy; Theoretical Physics
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 32 91
- Mobile phone:
- +46 72 999 90 25
- E-mail:
- Visiting address:
- Ångströmlaboratoriet, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
- Postal address:
- Box 516
751 20 UPPSALA
Professor at Department of Mathematics; Centre for Geometry and Physics
- Mobile phone:
- +46 72 999 90 25
- Visiting address:
- Ångströmlaboratoriet, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
- Postal address:
- Box 480
751 06 UPPSALA
More information is available to staff who log in.
Short presentation
My home page at the physics department site is here.
Lecture notes for various courses I have taught can be found here.
Research interests
My main research interests are in string theory and quantum field theory. Over the last several years I have been studying the AdS/CFT duality beyond the supergravity limit. More specifically, this research is centered on using integrability and localization to find exact results for supersymmetric theories.
Recent publications
- The asymptotic form of the Hagedorn temperature in planar N=4 super Yang-Mills (2023)
- The ABJM Hagedorn Temperature from Integrability (2023)
- Seven-dimensional super Yang-Mills at negative coupling (2023)
- Squashing and supersymmetry enhancement in three dimensions (2022)
- Conformal field theories on deformed spheres, anomalies, and supersymmetry (2021)
All publications
- The asymptotic form of the Hagedorn temperature in planar N=4 super Yang-Mills (2023)
- The ABJM Hagedorn Temperature from Integrability (2023)
- Seven-dimensional super Yang-Mills at negative coupling (2023)
- Squashing and supersymmetry enhancement in three dimensions (2022)
- Conformal field theories on deformed spheres, anomalies, and supersymmetry (2021)
- Five-dimensional gauge theories on spheres with negative couplings (2021)
- Supersymmetric Yang-Mills, spherical branes, and precision holography (2020)
- Notes on anomalies, elliptic curves and the BS-D conjecture (2020)
- Gauge theories on spheres with 16 supercharges and non-constant couplings (2019)
- Analytic continuation of dimensions in supersymmetric localization (2018)
- The thermodynamic Bethe ansatz in a gauge theory (2017)
- Matrix models for 5d super Yang-Mills (2017)
- One-loop tests of supersymmetric gauge theories on spheres (2017)
- Localization techniques in quantum field theories (2017)
- Localizing gauge theories on Sd (2016)
- Three-point correlators from string amplitudes (2015)
- Gauge theories with 16 supersymmetries on spheres (2015)
- Computing Three-Point Functions for Short Operators (2014)
- Phases of planar 5-dimensional supersymmetric Chern-Simons theory (2014)
- 5D super Yang-Mills theory and the correspondence to AdS(7)/CFT6 (2013)
- Review of AdS/CFT Integrability (2012)
- N 3-behavior from 5D Yang-Mills theory (2012)
- Holographic three-point functions for short operators (2012)
- Review of AdS/CFT Integrability, Chapter I.1 (2012)
- Four-loop anomalous dimensions in Leigh-Strassler deformations (2012)
- Quantum integrable models and gauge-string duality PREFACE (2011)
- Supergraphs and the cubic Leigh-Strassler model (2011)
- Anomalous dimensions at four loops in N=6 superconformal Chern-Simons theories (2011)
- Superspace calculation of the four-loop spectrum in N = 6 supersymmetric Chern-Simons theories (2010)
- A limit on the ABJ model (2010)
- Magnon dispersion to four loops in the ABJM and ABJ models (2010)
- Viewpoint (2009)
- Two loop integrability for Chern-Simons theories with N=6 supersymmetry (2009)
- Finite size effects for giant magnons on physical strings (2008)
- The Bethe ansatz for superconformal Chern-Simons (2008)
- World-sheet scattering in AdS5 × S5 at two loops (2007)
- Zero modes for the giant magnon (2007)
- 1/J corrections to semiclassical AdS/CFT states from quantum Landau-Lifshitz model (2006)
- Classical/quantum integrability in AdS/CFT (2004)
- Higher loops beyond the SU(2) sector (2004)
- Stringing spins and spinning strings (2003)
- Yang-Mills duals for semiclassical strings on AdS5 × S5 (2003)
- Circular semiclassical string solutions on AdS(5) x S**5 (2003)
- The Bethe-ansatz for N = 4 super Yang-Mills (2003)
- Stretched strings in tachyon condensation models (2002)
- Rolling the tachyon in super BSFT (2002)
- Mode interactions of the tachyon condensate in p-adic string theory (2001)
- Gauge fields and fermions in tachyon effective field theories (2001)
- Effective tachyon dynamics in superstring theory (2001)
- Field theory models for tachyon and gauge field string dynamics (2000)
- 5D super Yang-Mills theory and the correspondence to AdS7/CFT6 (2013)
- A limit on the ABJ model (2013)
- The SU(2) sector in AdS/CFT (2005)