Ulf Lindström
Professor at Department of Physics and Astronomy; Theoretical Physics
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 32 98
- E-mail:
- ulf.lindstrom@physics.uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Ångströmlaboratoriet, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
- Postal address:
- Box 516
751 20 UPPSALA
Professor at Department of Mathematics; Centre for Geometry and Physics
- Visiting address:
- Ångströmlaboratoriet, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
- Postal address:
- Box 480
751 06 UPPSALA
More information is available to staff who log in.
Research interests
- Duality (Paper I) (For a basic review click here)
- D-branes (Paper II)
- Supergravity (Paper I)
- Projective Superspace (Paper I)
- Complex geometry (Paper I)
Here is a
short summary of my research, and
here is a list of my publications.
Recent publications
- Charges and topology in linearised gravity (2024)
- Gauge-invariant magnetic charges in linearised gravity (2024)
- New techniques for gauge theories in projective superspace (2023)
- Killing-Yano charges of asymptotically maximally symmetric black holes (2023)
- Geometry, conformal Killing-Yano tensors and conserved "currents" (2023)
All publications
- Charges and topology in linearised gravity (2024)
- Gauge-invariant magnetic charges in linearised gravity (2024)
- New techniques for gauge theories in projective superspace (2023)
- Killing-Yano charges of asymptotically maximally symmetric black holes (2023)
- Geometry, conformal Killing-Yano tensors and conserved "currents" (2023)
- A comment on metric vs metric-affine gravity (2023)
- Gravitational duality, Palatini variation and boundary terms (2023)
- Yano F structures and extended supersymmetry (2022)
- Tensionless strings and Killing(-Yano) tensors (2022)
- Killing-Yano Cotton currents (2022)
- Superconformal geometries and local twistors (2021)
- Symmetries of N = (1,0) supergravity backgrounds in six dimensions (2021)
- New currents with Killing-Yano tensors (2021)
- Local supertwistors and conformal supergravity in six dimensions (2020)
- The Generalised Complex Geometry of (p,q) Hermitian Geometries (2020)
- βγ-systems interacting with sigma-models (2020)
- T-duality in (2,1) superspace (2019)
- Some remarks on (super)-conformal Killing-Yano tensors (2018)
- Super-Laplacians and their symmetries (2017)
- All (4,1) (2017)
- All (4,0) (2017)
- Notes on super Killing tensors (2016)
- Extended supersymmetry of semichiral sigma models in 4D (2015)
- Three-dimensional N=2 supergravity theories (2014)
- Semichiral Sigma Models with 4D Hyperkähler Geometry (2013)
- Extended supersymmetric sigma models in AdS(4) from projective superspace (2012)
- Generalized Kahler geometry in (2,1) superspace (2012)
- Three-dimensional (p, q) AdS superspaces and matter couplings (2012)
- Supersymmetric Sigma Model Geometry (2012)
- Integral invariants in maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories (2011)
- Pseudo-Hyperkähler Geometry and Generalized Kähler Geometry (2011)
- Off-shell N = (4,4) supersymmetry for new (2,2) vector multiplets (2011)
- Off-shell supergravity-matter couplings in three dimensions (2011)
- Sigma models with off-shell N = (4,4) supersymmetry and non-commuting complex structures (2010)
- D = 10 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory at alpha′^4 (2010)
- Generalized Calabi-Yau metric and generalized Monge-Ampere equation (2010)
- New supersymmetric sigma-model duality (2010)
- Sigma models and (generalized) complex geometry (2010)
- Properties of Hyperkahler Manifolds and Their Twistor Spaces (2010)
- Geometry of the N=2 supersymmetric sigma model with Euclidean worldsheet (2009)
- Generalized Kahler geometry and gerbes (2009)
- On conformal supergravity and projective superspace (2009)
- New extended superconformal sigma models and quaternion Kahler manifolds (2009)
- Nonabelian generalized gauge multiplets (2009)
- Euclidean supersymmetry, twisting and topological sigma models (2008)
- T-duality and generalized Kahler geometry (2008)
- Polar supermultiplets, Hermitian symmetric spaces and hyperkahler metrics (2007)
- Hyperkahler sigma models on cotangent bundles of Hermitian symmetric spaces using projective superspace (2007)
- Kappa-symmetry for coincident D-branes (2007)
- On the covariance of the Dirac-Born-Infeld-Myers action (2007)
- New N = (2, 2) vector multiplets (2007)
- A potential for Generalized Kähler Geometry (2007)
- Generalized Kähler manifolds and off-shell supersymmetry (2007)
- Linearizing Generalized Kahler Geometry (2007)
- First-order supersymmetric sigma models and target space geometry (2006)
- First-order supersymmetric sigma models and target space geometry (2006)
- First-order supersymmetric sigma models and target space geometry (2006)
- Generalized Kähler geometry from supersymmetric sigma models (2006)
- Special holonomy sigma models with boundaries (2006)
- Ricci-flat supertwistor spaces (2006)
- Superstrings with boundary fermions (2005)
- Generalized complex manifolds and supersymmetry (2005)
- Generalized Kahler geometry and manifest N=(2,2) supersymmetric nonlinear sigma-models (2005)
- T-duality for the sigma model with boundaries (2004)
- Type IIB tensionless superstrings in a pp-wave background (2004)
- Type IIB tensionless superstrings in a pp-wave background (2004)
- Type IIB tensionless superstrings in a pp-wave background (2004)
- Time dependent solitons of noncommutative Chern-Simons theory coupled to scalar fields (2004)
- Generalized N = (2,2) supersymmetric non-linear sigma models (2004)
- Tensionless strings, WZW models at critical level and massless higher spin fields (2004)
- Superconformal boundary conditions for the WZW model (2003)
- SL(2,Z) tensionless string backgrounds in IIB string theory (2003)
- SL(2,Z) tensionless string backgrounds in IIB string theory (2003)
- SL(2,Z) tensionless string backgrounds in IIB string theory (2003)
- The deformed M2-brane (2003)
- Consistent boundary conditions for open strings (2003)
- D-branes in N = 2 WZW models (2003)
- N = 2 boundary conditions for non-linear sigma models and Landau-Ginzburg models (2003)
- Kappa-symmetric non-Abelian Born-Infeld actions in three dimensions (2002)
- Uses of Sigma Models (2018)
- Semichirals and Four Dimensional Geometry (2015)
- Extended Supersymmetry and Four Dimensional Geometry (2014)
- Complex Geometry and Supersymmetry (2012)
- Hyperkähler Metrics from Projective Superspace (2007)
- Projective superspace and hyperkahler sigma models on cotangent bundles of Hermitian symmetric spaces (2007)
- A brief review of supersymmetric non-linear sigma models and generalized complex geometry (2006)
- Generalized complex geometry and supersymmetric non-linear sigma models. (2004)