Klas Hjort
Professor at Department of Materials Science and Engineering; Division of Microsystems Technology
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 31 41
- Mobile phone:
- +46 70 425 05 97
- E-mail:
- klas.hjort@angstrom.uu.se
- Visiting address:
- Ångströmlaboratoriet, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
- Postal address:
- Box 35
751 03 UPPSALA
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Short presentation
Prof. Klas Hjort is Head of the MST Program
Dean of Engineer
Hjort is experienced in advanced microengineering. Recently, his focus has been heterogeneous microsystems on stainless steel, flexible foils and elastic substrates; for biomedicine and wireless sensor and actuator nodes. He is co-ordinator of the Horizon Europe project PERSIMMON on personalized and sustainable smart patches, and he leads a larger national project on robotic textiles for touch.
- actuators
- biomedical engineering
- engineering sciences
- hyraulics
- lab-on-a-chip
- materials science
- mems
- micro robots
- micro-tas
- microfluidics
- micromechanics
- microsystems
- nanotechnology
- pneumatics
- printed circuit board technology
- sensors
- smart patches
- wireless sensors
Klas Hjort is Professor in Materials Science, Head of the Microsystems Technology (MST) program, and Dean of Engineering at Uppsala University.
Hjort is experienced in advanced microengineering. Previously, his focus was telecom applications, using optical and radio-frequency MEMS. Recently, he has focused on heterogeneous microsystems on glass, ceramics, stainless steel, flexible foils and elastomers; for biomedicine and wireless sensor and actuator nodes.. Providing microsystems to his partners, he has been leading national and European projects on wireless sensor and actuator networks, using his digital rigid-stretch printed circuit board technology.
Today, he is co-ordinating the Horizon Europe project PERSIMMON, which forward state-of-the-art in smart patch technology, to allow it to become more personalized and sustainable with not too high a premium. In addition, he is PI for the SSF project Touch, where novel haptics with backscatter communication, energy harvesting and fluid mechanics enable a natural feeling of touch, using interaction design based on soma aestetic theory. He is also one of the founding partners of the national Centre for Natural Hazards and Disaster Science (CNDS).
He has published more than 300 scientific papers and is the holder of several patents. He was recipient of the Finnish Distinguished Professorship Program in 2010. As a member of MEMSWAVE, he was awarded as one of the finalists for the Descartes Prize 2002 of the Commission of the European Union.
Klas Hjort was born in Säter, Sweden, in 1964. He received the M.Sc. degree in engineering physics and the Ph.D. degree in materials science from Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, in 1988 and 1993, respectively. In 2008, he became full Professor and since 2012 he is Head of the Microsystems Technology (MST) program at Uppsala University.
Recent publications
- Miniaturized Soft Pneumatic Actuator Matrix with Multiplexing Control (2025)
- Capacitance Modelling of Conductive Cotton Knit Fabric for Sensor Node Communication (2024)
- Development of a Non-contact Jet Dispensing of Liquid Metals (2024)
- Portable high-pressure pump system for HPLC combining pressurized gas and on-chip pressure regulation (2024)
- Thermally actuated microfluidic flow and pressure regulators for high pressures (2024)
All publications
- Miniaturized Soft Pneumatic Actuator Matrix with Multiplexing Control (2025)
- Portable high-pressure pump system for HPLC combining pressurized gas and on-chip pressure regulation (2024)
- Reliability and Validity of Running Step Rate Derived From a Novel Wearable Smart Patch (2024)
- Liquid Metal-Based High-Density Interconnect Technology for Stretchable Printed Circuits (2024)
- Coupling microchip pressure regulators with chipHPLC as a step toward fully portable analysis system (2023)
- In-line small high-pressure sensors in anodically bonded microfluidic restrictors (2023)
- Use of smart patches by athletes (2023)
- Supercooled Liquid Ga Stretchable Electronics (2023)
- Docking and Activity of DNA Polymerase on Solid-State Nanopores (2022)
- Thermally controlled microfluidic back pressure regulator (2022)
- A Comparison of a Novel Stretchable Smart Patch for Measuring Runner's Step Rates with Existing Measuring Technologies (2022)
