Lars Maersk Hansen

Visiting teacher at Department of Earth Sciences; Geophysics

Visiting address:
Geocentrum, Villavägen 16
752 36 Uppsala
Postal address:
Villavägen 16
752 36 UPPSALA

Short presentation

This text is not available in English, therefore the Swedish version is shown.


FilLic Mineralogi, Petrologi och Tektonik, Uppsala Universitet

Arbetat med: Bergstabilitetsfrågor och förstärkning i tunnlar och bergrum för Kärn- och Vattenkraft, i Sverige, Nicaragua, Chile, Bolivia, Ryssland, Vietnam, Kina, Tanzania. 1981-1998
Vattenprospektering 1982-2012
Bergteknik och Teknisk Geologi i Infrastrukturprojekt i Italien, Sverige och Norge 1992-2017.
Gästlärare i Teknisk Geologi 1994-1998 och 2010-pågår


  • byggnadsgeologi
  • engineering geology
  • teknisk geologi


This text is not available in English, therefore the Swedish version is shown.


  • Wahlgren, C-H; Schoning, K; Tenne, M; Hansen, L M. Stockholmsområdets berggrund, jordarter, geologiska utveckling och erfarenheter från infrastrukturprojekt. SGU-rapport 2018:08
  • Hansen, L., Age relationship between normal and thrust faults near the Caledonian thrust front at the Vietas Hydro Power Station, Swedish Lapland. Proc. Conf. Caledonian and Related Geology of Scandinavia, Cardiff 1987. Graham & Trotman, London, 1989. refereegranskad (del av Lic avhandling)
  • Martna, J., & Hansen, L. Vietas Hydro Power Station, Headrace Tunnel 3. Documentation of geology and excavation, 1-62. Swedish State Power Board, Stockholm, 1986. (del av Lic avhandling)
  • Martna, J., & Hansen, L. Vietas Kraftstation. Tilloppstunnel 3 Dokumentation av geologiska förhållanden och tunnelns drivning, 1-138. Swedish State Power Board, Stockholm, 1986. (del av Lic avhandling)
  • Martna, J., & Hansen, L. Initial rock stresses around the Vietas headrace tunnel no. 2 and 3, Sweden. Proc. Int. Symp. Rock Stress, 605-613, Stockholm, 1986.
  • Martna, J., & Hansen, L. The influence of rock structure on the shape and the supports of a large headrace tunnel. Int. ITA Congr. Large Underground Openings vol. 2, 260-269. Firenze, 1986.
  • Martna, J & Hansen, L. Tunnelling in a complex rock mass. Experience from Vietas, Swedish Lapland. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. Pergamon Press, 1988.
  • Hansen, L. & Martna, J. The condition of the 80-year-old, unlined headrace tunnel at the Håverud hydropower station, Sweden. Rock Mech. Meeting 1988. Sw. Rock Eng. Res. Found. Stockholm, 1988.
  • Carlsson, A., Christiansson, R., Feng, W., Hansen, L., Olsson, T. And Söder, P.E. Underground pumped storage power station at Guangzhou, China. Rock Mech. Meeting 1990. Sw. Rock Eng. Res. Found. Stockholm.
  • Hansen, L., Bedrock of the Forsmark area (with an excursion map). Swedish State Power Board, Stockholm, 1989.
  • Carlsson, A., Hansen, L. & Olsson, T., 1990. Tunnelling at the Vargön Hydropower Station. Int. Congr., Tunnel and Underground Works. Chengdu, China. Int. Acad. Publ.
  • Hansen, L., 1991. Engineering geology of the Nuolja Railway tunnel, Swedish Lapland. Int. ISRM Congr. on Rock Mechanics, September 1991, Aachen. Balkema, Rotterdam.
  • Hansen, L.M., 1996. Rock support design based on current rock classification systems compared with actual stand-up time and conditions of an eighty years old, totally unsupported tunnel. Proc. Eurock ´96, Torino. Balkema, Rotterdam.
  • Axelsson, C-L; Hansen, L M. 1998. Update of structural models at SFR nuclear waste repository, Forsmark, Sweden. SKB R-98-05
  • Follin S, Hansen L M & Hermanson J, 1998. Lithological and structural models of the Gideå Study Site, Ångermanland Province, Sweden. Prot. Int. Conf., Mechanics of Jointed and Faulted Rock 3 (MJFR3), Vienna, Austria. Balkema Publ., Rotterdam.
  • Hansen, L. & Martna, J., 1990. The Influence of Faults on the Excavation and Support of a Hydropower Station Situated in a Gabbro Massif at Sikfors, Northeastern Sweden. Int. Conf., Mechanics of Jointed and Faulted Rock, Vienna, Austria. Balkema Publ., Rotterdam.
  • Forssberg O, Hansen L M, Staub I, Vestgård J. 2005 Description and assessment of glacial fractures at drill site 5, Forsmark. In: Leijon B (ed). Forsmark Site Investigation. Investigations of superficial fracturing and block displacements at drill site 5. SKB P-05-199.
Lars Maersk Hansen

