David Langlet
Professor at Department of Law; Professors, Instructors, Researchers
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 22 47
- E-mail:
- david.langlet@jur.uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Trädgårdsgatan 1, Trädgårdsgatan 20
- Postal address:
- Box 512
751 20 UPPSALA
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Short presentation
Now a professor of environmental law at Uppsala, I have previously held positions as, inter alia, professor of ocean governance law at the University of Gothenburg and research fellow at Oxford University and Christchurch.
My research has touched on a wide range of topics in the fields of environmental law, climate and energy law, and law of the sea.
I am the editor of the Nordic Environmental Law Journal (NELJ), and coordinator of the Joint Nordic Master's Programme in Environmental Law.
- climate law
- environmental law
- eu law
- law of the sea
- marine governance
Selection of publications
- Marine Bioprospecting, Biodiversity and Novel Uses of Ocean Resources (2024)
- Shipping and the Ecosystem Approach (2023)
- Legitimacy and EU Marine Governance (2023)
- Reforming International Fisheries Law Can Increase Blue Carbon Sequestration (2022)
- Legal Preconditions for an Environmentally Sustainable European Union (2022)
- A risk framework for optimising policies for deep decarbonisation technologies (2021)
- The Legal and Economic Case for an Auction Reserve Price in the EU Emissions Trading System (2020)
- On the preconditions for large-scale collective action (2020)
- Scale, space and delimitation in marine legal governance (2018)
- The Ecosystem Approach in Ocean Planning and Governance - Perspectives from Europe and Beyond (2018)
- EU Environmental Law and Policy (2016)
Recent publications
- Rättsliga förutsättningar att reglera fiske i Sveriges territorialhav för att främja miljön och det småskaliga kustfisket (2024)
- Rättsliga förutsättningar att reglera fiske i Sveriges territorialhav för att främja miljön och det småskaliga kustfisket. (2024)
- Changing Human Uses of Marine Resources and International Law (2024)
- Marine Bioprospecting, Biodiversity and Novel Uses of Ocean Resources (2024)
- Malmö hamnmålet (2024)
All publications
- Rättsliga förutsättningar att reglera fiske i Sveriges territorialhav för att främja miljön och det småskaliga kustfisket (2024)
- Rättsliga förutsättningar att reglera fiske i Sveriges territorialhav för att främja miljön och det småskaliga kustfisket. (2024)
- Regulation of ships at anchor (2022)
- Reforming International Fisheries Law Can Increase Blue Carbon Sequestration (2022)
- Large-scale collective action to avoid an Amazon tipping point (2021)
- A risk framework for optimising policies for deep decarbonisation technologies (2021)
- Achieving Blue Growth Post-Weser (2021)
- Realizing the Social Dimension of EU Coastal Water Management (2021)
- The Legal and Economic Case for an Auction Reserve Price in the EU Emissions Trading System (2020)
- On the preconditions for large-scale collective action (2020)
- Ecological & functional consequences of coastal ocean acidification (2019)
- Societal causes of, and responses to, ocean acidification. (2019)
- Planning from the Margin—The European Union’s Potential Role in Spatial Planning for Managing Activities in the Marine Arctic (2018)
- Scale, space and delimitation in marine legal governance (2018)
- Law and ‘the last frontier’ (2016)
- Exporting CO2 for Sub-Seabed Storage (2015)
- Transboundary Transit Pipelines (2014)
- Transboundary Dimensions of CCS (2014)
- M. Peeters and R. Uylenburg, ‘EU Environmental Legislation. Legal Perspectives on Regulatory Strategies’ (2014)
- Nord Stream, the Environment and the Law (2014)
- I. Havercroft, R. Macrory, and R.B. Stewart (eds), ‘Carbon Capture and Storage (2012)
- Affärsmässighet i kommunala bostadsbolag (2012)
- Judicial and Policy Learning for Energy Efficiency in Urban Residential Areas (2011)
- Unfolding from Nonexistence (2010)
- Safe Return to the Underground? (2009)
- Europeisk reglering av koldioxidlagring (2009)