- Liquid Metal Microscale Deposition enabled High Resolution and Density Epidermal Microheater for Localized Ectopic Expression in Drosophila (2022)
- Stable 3D Inertial Focusing by High Aspect Ratio Curved Microfluidics (2021)
- High-resolution particle separation by inertial focusing in high aspect ratio curved microfluidics (2021)
- The upper limit and lift force within inertial focusing in high aspect ratio curved microfluidics (2021)
- Microfluidic active pressure and flow stabiliser (2021)
- Investigation of thermal conductivity for liquidmetal composites using the micromechanics-based mean-field homogenization theory (2020)
- Dynamics of DNA Clogging in Hafnium Oxide Nanopores (2020)
- Head-compliant microstrip split ring resonator for non-invasive healing monitoring after craniosynostosis-based surgery (2020)
- A microfluidic relative permittivity sensor for feedback control of carbon dioxide expanded liquid flows (2019)
- Inertial focusing with sub-micron resolution for separation of bacteria (2019)
- On-chip background dilution in droplets with high particle recovery using acoustophoresis (2019)
- High-Performance Liquid Alloy Patterning of Epidermal Strain Sensors for Local Fine Skin Movement Monitoring (2019)
- Sandwiched Polyethylene Shrink Film Masking with Tunable Resolution and Shape for Liquid Alloy Patterning (2019)
- Integrated thin film resistive sensors for in situ temperature measurements in an acoustic trap (2019)
- Dynamic pH determination at high pressure of aqueous additive mixtures in contact with dense CO2 (2018)
- Comparison of NO2 Gas-Sensing Properties of Three Different ZnO Nanostructures Synthesized by On-Chip Low-Temperature Hydrothermal Growth (2018)
- Influence of annealing temperature on theperformance and stability of on-chip hydrothermally grown ZnO nanorod gassensor toward NO2 (2018)
- Nanoarrays on Passivated Aluminum Surface for Site-Specific Immobilization of Biomolecules (2018)
- High-Resolution Liquid Alloy Patterning for Small Stretchable Strain Sensor Arrays (2018)
- Thin film metal sensors in fusion bonded glass chips for high-pressure microfluidics (2017)
- Stretchable thermoelectric generators metallized with liquid alloy (2017)
- On-chip growth of patterned ZnO nanorod sensors with PdO decoration for enhancement of hydrogen-sensing performance (2017)
- Fracture strength of glass chips for high-pressure microfluidics (2016)
- Sliding droplets on hydrophilic/superhydrophobic patterned surfaces for liquid deposition (2016)
- Capillary Self-Alignment of Microchips on Soft Substrates (2016)
- Microfluidic mixing and separation (2016)
- PDMS-Based Elastomer Tuned Soft, Stretchable, and Sticky for epidermal electronics (2016)
- On-chip hydrothermal growth of ZnO nanorods at low temperature for highly selective NO2 gas sensor (2016)
- Controlled Synthesis and Understanding of Growth Mechanism (2016)
- Influence of surface modifications and channel structure for microflows of supercritical carbon dioxide and water (2016)
- On nanopore DNA sequencing by signal and noise analysis of ionic current (2016)
- Self-transport and self-alignment of microchips using microscopic rain (2015)
- Influence of surface modification and static pressure on microdialysis protein extraction efficiency (2015)
- Influence of different pluronic surface modifications and pressure on microdialysis protein extraction efficiency (2015)
- Amplified and Localized Photoswitching of TiO2 by Micro- and Nanostructuring (2015)
- Mechanically Stretchable and Electrically Insulating Thermal Elastomer Composite by Liquid Alloy Droplet Embedment (2015)
- Tape transfer atomization patterning of liquid alloys for microfluidic stretchable wireless power transfer (2015)
- Manufacturing and characterization of a ceramic microcombustor with integrated oxygen storage and release element (2015)
- Influence of flow rate, temperature and pressure on multiphase flows of supercritical carbon dioxide and water using multivariate partial least square regression (2015)
- Microfluidic Stretchable Radio-Frequency Devices (2015)
- Hemispherical coil electrically small antenna made by stretchable conductors printing and plastic thermoforming (2015)
- Microdispenser with continuous flow and selectable target volume for microfluidic high-pressure applications (2014)
- Impact of static pressure on transmembrane fluid exchange in high molecular weight cut off microdialysis (2014)
- Fluorescence imaging of macromolecule transport in high molecular weight cut-off microdialysis (2014)
- Cerebral microdialysis for protein biomarker monitoring in the neurointensive care setting - a technical approach (2014)
