Bo Bengtsson
Professor at Institute for Housing and Urban Research
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- +46 18 471 65 21
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Download contact information for Bo Bengtsson at Institute for Housing and Urban Research
Professor at Department of Government; Faculty; Affiliates
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- Visiting address:
- Östra Ågatan 19
753 22 Uppsala - Postal address:
- Box 514
751 20 UPPSALA
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Short presentation
Bo Bengtsson’s research fields:
(1) Swedish and comparative housing policy and politics in a perspective of historical institutionalism and path dependence. The role and influence of housing organizations. Normative ideas of housing provision.
(2) Swedish and Nordic integration policy and politics with a focus on ethnic organization, migrant associations, political opportunity structures and settlement of new arrivals.
(3) Process tracing, social mechanisms and generalization from case studies.
Read more about Bos research: Searching for sustainable alternatives in a time of crisis
Selection of publications
- Unitary housing regimes in transition (2021)
- Unitary housing regimes in transition - comparing Denmark and Sweden from a perspective of path dependence and change (2020)
- The Pyrrhic victory of civil society housing? (2018)
- Comparative process tracing. (2017)
- Myter om den svenska hyrespolitiken (2016)
- Myter om bostadssubventioner i ett historiskt perspektiv (2016)
- Allmännyttan och bostadspolitiken i går, i dag och i morgon (2015)
- Between Structure and Thatcher (2015)
- Mångfaldens vägskäl (2015)
- Makten i den etnifierade staden (2015)
- Collective Political Action as Civic Voluntarism: (2015)
- Mångfaldens dilemman (2015)
- Mångfaldens dilemman (2015)
- Tvärvetenskap på disciplinär grund (2014)
- Rights to Housing (2014)
- Varför så olika? (2013)
- Politics of Housing (2012)
- Game Theory (2012)
- Path Dependency (2012)
- Housing Politics and Political Science (2012)
- Rights, Citizenship, and Shelter (2012)
- Comparative Process Tracing in Housing Studies (2011)
- Political Science as the Missing Link in Housing Studies (2009)
- Empowering Members of Ethnic Organisations (2009)
- Constructionism, Realism and Housing Theory (2002)
- Housing as a social right (2001)
- Tenants' dilemma - On collective action in housing (1998)
- Precisionsbombningens problem - välfärdsstaten och bostadspolitiken (The problems of precision bombing - Welfare state and housing policy) (1997)
- Politics and Housing Markets - Four Normative Arguments (1995)
- Housing in game-theoretical perspective (1995)
- Not the middle way but both ways (1992)
- MBL och fonderna (1991)
- The crisis of public housing in Sweden (1991)
Recent publications
- Politiska intentioner och utvärdering i kohandelns tid (2024)
- The changing role of cooperatives in the Swedish housing regime – a path dependence analysis (2024)
- Att lägga marknaden till rätta. (2024)
- Comparing the unique (2023)
- Universal and Selective Housing Regimes as Broad and Narrow Policy Fields (2023)
All publications
- The changing role of cooperatives in the Swedish housing regime – a path dependence analysis (2024)
- Universal and Selective Housing Regimes as Broad and Narrow Policy Fields (2023)
- The resilience of social rental housing in the United Kingdom, Sweden and Denmark (2023)
- Tenant Voice – As Strong as It Gets (2020)
- Incremental Change in Housing Regimes (2020)
- Marginalization and Riots (2020)
- A System Model and An Innovation Approach toward Sustainable Housing Renovation (2020)
- Sustainable Strategy in Housing Renovation (2020)
- Mechanisms of Solidarity in Collaborative Housing - The Case of Co-operative Housing in Denmark 1980-2017 (2020)
- Autonomy, democracy and solidarity (2020)
- Theoretical Perspectives vs. Realities of Policy-Making (2018)
- Mönstersökningmed hjälp av idealtypsteori och sociala mekanismer. (2018)
- The Pyrrhic victory of civil society housing? (2018)
- Comparative process tracing. (2017)
- Collective Political Action as Civic Voluntarism (2017)
- Subventioner åter instrument för bostäder (2015)
- Between Structure and Thatcher (2015)
