Iain Cameron
Professor at Department of Law; Professors, Instructors, Researchers
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 20 23
- E-mail:
- Iain.Cameron@jur.uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Dag Hammarskjölds väg 7
- Postal address:
- Box 512
751 20 UPPSALA
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Short presentation
Iain Cameron is professor in public international law at Uppsala University. He is the author of numerous books and articles in the field of international and constitutional law. He has specialized particularly in issues relating to security and human rights. In 2005 he was appointed by the Swedish government to the Council of Europe advisory body on constitutional and international law issues, the Venice Commission.
Selection of publications
- Law enforcement access to metadata in Sweden (2015)
- Legislative review for human rights compatibility (2014)
- Den svenske domaren och internationella normer – några reflektioner (2014)
- An Introduction to the European Convention on Human Rights (2014)
- The Influence of 9/11 on Swedish Anti-terrorism Policy and Measures (2014)
- Competing Rights? (2013)
- The Court and the member states (2013)
- EU Sanctions (2013)
- International Sanctions (2012)
- Double Criminality under Pressure (2011)
- International Criminal Law from a Swedish Perspective (2011)
- Nordic Cooperation (2009)
- Terrorism and Legal Security – a Swedish and European perspective (2009)
- Respecting Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and EU/US Sanctions : State of Play (2008)
- Treaties, Declarations of Interpretation (2007)
- Treaties, Suspension (2007)
- EKMR och normprövning (2007)
- UN targeted sanctions, legal safeguards and the ECHR (2003)
- EU anti-terrorist blacklisting (2003)
- Internal security in Sweden (2003)
- The ECHR in Sweden after incorporation (2002)
- Swedish Criminal Law and Gross Human Rights Offences (2002)
- National Security and the European Convention on Human Rights (2000)
Recent publications
- Secrecy and Disclosure of Information in Sweden (2024)
- An Introduction to the European Convention on Human Rights (2023)
- Mänskliga rättigheteri europeisk praxis (2023)
- Sweden and Covid-19 (2023)
- Covid-19 och domstolskontroll i vissa andra europeiska länder (2022)
All publications
- Secrecy and Disclosure of Information in Sweden (2024)
- A. Court of Justice Metadata retention and national security (2021)
- The Swedish Police after the 2015 Reform (2021)
- COVID-19 in Sweden: A Soft Power Approach (2021)
- European Union Law Restraints on Intelligence Activities (2020)
- Några reflektioner över lagberedning ur ett jämförande perspektiv (2020)
- Etikprövning av rättsdogmatisk forskning (2019)
- Court of Justice - Balancing data protection and law enforcement needs (2017)
- Terroristbrott - en översikt (2017)
- EU Sanctions and Defence Rights (2015)
- EU Sanctions and Defence Rights (2015)
- Högsta domstolens beslut om dubbelbestraffning ur konstitutionellt perspektiv (2010)
- Sökan efter en rättvis lösning på FN:s riktade sanktioner: ett sisyfosarbete (2009)
- Nordic Cooperation (2009)
- Treaties, Declarations of Interpretation (2007)
- Treaties, Suspension (2007)
- EKMR och normprövning (2007)
- Skadestånd och Europakonventionen för de mänskliga rättigheterna (2006)
- Skyddet för mänskliga rättigheter inom EU – någon annans problem? (2005)
- Swedish Parliamentary Participation in the Making and Implementation of Treaties (2005)
- EU Blacklisting: The Renaissance of Imperial Power, but on a Global Scale (2003)
- UN targeted sanctions, legal safeguards and the ECHR (2003)
- EU anti-terrorist blacklisting (2003)
- The European Court of Human Rights - Judgments July 1997 - December 1998 (1999)
- The European Court of Human Rights - Judgments July 1996 - June 1997 (1998)
- Protection of Constitutional Rights in Sweden (1997)
- Inför inkorporering av Europakonventionen om mänskliga rättigheter: några praktiska råd om att finna rättskällor"[Incorporation of the ECHR: some practical advice on finding the sources of law] (1995)
- Protocol 11 to the ECHR: the European Court of Human Rights as a Constitutional Court?", 15 , (1995). (1995)
- An Introduction to the European Convention on Human Rights (2023)
- Mänskliga rättigheteri europeisk praxis (2023)
- An Introduction to the European Convention on Human Rights (2018)
- Mass surveillance - Who is watching the watchers? (2016)
- An Introduction to the European Convention on Human Rights (2014)
- Essays on criminalisation & sanctions (2014)
- EU Sanctions (2013)