- New Microdialysis Method for Protein Biomarker Sampling in the Neurointensive Care Setting (2014)
- Time lapse investigation of antibiotic susceptibility using a microfluidic linear gradient 3D culture device (2014)
- Adhesive transfer soft lithography: low-cost and flexible rapid prototyping of microfluidic devices, Micro and Nanosystems (2014)
- Tape Transfer Printing of a Liquid Metal Alloy for Stretchable RF Electronics (2014)
- Flow restrictor silicon membrane microvalve actuated by optically controlled paraffin phase transition (2014)
- Fluid behavior of supercritical carbon dioxide with water in a double-Y-channel microfluidic chip (2014)
- Microdispenser withcontinuous flow and selectable target volume for microfluidic high-pressure applications (2014)
- Review on miniaturized paraffin phase change actuators, valves, and pumps (2014)
- A Contact Angle Study of the Interaction between Embedded Amphiphilic Molecules and the PDMS Matrix in an Aqueous Environment (2014)
- Identification of human cerebrospinal fluid proteins and their distribution in an in vitro microdialysis sampling system (2014)
- A Tunable Spherical Cap Microfluidic Electrically Small Antenna (2013)
- Modeling and Analysis of a Phase Change Material Thermohydraulic Membrane Microactuator (2013)
- Multiplexed quantification of proteins adsorbed to surface-modified and non-modified microdialysis membranes (2012)
- Liquid alloy printing of microfluidic stretchable electronics (2012)
- Acoustically enriching, large-depth aquatic sampler (2012)
- Instrumentation and vehicle platform of a miniaturized submersible for exploration of terrestrial and extraterrestrial aqueous environments (2012)
- A polymer foil non-contact IR temperature sensor with a thermoresistor integrated on the back of a vertically configured thermopile (2012)
- A latchable high-pressure thermohydraulic valve actuator (2012)
- Viton-based fluoroelastomer microfluidics (2011)
- High-pressure stainless steel active membrane microvalves (2011)
- Methodological aspects on microdialysis protein sampling and quantification in biological fluids (2010)
- Au-based transparent conductors for windows applications: Effect of substrate material (2010)
- A Latchable Valve for High-Pressure Microfluidics (2010)
- Fabrication and characterization of a shear mode AlN solidly mounted resonator-silicone microfluidic system for in-liquid applications (2010)
- High-Pressure Peristaltic Membrane Micropump With Temperature Control (2010)
- Reduced photoluminescence from InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well structures following 40 MeV iodine ion irradiation (2009)
- Liquid metal stretchable unbalanced loop antenna (2009)
- Foldable and stretchable liquid metal planar inverted cone antenna (2009)
- High aspect ratio “multiple wire” microvias in flexible PCBs (2009)
- Microfluidic Hydrodynamic Cell Separation (2009)
- Surface modification of PDMS by gradient-induced migration of embedded Pluronic (2009)
- Soft inertial microfluidics for high throughput separation of bacteria from human blood cells (2009)
- Rapid lab-on-a-chip profiling of human gut bacteria (2008)
- A metallic micropump for high-pressure microfluidics (2008)
- On-chip liquid storage and dispensing for lab-on-a-chip applications (2008)
- Heavy ion beam-based nano- and micro-structuring of TiO2 single crystals using self-assembled masks (2008)
- Rapid prototyping of a polymeric paraffin microactuator (2008)
- A polymeric paraffin microactuator (2008)
- A PCB-like Process for Vertically Configured Thermopiles (2008)
- Electrodeposition of cobalt based ferro-magnetic metal nanowires in polycarbonate films with cylindrical nanochannels fabricated by heavy-ion-track etching (2008)
- Microfluidic high viability neural cell separation using viscoelastically tuned hydrodynamic spreading (2008)
- Myotube formation on micro-patterned glass (2008)
- Plated Through-Hole Vias in a Porous Polyimide Foil for Flexible Printed Circuit Boards (2008)
- Ion Track Enabled Multiple Wire Microvia Interconnects in Printed Circuit Boards (2008)
- FePt thin film irradiated with high energy ions (2007)
- Well-ordered nanopore arrays in rutile TiO2 single crystals by swift heavy ion-beam lithography (2007)
- Carbon nanopillar array deposition on SiO2 by ion irradiation through a porous alumina template (2007)
- Nanopattern transfer to SiO2 by ion track lithography and highly selective HF vapor etching (2007)
