Qinghua Lei
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor in Geohydrology at Department of Earth Sciences; Program for Air, Water and Landscape Sciences; Hydrology
- Fax:
- +46 18 471 22 31
- E-mail:
- qinghua.lei@geo.uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Geocentrum, Villavägen 16
752 36 Uppsala - Postal address:
- Villavägen 16
752 36 UPPSALA
- 0000-0002-3990-4707
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Short presentation
I am a geophysical scientist and a geotechnical engineer. I develop theoretical and numerical models to understand and predict various rupture phenomena in geological systems, such as landslides, earthquakes, rockbursts, volcanic eruptions, and glacier breakoffs. I am also interested in how geomaterials interact with man-made structures (like tunnels and caverns) and develop innovative solutions to address relevant geological/geotechnical engineering problems.
- coupled processes
- geophysics
- rock mechanics
- tunnelling
I am an Associate Professor in Geohydrology with Specialisation in Coupled Processes at the Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University. I have been the PI on ~2.5M Euro funding and a Co-PI of ~1.8M Euro funding. I am a Fellow of Young Academy of Europe, which is a pan-European initiative of young scientists for networking, scientific exchange, and science policy. I am the receipient of the 2024 Chin-Fu Tsang Coupled Processes Award and the 2019 Rocha Medal from the International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, the 2016 NGW Cook PhD Dissertation Award and the 2015 Rock Mechanics Research Award from the American Rock Mechanics Association, the 2020 Scott Sloan Best Paper Award from Computers and Geotechnics, and the 2016 Top Cited Paper Award from Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment. I received my Bachelor degree (2009) in Civil Engineering and Master degree (2012) in Geotechnical Engineering (specialised in Tunnel and Underground Engineering), both from Tongji University, China. I obtained my PhD degree (2016) in Rock Mechanics from Imperial College London, UK. I worked as a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Fluid Mechanics at Imperial College London, UK between 2016 and 2018. From 2018 to 2023, I was a Lecturer & Senior Researcher in Engineering Geology at the Department of Earth Sciences, ETH Zürich.
Elastic wave transport in fractured rocks
Invited talk at the 11th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium
Predicting catastrophic rock slope failures via dragon-king detection
Talk given at the 14th Congress of the International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment
Recent publications
- Modelling coupled hydro-mechanical processes around a large-diameter experiment borehole in faulted Opalinus Clay shale (2024)
- Investigating slurry infiltration in a coral reef limestone based on X-ray computed tomography and CFD-DEM numerical simulation (2024)
- A finite element-based dynamic simulation method for modeling shield-ground interactions (2024)
- Assessing cutter-rock interaction during TBM tunnelling in granite (2024)
- Anomalous transport and upscaling in critically-connected fracture networks under stress conditions (2024)
All publications
- Investigating slurry infiltration in a coral reef limestone based on X-ray computed tomography and CFD-DEM numerical simulation (2024)
- A finite element-based dynamic simulation method for modeling shield-ground interactions (2024)
- Assessing cutter-rock interaction during TBM tunnelling in granite (2024)
- Anomalous transport and upscaling in critically-connected fracture networks under stress conditions (2024)
- Roles of heat and stress transfer in triggering fault instability in conjugate faulted reservoirs (2024)
- A stable implicit nodal integration-based particle finite element method (N-PFEM) for modelling saturated soil dynamics (2024)
- A performance-based hybrid deep learning model for predicting TBM advance rate using Attention-ResNet-LSTM (2024)
- Impact of fracture networks on the structural deformation of lined rock caverns under high internal gas pressure (2024)
- Structurally-controlled failure and damage around an opening in faulted Opalinus Clay shale at the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory (2024)
- A Stochastic Dynamical Model of Slope Creep and Failure (2023)
- Real-Time Forecast of Catastrophic Landslides via Dragon-King Detection (2023)
- Bedrock Fractures Control Groundwater-Driven Mountain Slope Deformations (2023)
- Earthquake-induced fracture displacements and transmissivity changes in a 3D fracture network of crystalline rock for spent nuclear fuel disposal (2023)
- Modelling the pre- and post-failure behaviour of faulted rock slopes based on the particle finite element method with a damage mechanics model (2023)
- Nodal integration-based particle finite element method (N-PFEM) for poro-elastoplastic modelling of saturated soils under large deformation (2023)
- A Numerical Study of Elastic Wave Arrival Behavior in a Naturally Fractured Rock Based on a Combined Displacement Discontinuity-Discrete Fracture Network Model (2023)
- Laboratory acousto-mechanical study into moisture-induced reduction of fracture stiffness in granite (2023)
- Causal mechanism of Gotthard Base Tunnel-induced ground deformation (2023)
- Fracture Activation and Induced Seismicity During Long-Term Heat Production in Fractured Geothermal Reservoirs (2022)
- Impact of fracture normal and shear stiffnesses on the scattering attenuation of P and S waves in a naturally fractured rock (2022)
- On the selection of joint constitutive models for geomechanics simulation of fractured rocks (2022)
- Reply to comment by Fälth et al. on “Modelling coseismic displacements of fracture systems in crystalline rock during large earthquakes: Implications for the safety of nuclear waste repositories” (2022)
- Numerical study of fluid injection-induced deformation and seismicity in a mature fault zone with a low-permeability fault core bounded by a densely fractured damage zone (2022)