- An Introduction to the European Convention on Human Rights (2011)
- International Criminal Law from a Swedish Perspective (2011)
- National Security and the European Convention on Human Rights (2000)
- The ECHR in Sweden Since Incorporation (1999)
- An Introduction to the European Convention on Human Rights (1993)
- Sweden and Covid-19 (2023)
- Dealing with COVID-19 in Sweden (2022)
- The Role of the Venice Commission in Strengthening the Rule of Law (2021)
- Nordic cooperation (2021)
- International Sanctions (2021)
- Treaties, Declarations of Interpretation (2020)
- Treaties, Suspension (2020)
- Russian constitutional law and judgments of the European Court of Human (2019)
- The Problem of Oversight (2019)
- Access to Telecommunications Data in Sweden (2016)
- EU anti-terrorist sanctions (2016)
- Report on the Democratic Oversight of Signals Intelligence Agencies (2016)
- Oversight of Intelligence Agencies (2016)
- Freedom of Religion and Competing Human Rights Systems (2016)
- Om Venedigkommissionen — uppdrag, arbetssätt och resultat (2016)
- Law enforcement access to metadata in Sweden (2015)
- Legislative review for human rights compatibility (2014)
- Den svenske domaren och internationella normer – några reflektioner (2014)
- The Influence of 9/11 on Swedish Anti-terrorism Policy and Measures (2014)
- Competing Rights? (2013)
- Svensk konstitutionell rätt utifrån betraktad (2013)
- The Court and the member states (2013)
- International Sanctions (2012)
- Double Criminality under Pressure (2011)
- The Influence of European Human Rights Law on National Law (2009)
- International Criminal Jurisdiction, Protective Principle (2009)
- Terrorism and Legal Security – a Swedish and European perspective (2009)
- Individual Responsibility under National and International Law for the Conduct of Armed Conflict (2008)
- Beyond the Nation State: the Influence of the European Court of Human Rights on Intelligence Accountability. (2005)
- Jurisdiction and Admissibility Issues under the ICC Statute (2004)
- Internal security in Sweden (2003)
- The ECHR in Sweden after incorporation (2002)
- Swedish Criminal Law and Gross Human Rights Offences (2002)
- A Survey of ECHR Case law and the question of remedies (1998)
- Covid-19 och domstolskontroll i vissa andra europeiska länder (2022)
- Russian Federation, Interim Opinion on Constitutional Amendments and the Procedure For Their Adoption, Adopted by the Venice Commission at its 126th Plenary Session (online, 19-20 March 2021), on the basis of comments by Mr Nicos ALIVIZATOS (Member, Greece) Ms Claire BAZY MALAURIE (Member, France) Ms Veronika BÍLKOVÁ (Member, Czech Republic) Mr Iain CAMERON (Member, Sweden) Ms Monika HERMANNS (Substitute Member, Germany) Mr Martin KUIJER (Substitute Member, Netherlands), CDL-AD(2021)005 (2021)
- Spain, Opinion on the Citizens’ Security Law, Adopted by the Venice Commission at its 126th Plenary Session (online, 19-20 March 2021) on the basis of comments by Mr Richard BARRETT (Member, Ireland) Mr Iain CAMERON (Member, Sweden) Mr Nicolae EŞANU (Substitute Member, Republic of Moldova) Ms Regina KIENER (Member, Switzerland), CDL-AD(2021)004 (2021)
- Malta, Opinion On The Reform Of Fair Trial Requirements Relating To Substantial Administrative Fines, Adopted by the Venice Commission at its 127th Plenary Session (online, 1-2 July 2021) on the basis of comments by Mr Richard BARRETT (Member, Ireland), Mr Iain CAMERON (Member, Sweden), Mr Nicolae EŞANU (Substitute member, Republic of Moldova), Ms Jasna OMEJEC (Member, Croatia) (2021)
- Opinion On The Draft Law On Free Access To Information Of Montenegro (2012)
- Parliamentary Oversight of Security and Intelligence Agencies in the European Union (2011)
- Opinion no. 572 / 2010 On the amendments to the federal law on defence of the Russian Federation, Adopted by the Venice Commission at its 85th Plenary Session (Venice, 17-18 December 2010) On the basis of comments by Mr Iain CAMERON (Member, Sweden) Mr Vojin DIMITRIJEVIC (Member, Serbia) Mr Hubert HAENEL (Substitute Member, France) Ms Angelika NUSSBERGER (Substitute Member, Germany) CDL-AD(2010)052 (2010)
- Respecting Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and EU/US Sanctions : State of Play (2008)
- Legal Study on Homophobia and Discrimination on Grounds of Sexual Orientation- Sweden (53 pages), EU FRA (2008)
- Quarterly National Bulletin I (Sweden) (2008)
- Quarterly National Bulletin II (2008)
- EU, FRA Thematic Legal Study on National Human Rights Institutions and Human Rights Organisations - Sweden (53 pages) (2008)