- Microfluidic continuous particle/cell separation via electroosmotic-flow-tuned hydrodynamic spreading (2007)
- Reliable small via interconnects made of multiple sub-micron wires in flexible PCB boards (2007)
- Vertical Thermopiles Embedded in a Polyimide-Based Flexible Circuit Board (2007)
- A polymeric paraffin actuated high-pressure micropump (2006)
- Electrodeposition of Nickel Nanowires in Cylindrical Nanochannels with a Wide Range of Channel Densities Fabricated by Heavy-Ion-Track Etching (2006)
- Fabrication of Well-Ordered High-Aspect-Ratio Nanopore Arrays in TiO2 Single Crystals (2006)
- Electrical contacting of individual electrodeposited Au Nanowire by Focused Ion Beam techniques (2006)
- A polymeric paraffin actuated high-pressure micropump (2005)
- Fabrication of high-density ordered nanoarrays in silicon dioxide by MeV ion track lithography (2005)
- Thermopower measurement of single isolated metallic nanostructures (2004)
- Transfer of InP epilayers by wafer bonding (2004)
- A comprehensive study of ion track enabled high aspect ratio microstructures in flexible circuit boards (2004)
- Ion transmission and characterization of ordered nanoporous alumina (2004)
- Track formation and fabrication of nano-structures with MeV-ion beams (2004)
- A miniature X-ray fluorescence set-up (2003)
- A Hybrid Cold Gas Microthruster System for Spacecraft (2002)
- Diamond Membrane Based Structures for Miniature X-ray Sources (2002)
- Transfer of continuous-relief diffractive structures into diamond by use of inductively coupled plasma dry etching (2001)
- Role of water and oxygen in wet- and dry-oxidation of diamond (2001)
- Deep ion projection lithography in PMMA: Substrate heating and ion energy concerns (2000)
- Accelerator Based Deep Ion Projection Lithography (2000)
- Oxidation and induced damages in oxygen plasma in situ wafer bonding (2000)
- Surface energy as a function of self-bias voltage in oxygen plasma wafer bonding (2000)
- Diamond microstructures for optical micro electromechanical systems (1999)
- Diamond replicas from microstructured silicon masters (1999)
- Fabrication of tunable InP/air-gap Fabry-Perot cavities by selective etching of InGaAs sacrificial layers (1999)
- High precision crystallographic alignment of InP(100) (1999)
- Micromachining in bulk GaAs (1990)
- Towards a self-contained Lab on a Chip concept with sequential drive for point-of-care testing
- High-resolution Particle Separation by Inertial Focusing in High Aspect Ratio Curved Microfluidics
- Fundamentals of Inertial Focusing in High Aspect Ratio Curved Microfluidics
- Label-Free Optical Detection of DNA Polymerase Docking on Solid-State Nanopore Arrays
- Smart Bioelectronic and Wearable Systems (2023)
- Optical monitoring of single nanoparticle capture in solid-state nanopore array (2019)
- Parallelized single-molecule translocations in arrayed silicon nanopores coated with a lipid bilayer (2019)
- Sticky elstomer composites for microfluidic stretchable sensor patches (2015)
- Capacitance Modelling of Conductive Cotton Knit Fabric for Sensor Node Communication (2024)
- Development of a Non-contact Jet Dispensing of Liquid Metals (2024)
- Thermally actuated microfluidic flow and pressure regulators for high pressures (2024)
- A Hot-plugging pinch valve with pressure-controlled logical functions (2024)
- Feasibility of Communication Between Sensor Nodes On-board Spacecraft Using Multi Layer Insulation (2023)
- Demo (2023)
- SINTEC Final Workshop “Smart Bioelectronic and Wearable Systems” (2023)
- Soft, Stretchable and Wireless Sensor Patch with Digitally Printed Liquid Metal Alloy Interconnects (2022)
- Softer, thinner and more complaint cochlear implants with liquid metal (2022)
- HARC Line within Inertial Focusing Systems - Separation of Sub-Micron Particles with Nanometer Resolution (2021)
- Principia Lift Force – Empirical measurements of FL stray from modern theories (2021)
- Visualization of DNA Translocation and Clogging Using Photoluminescent-Free Silicon Nanopore Arrays (2020)
- Nanoparticle Localization on Solid-State Nanopores Via Electrophoretic Force (2019)
- Integrated thin film resistive sensors for in situ temperature measurements in an acoustic trap (2019)
- In situ temperature monitoring during acoustophoresis using integrated thin film Pt temperature sensors (2017)
- Internal temperature sensing in an acoustophoretic glass chip (2017)
- Superhydrophobic PDMS for capillary self-alignment (2016)
- Microfluidic sample concentrator (2016)
- Inertial focusing of microparticles and its limitations (2016)