- Rights to Housing (2014)
- Statsvetenskaplig bostads- och urbanforskning (2013)
- Recension av Monica Andersson. "Politik och stadsbyggande. (2011)
- Comparative Process Tracing in Housing Studies (2011)
- Introduction to the Special Issue (2010)
- Political Science as the Missing Link in Housing Studies (2009)
- Empowering Members of Ethnic Organisations (2009)
- Välfärdsstaten och de nyanlända. (The Welfare State and its Newcomers. Refugee housing policies in Sweden, Denmark and Norway) (2007)
- Bostadspolitiskt samarbete - men olika lösningar (Co-operation on Housing Policy - But Different Solutions (2005)
- Recension av U. Winblad Spångberg, Från beslut till verklighet. Läkarnas roll vid implementering av valfrihetsreformer i hälso- och sjukvården (Review of U. Winblad Spångberg, From decision to practice. The role ofthe physician in implementing patient choice in Swedish health care) (2004)
- Rasfördomar i folkrörelser hindrar politisk integration (Racial prejudice in popular movements is an obstacle to political integration) (2004)
- Recension av /Book Review of/ Peter King & Michael Oxley: ”Housing: Who Decides?” (2003)
- Promising but not post modern (2002)
- What is a Conservative Housing Policy? A Comment on Peter King (2002)
- Understanding Contextualised Rational Action – Authors’ Response (2002)
- Constructionism, Realism and Housing Theory (2002)
- Housing as a social right (2001)
- Housing as Social Right: Implications for Welfare State Theory (2001)
- From Economic Man to Imitating Man: an Unfair Comment on Taco Brandsen (2001)
- Solving the Tenants´Dilemma: Collective Action and Norms of Co-operation in Housing (2000)
- Byggforskning (Building research) (2000)
- Äldreboende (Housing for the elderly) (2000)
- Hyrespolitik (Rental policy) (2000)
- Hyreskonflikt (Rental conflict) (2000)
- HSB (HSB) (2000)
- Riksbyggen (Riksbyggen) (2000)
- Bostadsstöd (Housing subsidies) (2000)
- Bostadskooperation (Housing co-operatives) (2000)
- Bostadspolitik (Housing policy) (2000)
- Bostadsmarknad (Housing market) (2000)
- Bostadsfinansiering ( Housing finance) (2000)
- Bostadsbrist (Housing shortage) (2000)
- Allmännyttigt bostadsföretag (Municipal Housing Company) (2000)
- Rationality and power. Democracy in practice. Review of: Flyvbjerg, Bent (1998) (1999)
- Självstyrelsens paradoxer. En studie om den kommunala självstyrelsens. Review of: Sundin, Alf (1997) (1998)
- The limits of housing policy. A philosophical investigation. Review of: King, Peter (1996) (1998)
- Tenants' dilemma - On collective action in housing (1998)
- What determines housing investment? An investigation into the social, economic. Review of Smith, J. E. (1997)
- Politics and Housing Markets - Four Normative Arguments (1995)
- Kunskap och makt i bostadsbyggandet (Knowledge and power in housing construction). Review of: Ericson, B., Johansson, B.-M. Bostadsbyggandet i idé och praktik. Om kunskaper och föreställningar inom byggsektorn (Housing construction in idea and practice. O (1995)
- Svar till Jonas Hinnfors (Reply to Jonas Hinnfors) (1995)
- The new housing shortage, housing affordability in Europe and the USA. Review of G. Hallett (ed.) (1995)
- Housing in game-theoretical perspective (1995)
- Swedish rental policy (1994)
- Not the middle way but both ways (1992)
- MBL och fonderna (1991)
- The crisis of public housing in Sweden (1991)
- Att lägga marknaden till rätta. (2024)
- Bostadsfrågan som politik och intressekamp (2023)
- Allas rätt till bostad (2022)
- Mångfaldens dilemman (2015)
- Mångfaldens dilemman (2015)
- Varför så olika? (2013)
- Diversity, Inclusion and Citizenship in Scandinavia (2010)
- Föreningsliv, delaktighet och lokal politik i det mångkulturella samhället (Organisation, Inclusion and Local Politics in the Multicultural Society) (2009)
- Varför så olika? Nordisk bostadspolitik i jämförande historiskt ljus (Why so Different? Nordic Housing Policy in Comparative Historical Light) (2006)
- Föreningsliv, makt och integration (Organisations, power and integration) (2004)
- Hyresgästens dilemma. Om hållbart samarbete i bostadsområden (Tenant's dilemma. On sustainable co-operation in housing estates) (2000)
- Systemskifte i bostadspolitiken? Boinstitutets årsbok 1999 (System change in housing policy? Yearbook of the housing institute 1999) (1999)