- A three-dimensional particle finite element model for simulating soil flow with elastoplasticity (2022)
- Connectivity, permeability and flow channelization in fractured karst reservoirs: A numerical investigation based on a two-dimensional discrete fracture-cave network model (2022)
- Improving heat extraction performance of enhanced geothermal systems: Insights from critical fracture network parameter and multi-objective optimization method (2022)
- Effects of fracture network distribution on excavation-induced coupled responses of pore pressure perturbation and rock mass deformation (2022)
- Stress-Dependent Deformation and Permeability of a Fractured Coal Subject to Excavation-Related Loading Paths (2021)
- Modelling fluid injection-induced fracture activation, damage growth, seismicity occurrence and connectivity change in naturally fractured rocks (2021)
- Modelling coseismic displacements of fracture systems in crystalline rock during large earthquakes: Implications for the safety of nuclear waste repositories (2021)
- Anderson localisation and reentrant delocalisation of tensorial elastic waves in two-dimensional fractured media (2021)
- Transport and Localization of Elastic Waves in Two‐Dimensional Fractured Media (2021)
- Simulating two-phase flow and geomechanical deformation in fractured karst reservoirs based on a coupled hydro-mechanical model (2021)
- A novel approach to optimising well trajectory in heterogeneous reservoirs based on the fast-marching method (2021)
- Combined Effects of Thermal Perturbation and In-situ Stress on Heat Transfer in Fractured Geothermal Reservoirs (2021)
- A dual-scale fracture network model for computing hydro-mechanical properties of fractured rock (2021)
- A generalized joint pyramid method for removability analysis of rock blocks: Theoretical formulation and numerical implementation (2021)
- Generalized Block Theory for the Stability Analysis of Blocky Rock Mass Systems Under Seismic Loads (2021)
- The role of aperture heterogeneity in incipient karst evolution in natural fracture networks: Insights from numerical simulations (2021)
- Numerical simulation of fluid injection-induced fault slip in heterogeneous shale formations (2021)
- Impact of fracture shear dilation on long-term heat extraction in Enhanced Geothermal Systems: Insights from a fully-coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical simulation (2021)
- Role of hydro-mechanical coupling in excavation-induced damage propagation, fracture deformation and microseismicity evolution in naturally fractured rocks (2021)
- Tracking Fluid Flow in Shallow Crustal Fault Zones (2020)
- Induced fault reactivation by thermal perturbation in enhanced geothermal systems (2020)
- Characterizing stress variability within granular samples upon liquefaction (2020)
- Modelling the reservoir-to-tubing pressure drop imposed by multiple autonomous inflow control devices installed in a single completion joint in a horizontal well (2020)
- Interactive roles of geometrical distribution and geomechanical deformation of fracture networks in fluid flow through fractured geological media (2020)
- Joint influence of in-situ stress and fracture network geometry on heat transfer in fractured geothermal reservoirs (2020)
- Numerical simulation of blasting in confined fractured rocks using an immersed-body fluid-solid interaction model (2020)
- Can we estimate far-field stress using the mean of local stresses? (2019)
- A tensor-based analysis of stress variability in granular media subjected to various loading conditions (2019)
- The Role of In Situ Stress in Organizing Flow Pathways in Natural Fracture Networks at the Percolation Threshold (2019)
- Stress‐Induced Anomalous Transport in Natural Fracture Networks (2019)
- A numerical study of stress variability in heterogeneous fractured rocks (2019)
- Influence of Landscape Coverage on Measuring Spatial and Length Properties of Rock Fracture Networks (2018)
- Influence of boundary constraints on stress heterogeneity modelling (2018)
- Correlation Between Fracture Network Properties and Stress Variability in Geological Media (2018)
- The shape and motion of gas bubbles in a liquid flowing through a thin annulus (2018)
- Modelling stress-dependent single and multi-phase flows in fractured porous media based on an immersed-body method with mesh adaptivity (2018)
- Role of natural fractures in damage evolution around tunnel excavation in fractured rocks (2017)
- Polyaxial stress-dependent permeability of a three-dimensional fractured rock layer (2017)
- Implementation of an Empirical Joint Constitutive Model into Finite-Discrete Element Analysis of the Geomechanical Behaviour of Fractured Rocks (2016)
- Tectonic interpretation of the connectivity of a multiscale fracture system in limestone (2016)
- A new approach to upscaling fracture network models while preserving geostatistical and geomechanical characteristics (2015)
- Modelling coupled hydro-mechanical processes around a large-diameter experiment borehole in faulted Opalinus Clay shale (2024)
- A novel dragon-king approach to forecasting catastrophic rock slope failures at Preonzo (Switzerland) and Veslemannen (Norway) (2024)
- Structurally-controlled failure and damage around an opening in faulted Opalinus Clay shale at the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory (2024)
- Fluid flow and coupled hydromechanical processes in fractured rocks with application to geoenergy and geoengineering (2023)
- 3D Printed Fracture Networks for Investigation of Fracture Deformation under Stress (2023)
- A nodal integration-based particle finite element method for poro-elastoplastic modelling of saturated soils using mathematical programming (2023)
- An implicit nodal integration-based PFEM with of natural temporal unconditional numerical stability for dynamic analysis of saturated porous media (2023)
- Numerical study on the wave arrival behaviour in a naturally fractured and heterogeneous rock using a combined displacement discontinuity‑discrete fracture network model. (2023)