Ann Werner
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at Department of Musicology
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- 0000-0002-2540-8497
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Short presentation
Ann Werner is senior lecturer in musicology at Uppsala University specialising in popular music, gender, and media. She holds the title of Associate Professor (docent) in Gender studies at Södertörn University. In 2024 Ann conducts research in two externally funded projects: about nation and gender in European higher classical music education and culture of silence in Swedish performing arts. Ann teaches courses on popular music, ethnomusicology, and gender. She is the director of studies.
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Selection of publications
- Genus, musikbransch och feministisk politik i #närmusikentystnar (2022)
- Feminism and Gender Politics in Mediated Popular Music (2022)
- Resistance in Maxida Märak’s album Utopi (2021)
- Organizing music, organizing gender (2020)
- Feminism and femininity in music (2020)
- The Smirnoff Equaliser (2020)
- Gendering and music streaming (2020)
- Broadening research in gender and music practice (2020)
- What does gender have to do with music, anyway? (2019)
- Constructing Terminology and Defining Concepts for Gender Studies in Norway and Sweden (2018)
- Gender jobs (2018)
- Streaming Music (2017)
- Digitally mediated identity in the cases of two Sámi artists (2017)
- Titiyo (2016)
- Experts, dads and technology (2016)
- Genusvetenskaplig didaktik och högskolepedagogik (2016)
- Introduction (2015)
- Genusskapande i digitalt musikbruk (2015)
- Med passionen som drivkraft (2014)
- Getting Bodied with Beyoncé on YouTube (2014)
- Sexy Shapes (2013)
- Starka kvinnor? (2013)
- Emotions in music culture (2012)
- Rundgång (2009)
- Girls consuming music at home (2009)
- Subkulturforskning, populärmusik och tjejer (2008)
- Cirkulation av populärmusik (2007)
Recent publications
- Gender in higher music education (2024)
- The Mediation of Genre, Identity, and Difference in Contemporary (Popular) Music Streaming (2024)
- Walking the Line (2024)
- Introduction (2024)
- Contemporary post-Soviet popular music (2024)
All publications
- The Mediation of Genre, Identity, and Difference in Contemporary (Popular) Music Streaming (2024)
- Walking the Line (2024)
- Introduction (2024)
- Contemporary post-Soviet popular music (2024)
- Silence and Affect in the Swedish Performing Arts After #MeToo (2024)
- Nation, gender, and classical music on higher music education institution websites (2024)
- Maintaining and challenging conservative teaching and learning culture in conservatories (2023)
- Whatever happened to the girl in #MeToo? (2023)
- Gender equality discourse in classical music higher education (2023)
- Feminist Methodologies for Gender Studies Teaching (2023)
- Music and Racism in Europe 2021 Online Symposium (2022)
- Resistance in Maxida Märak’s album Utopi (2021)
- Elin Abrahamsson Enahanda läsning. En queertolkning av romancegenrenakad. avh. Ellerström 2018 (2020)
- Organizing music, organizing gender (2020)
- The Smirnoff Equaliser (2020)
- Broadening research in gender and music practice (2020)
- What does gender have to do with music, anyway? (2019)
- 1968 revolutionens rytmer: En berättelse om hur musik och uppror skakade världsordningen, Håkan Thörn. Göteborg: Daidalos, 2018. (2019)
- Constructing Terminology and Defining Concepts for Gender Studies in Norway and Sweden (2018)
- Gender jobs (2018)
- Making Aboriginal Men and Music in Central Australia, Åse Ottosson. London: Bloomsbury, 2016. (2016)
- Experts, dads and technology (2016)
- Moving Forward (2015)
- Introduction (2015)
- Med passionen som drivkraft (2014)
- Escaping the everyday (2013)
- Sexy Shapes (2013)
- Starka kvinnor? (2013)
- Emotions in music culture (2012)
- Danssteg på YouTube (2010)
- Girls consuming music at home (2009)
- Subkulturforskning, populärmusik och tjejer (2008)
- Cirkulation av populärmusik (2007)
- Feministiska kulturstudier (2023)
- Feminism and Gender Politics in Mediated Popular Music (2022)
- Streaming Music (2017)
- En introduktion till genusvetenskapliga begrepp (2016)
- Kreativt skrivande och kritiskt tänkande i genusvetenskap (2014)
- Genusvetenskap, politik och samhällsengagemang (2014)
- Genusvetarnas framtid (2013)
- Genusvetenskapens pedagogik och didaktik (2012)
- Rundgång (2009)
- Smittsamt (2009)
- Gender in higher music education (2024)
- Marketing Conservatoire Education (2024)
- "Det finns stycken som ryska pojkar spelar" (2024)
- Genus, musikbransch och feministisk politik i #närmusikentystnar (2022)
- Solidarity as strategy (2022)
- Breathing room (2020)
- Feminism and femininity in music (2020)
- Gendering and music streaming (2020)
- Critical Thinking in Gender Studies Education (2017)
- Digitally mediated identity in the cases of two Sámi artists (2017)
- Titiyo (2016)
- Genusvetenskaplig didaktik och högskolepedagogik (2016)
- Genusskapande i digitalt musikbruk (2015)
- Getting Bodied with Beyoncé on YouTube (2014)
- Traditionella kvinnor (2012)
- Smal och snygg (2010)
- Samla, lagra, kasta (2009)