- Staten och bostadsmarknaden - en politisk-filosofisk betraktelse (The state and the housing market - A philosophical essay) (1998)
- Organisationerna och bostadspolitiken i Sverige - ett avvikande fall? (Organizations and housing policy in Sweden - A deviant case?) (1995)
- Demokrati och ekonomi i bostadsrätt (Democracy and economy in tenant-ownership) (1995)
- Bostadsbrist – på marknaden och i politiken (1992)
- Hyra och bruksvärde (1992)
- Allmännyttans kris – myt eller verklighet (1989)
- Lokalt hyresgästinflytande i privata och allmännyttiga hyresfastigheter – en jämförelse (1985)
- Förutsättningar och hinder för boinflytande i privata hyresfastigheter. (1983)
- Politiska intentioner och utvärdering i kohandelns tid (2024)
- Comparing the unique (2023)
- Bostaden som social rättighet (2022)
- Allas rätt till bostad (2022)
- Rationality and portability (2021)
- Unitary housing regimes in transition (2021)
- Residential Mobility and Housing Policy (2020)
- Hyrespolitik som kopplade spel (2019)
- Socialbostäder och stigberoende. Varför har vi inte ’social housing’ i Sverige? (2017)
- Home Ownership, Housing Policy and Path Dependence in Finland, Norway and Sweden (2017)
- Etniska föreningar och politisk integration (2017)
- Myter om den svenska hyrespolitiken (2016)
- Myter om bostadssubventioner i ett historiskt perspektiv (2016)
- Boendesegregation och områdespolitik – en introduktion (2015)
- Allmännyttan och bostadspolitiken i går, i dag och i morgon (2015)
- Mångfaldens vägskäl (2015)
- Makten i den etnifierade staden (2015)
- Medborgarskap och integrationspolitik – en introduktion (2015)
- Tvärvetenskap på disciplinär grund (2014)
- Varför så olika? (2013)
- Sverige - komunal allmännytta och korporatistiska särintressen (2013)
- Fem länder, fem regimer, fem historier (2013)
- Housing and Housing Policy (2013)
- Stigberoende i bostadspolitiken (2013)
- Politics of Housing (2012)
- Game Theory (2012)
- Path Dependency (2012)
- Housing Politics and Political Science (2012)
- Rights, Citizenship, and Shelter (2012)
- Optimal Opportunities for Ethnic Organisation and Political Integration? (2011)
- An introduction to diversity, inclusion and citizenship in Scandinavia (2010)
- Political Opportunity Structure and Ethnic Organization (2010)
- Bostadspolitik - ingenting för statsvetare? (Housing policy - not for political scientists?) (2009)
- Demokratiseringspolitik och etnicitet i ytterstaden (Democratization policy and ethnicity in the urban periphery) (2009)
- Föreningsliv, delaktighet och lokal politik i det mångkulturella samhället - ett inledande perspektiv (2009)
- Föreningsliv, delaktighet och lokal politik i det mångkulturella samhället (Organisation, inclusion and local politics in the multicultural society) (2009)
- Etniska föreningar och politisk integration (Ethnic organisatons and political integration) (2009)
- Uppsalakorporatismen, marknaden och makten (The Uppsala Corporatism, the Market and the Power) (2008)
- Fem länder, fem regimer, fem historier - en nordisk jämförelse (Five countries, five regimes, five histories – a Nordic comparison) (2006)
- Varför så olika?(Why so different? A Nordic puzzle and how to solve it) (2006)
- Sverige - kommunal allmännytta och korporativa särintrssen (Sweden – public housing and corporatist special interests) (2006)
- Allmännyttan och partsintresset. (Universal housing policy and organisational special interests. Along the main track of Swedish housing policy) (2006)
- Stigberoende i bostadspolitiken - en slutdiskussion (Path dependence in housing policy – concluding discussion) (2006)
- Föreningsliv, makt och integration - lägesöversikt och slutdiskussion (Organisations, power and integration - review and discussion) (2004)
- Politisk integration via det allmänna föreningslivet - en kunskapsöversikt (Political integration through organisations in general - a review) (2004)
- Föreningsliv, makt och integration - ett inledande perspektiv (Organisations, power and integration - an introductory perspective) (2004)
- Bostaden som social rättighet. Den generella bostadspolitikens logik (Housing as a Social Right. The Logic of Universal Housing Policy) (2001)