- Stretchable Microfluidic RF Electronics for Biopatches (2016)
- High Resolution Patterning of Liquid Alloy by Shrinking the Substrate (2016)
- Atomization Patterning and Multifunctional Elastomer Engineeringfor Liquid Alloy Applied Compliant Microsystems (2016)
- High Resolution Patterning of Liquid Alloy with Stretch Shrink Printing for a High Density Array of Small, Stretchable Strain Sensors (2016)
- Soft, Stretchable and Sticky PDMS (2016)
- Pd decoration of on-chip grown ZnO nanorods for ethanol detection (2016)
- Protein Desalination Chip for Mass Spectrometry Sample Preparation (2015)
- High-pressure microfluidics (2015)
- Thermal Elastomer Composites for Soft Transducers (2015)
- Soft Bendable Thermoelectric Generator for Uneven Surface Implementation (2015)
- Plåster med sträckbara trådlösa givare för medicinsk teknik (2015)
- Sticky elastomer composite for microfluidic stretchable sensor patches (2015)
- Integrated high-pressure fluid manipulation in microfluidic systems (2014)
- Flourescence imaging of molecule transport in high molecular weight cut-off microdialysis (2014)
- Flourescence imaging of molecule transport in high molecular weight cut-off microdialysis (2014)
- Fast reversible photo-switching from Cassie to Wenzel wetting states using a microhoodoo-structured surface (2014)
- A fast liquid alloy patterning technique for microfluidic stretchable electronics (2014)
- Batch produced microfluidic stretchable printed circuits for wireless systems (2014)
- Investigation of the storage and release of oxygen in a Cu-Pt element of a high-temperature microcombustor (2014)
- Design and fabrication of a miniaturized combustor with integrated oxygen storage and release element (2014)
- Extending Microsensor Technology to Very High Temperatures (2014)
- Mannitol for High Temperature Phase Change Actuators (2014)
- Asymmetrical selective hydrodynamic focusing for high performance particle separation (2014)
- Analysis of Dextran Leakage across large pore Microdialysis probe by Fluorescent Imaging (2013)
- Atomic layer deposition of TiO2 for reversibly switchable hydrophobic surfaces (2013)
- Optically driven microfluidic flow controller based on thermal expansion (2013)
- Study of population dynamics of E. Coli in a microfluidic landscape incorporating a toxic gradient (2013)
- Fluid mechanics of supercritical carbon dioxide with water in a double-y-channel microfluidic chip (2013)
- On-chip pump system for high-pressure microfluidic applications (2013)
- Investigation of the interaction between embedded amphiphilic molecules and PDMS matrix in aqueous environment and their impact on surface (2013)
- A microfluidic approach for dynamic investigation of the antibiotic susceptibility of bacteria (2013)
- Consequence of static pressure on transmembrane exchanges during in vitro microdialysis sampling of proteins (2012)
- Quantification of Proteins Adsorbed to Surface Modified and Non-Modified Microdialysis Membranes using on-Surface Enzymatic Digestion (oSED) iTRAQ-MALDI-TOF/TOF MS (2012)
- Printed circuit board microsystems for wireless sensor nodes (2012)
- WSN and hydrological natural disasters, Wireless Sensors and Sensor Systems in Emerging Hostile Applications (2012)
- Latchable Valve for Microfluidic Sampling from a Miniature Submersible (2012)
- Modeling and analysis of a paraffin microactuator (2012)
- Mapping the protein distribution within a microdialysis sampling system by on-surface enzymatic digestion in combination with mass spectrometry (2012)
- Miniaturized submersible for exploration of aqueous environments on Earth and beyond (2011)
- A Latchable High-pressure Composite Valve Actuator Combining Paraffin and a Low Melting Point Alloy (2011)
- ESEM as a Tool for Studying High Temperature Electronics (2011)
- Centre for Natural Disaster Science (2010)
- Fluidic circuitboard technology (2010)
- Imprinting and bonding of the fluoroelastomer Viton for microfluidics (2010)
- Micropump for high pressures (2010)
- Separation of neural cells using two-step separation by combination of soft inertial microfluidics and pinched flow fractionation (2010)
- Soft inertial microfluidics for neural cell separation (2010)
- Fluorescence detection inside synthetic nanoporous membranes (2009)
- A highly stretchable microfluidic meandered monopole antenna (2009)
- Multiple nanowire via interconnects in flexible printed circuit boards (2009)
- A latchable paraffin actuated high-pressure paraffin microfluidic valve (2009)
- Printed fluidic board platform for pressure induced cell migration studies (2009)
