Ann-Kristin Bergquist
Professor at Department of Economic History
- E-mail:
- Visiting address:
- Ekonomikum
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10 - Postal address:
- Box 513
751 20 UPPSALA
Download contact information for Ann-Kristin Bergquist at Department of Economic History
Director at Department of Economic History; Uppsala Centre for Business History
- Visiting address:
- Ekonomikum
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10
75120 Uppsala - Postal address:
- Box 513
751 20 Uppsala
Professor at Uppsala University Conflicting Objectives Research Nexus (UUniCORN)
- Visiting address:
- MTC-huset, Dag Hammarskjölds väg 14B, 1 tr
752 37 Uppsala - Postal address:
- Akademiska sjukhuset
751 85 Uppsala
More information is available to staff who log in.
Selection of publications
Recent publications
- Business (In-)Action (2024)
- Private Regulation, Institutional Entrepreneurship, and Climate Change (2024)
- Det nya framtidslandet? (2024)
- Beyond Planetary Limits! (2023)
- Economic history and the political economy of energy transitions (2023)
All publications
- Det nya framtidslandet? (2024)
- Beyond Planetary Limits! (2023)
- Creating Value Out of Waste (2023)
- Safe before Green! (2023)
- The political economy of industrial pollution control (2022)
- Renewing Business History in the Era of the Anthropocene (2019)
- Understanding and Overcoming Roadblocks to Environmental Sustainability (2019)
- Environmental Regulation in the Pulp and Paper Industry: Impacts and Challenges (2019)
- [Review] Profits and Sustainability. A History of Green Entrepreneurship (2018)
- Natural Resources Curse in the Long Run? Bolivia, Chile and Peru in the Nordic Countries’ Mirror (2018)
- The Swedish nonferrous mining industry and the environmental issue. The case of Boliden business archives (2017)
- Sober business: Shared value creation between the insurance industry and the temperance movement (2017)
- The transition to chlorine free pulp revisited: Nordic heterogeneity in environmental regulation and R&D collaboration (2017)
- Profits, dividends and industry restructuring: the Swedish paper and pulp industry between 1945 and 1977 (2016)
- Regulation versus deregulation. Policy divergence between Swedish forestry and the Swedish pulp and paper industry after the 1990s (2016)
- Sustainability and Shared Value in the Interwar Swedish Copper Industry (2016)
- Transition to greener pulp: regulation, industry responses and path dependency (2015)
- Sustainable energy transition: the case of the Swedish pulp and paper industry 1973–1990 (2015)
- Command-and-control revisited: Environmental compliance and technological change in Swedish industry 1970–1990 (2013)
- Growing Green and Competitive—A Case Study of a Swedish Pulp Mill (2013)
- Firm collaboration and environmental adaptation. The case of the Swedish pulp and paper industry 1900–1990 (2012)
- Expansion for pollution reduction? Environmental adaptation of a Swedish and a Canadian metal smelter, 1960–2005 (2008)
- Different Drivers Behind Corporate Environmental Policies: The Case of the Swedish and Chilean Copper Industry (2021)
- Business and Sustainablity (2019)
- The Greening of the Pulp and Paper Industry (2018)
- Dilemmas of going green: environmental strategies in the Swedish mining company Boliden, 1960-2000 (2017)