- EU och den globala kemikaliehandeln – att förena rättsordningar och rättsgrunder (2008)
- Substitutionsprincipen och Reach (2007)
- Dual Legal Basis for Adoption and Implementation of the Rotterdam Convention (Case Law Analysis) (2006)
- Regulation of Genetically Engineered Organisms in India in Light of International Law (2006)
- Advance Informed Agreement and Biosafety – the elaboration, functioning and implications of AIA in the Cartagena Protocol (2005)
- Det nya regelverket för genetiskt modifierade livsmedel (2004)
- Prior Informed Consent for Hazardous Chemicals Trade - Implementation in EC Law (2003)
- Marine Bioprospecting, Biodiversity and Novel Uses of Ocean Resources (2024)
- Fakta och tankar om nationell havsförvaltning (2024)
- Regulation of Risk (2023)
- Svenskt yrkesfiske och EU 1995–2020 (2020)
- The Ecosystem Approach in Ocean Planning and Governance - Perspectives from Europe and Beyond (2018)
- EU Environmental Law and Policy (2016)
- International Law and Changing Perceptions of Security (2014)
- Legal Issues concerning Carbon Capture and Storage, Chapter 5 in Carbon Capture and Storage in the Skagerrak/Kattegat region - Final Report (2012)
- EU:s miljörätt (2011)
- Prior Informed Consent and Hazardous Trade (2009)
- Prior Informed Consent and Hazardous Trade - Regulating trade in hazardous goods at the intersection of sovereignty, free trade and environmental protection (2007)
- Changing Human Uses of Marine Resources and International Law (2024)
- Sammanfattning och rekommendationer (2024)
- Shipping and the Ecosystem Approach (2023)
- Legitimacy and EU Marine Governance (2023)
- The Role of the EU in the Regulation of Baltic Sea Fisheries (2023)
- Legal Preconditions for an Environmentally Sustainable European Union (2022)
- Rättsliga förutsättningar för ett ekologiskt uthålligt EU (2021)
- Balancing Competing Interests When Building Marine Energy Infrastructures (2020)
- Using the Continental Shelf for Climate Change Mitigation (2018)
- Challenges in Implementing the Ecosystem Approach (2018)
- The Ecosystem Approach in Ocean Planning and Governance (2018)
- Rättsliga instrument och energieffektivisering (2016)
- Drivkrafter bakom en energieffektiv omställning (2016)
- Float or Sinker for Europe’s Seas? (2015)
- Minerals as Scarce Resources (2014)
- Kapitel 9 ‐ Drivkrafter för energieffektiv omställning (2014)
- Rätten och evigheten – om hållbarhet och slutförvaring av använt kärnbränsle (2013)
- Bryter EU:s fiskeministrar mot lagen? (2024)
- Synthesis Report on the Ecosystem Approach to Maritime Spatial Planning (2019)
- Ansvar för förorenad mark på båtuppläggningsplatser med fokus på ideella föreningar (2014)
- CCS in the Baltic Sea Region - Bastor 2. Work package 4 (2014)
- Economic Loss Caused by GMOs in Sweden (2008)
- Det rättsliga skyddet av den marina miljön i Östersjön och Nordsjön (2008)
- Malmö hamnmålet (2024)
- Ragn-Sellsmålet – otillåtet försvårande av uppnåendet av en miljökvalitetsnorm för vatten (2024)
- Havsrättskonventionen och klimatförändringarna – analys (2024)
- Vissa internationellrättsliga hinder för användning av CCS/bio-CCS – analys och handlingsalternativ (2020)
- Preemraffmålet – Kan Sveriges största koldioxidkällor regleras utifrån sin klimatpåverkan? (2019)
- Plast som miljöproblem – en rättslig analys (2018)
- Ocean Governance Podcast Episode 3 - The Big Picture (2018)
- Ocean Governance Podcast Episode 2 - Analysing Law And Policy (2018)
- Ocean Governance Podcast Episode 1 - Taking Words Seriously (2018)
- Remissyttrande (2018)
- Energy efficient transition in Sweden (2014)
- Råvaror, handel och hållbarhet – nya realiteter utmanar den internationella ordningen (2013)
- Förnybar energi – den nya konfliktytan mellan miljöskydd och frihandel? (2013)
- Genomförandet av industriutsläppsdirektivet, IED – reflektioner ur ett EU – rättsligt perspektiv (2012)
- CCS in the Skagerrak/Kattegat-region - Assessment of an intraregional CCS infrastructure and legal framework (2011)
- Why is it problematic to implement European polices on energy efficient use? (2011)