- Idékamp utan idéer - om bostadspolitikens paradigmkris (Ideological battle without ideas - on the paradigm crisis of housing policy) (1999)
- Systemskifte i bostadspolitiken? En inledande betraktelse (System change in housing policy? An introductory comment) (1999)
- Social democratic Sweden: A story of success (1999)
- Välfärdsstatens marknadsvara - om stat och marknad i bostadsförsörjningen (Market commodity of the welfare state - on state and market in housing provision) (1997)
- Tenant participation in a cross-national comparative perspective (1997)
- Från en generell marknadspolitik till en bostadspolitik för 'dom andra' (From a general market policy to a housing policy targeted on 'the others') (1997)
- Precisionsbombningens problem - välfärdsstaten och bostadspolitiken (The problems of precision bombing - Welfare state and housing policy) (1997)
- En social marknadspolitik: om stat och marknad i svensk bostadsförsörjning (A social market policy: On state and market in Swedish housing provision) (1996)
- Tenant voice – as strong as it gets (2019)
- A Theoretical Framework of Sustainable Housing Renovation (2019)
- Housing Regimes and Labour Market Mobility (2018)
- Path Dependence and Change in Housing (2018)
- Adjustment, resistance, or system shift? (2016)
- Marginalization and Violence (2016)
- Social mechanisms of civil society housing - a fruitful perspective for understanding local collaboration and solidarity in housing? (2016)
- Housing and Neoliberalism. A Critical Discussion (2015)
- Housing and Neoliberalism (2015)
- Home-ownership, housing policy and path dependence (2014)
- Unitary housing regimes in transition (2013)
- Divergent path dependence in two Nordic housing regimes (2013)
- Path Dependence or Historical Juncture? (2012)
- Social mechanisms and thin rationality (2012)
- Comparative process tracing (2012)
- Ethnic organization and political opportunities in an urban regime perspective (2011)
- Applying path dependence perspectives in housing studies - (2010)
- Comparative process tracing in housing studies (2010)
- Applying Path Dependence Perspectives in Housing Studies (2009)
- Political Science, politics, and housing studies (2009)
- Political Science as the Missing Link between Theory and Policy in Housing (2008)
- Ethnic Organisation, Integration, and Political Opportunity Structures - Some Theoretical Considerations (2008)
- Why so Different? (2008)
- Etniska föreningar och politisk integration (2008)
- Optimal Opportunities? Ethnic Organisation and Political Integration in Stockholm (2008)
- Does history matter – and how? Path dependence in housing (2007)
- Political Participation of Ethnic Associations (2007)
- Ethnic organisation, integration, and political opportunity structures - some theoretical considerations (2006)
- Member Utility, Democracy, Interaction and Deliberation (2005)
- Politiska möjlighetsstrukturer - ett fruktbart perspektiv på föreningsliv och integration? (Political Opportunity Structures - A Fruitful Perspective on Organisational Life and Integration?) (2005)
- Varför så olika?(Why So Different? On A Nordic Puzzle and How it May Be Solved (2005)
- Swedish housing corporatism (2004)
- Föreningsliv makt och integration (Organisations, power and integration) (2004)
- Föreningen, medlemmen och samhället. Den lokala hyresgästföreningens funktioner (2003)
- Path Dependency in Housing. The Puzzle of the Nordic Housing Regimes (2002)
- Är bostadskorporatism möjlig? Om hyresgästerna och bostadspolitiken i Sverige (Is Housing Corporatism Possible? On Tenants and Housing Policy in Sweden) (2002)
- Why so different? Nordic Housing Policy in Comparative Historic Light (2001)
- Marknadsmakt och besittningsskydd (2022)
- Allmännyttan och bostadspolitiken i går, i dag och i morgon (2015)
- Collective Political Action as Civic Voluntarism: (2015)
- Political Participation of Ethnic Associations (2010)
- Hyresboendets roller - lokal organisering och boinflytande i förändring (2007)
- Gräsrot, språkrör och träffpunkt (2005)
- Värderingar av boende (Housing Values) (2005)
- Lokal kontroll och kollektivt handlande (2003)
- Från allmännytta till bostadsrätt i miljonprogramsområden (From municipal housing to tenant-ownership in million programme estates) (1998)