- Body surface backed flexible antennas and 3D Si-level integrated wireless sensor nodes for 17 GHz wireless body area networks (2009)
- Microfluidic high viability separation of neural cells (2009)
- Highly effective surface modification of PDMS by gradient-induced migration of embedded amphiphilic block copolymers (2009)
- Presentation of the VINN Excellence Center for Wireless Sensor Networks (WISENET) (2008)
- Metallic high-pressure microfluidic pump (2008)
- Ion track lithography for flexible PCB manufacturing (2008)
- Damage formation in TiO2 by heavy ions (2008)
- Fabrication of wireless sensor flip-up antennas (2008)
- Integrated antennas for RF MEMS routers (2008)
- Reduced photoluminescence from InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well structures irradiated by low fluence high energy heavy ions (2008)
- Microfluidics for hydrodynamics (2008)
- Fast microfluidic particle filtering by dean spreading (2008)
- Substrate integrated waveguides in flexible PCB (2008)
- Ion track technology for electronics manufacturing (2008)
- Metallic high-pressure microfluidicpump with active valves (2007)
- Inverted-F Antenna for 3D integrated wireless sensor applications (2007)
- Body surface backed flexible antennas for 17 GHz wireless body area networks sensor applications (2007)
- Body Surface backed flexible antennas for 17 GHz wireless body area networks sensor applications (2007)
- Inverted-F antenna for 3D integrated wireless sensor applications (2007)
- Gain and efficiency enhanced flip-up antennas for 3D integrated wireless sensor applications (2007)
- The use of swift heavy ions for nanolithography (2007)
- Nanostructuring by heavy ion beam-based lithography (2007)
- Swift heavy ion beam-based nanopatterning using self-assembled masks (2007)
- Swift Heavy Ion Beam-Based Nanopatterning Using Self-Assembled Masks (2007)
- Heavy Ion beam-based nano-and micro-structuring of TiO2 single crystals using self-assembled masks (2007)
- Flexible PCB Vertical Thermopile IR Sensor Proc. Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference (2007)
- Sensor Networking in Aquatic enviroments-Experiences and New Challanges (2007)
- Microfluidic hydrodynamic cell separation (2007)
- Ion track enabled multiple wire via interconnects in printed circuit boards (2007)
- Using cosmogenic isotopes to reconcile two contrasting hypotheses for ice extent in East Greenland during the last glaciation (2006)
- Ion track nanolithography (2006)
- Vertical thermopile IR sensor in a flexible foil (2006)
- A low-cost IR sensor in flexible polyimide foils (2006)
- Verical Thermopile IR Sensor in a Flexible Polyimide Foil (2006)
- A Polymeric Paraffin Micropump with Active Valves for High-Pressure Microfluidics (2005)
- Electrical characterization of Nanowires contacted using a FIB (2005)
- Nanocontacts fabricated by Focused Ion Beam (FIB): characterisation and application to nanometre-sized materials, (2005)
- Electrical characterisation of nanowires and nanoparticles contacted using a FIB (2005)
- Lab-on-a-Chip systems by printed fluidic board technology, ICMAT 2005 (2005)
- How to deal with stochastically distributed ion tracks in sensor applications (2005)
- Fabrication of electrical contacts to nanometre-sized materials using electron- and ion-assisted deposition in a focused ion beam machine (2005)
- Nanocontacts fabricated by Focused Ion Beam (FIB): characterization and application to nanometer-sized materials (2005)
- Ordered nanopore arrays in silicon dioxide by ion track projection lithography (2005)
- A Device Integrating Paraffin Microactuator, Fluidic Compartment and Microneedle array for Fluid Injection or Sampling (2005)
- High aspect ratio micron-sized vias in "flex" and polymer foils; using ion irradiation (2005)
- First results on a polyimide based ferromagnetic resonance microwave filter (2004)
- Cu/Co nanowires prepared in single pore ion track membranes - a magnetic field sensor, Abstract collection, (2004) (2004)
- Ion Track Technologies and Device Fabrication (2004)
- Advances in ion track technology (2004)
- Electrodeposition of ferromagnetic Zn1-xMnxO (2004)
- Printed circuit board paraffin actuators for disposable microfluidic systems (2004)
- Phase-change devices for on-chip drive and control of microfluidic systems (2004)
- Ion track enabling of microsystems in printed circuit boards (2004)
- Ion track enabled Kapton-HN™ PCB-Process technology for sensor applications, Abstract collection (2004)
- Ion track enabled flexible PCB via technology (2004)
- Characterization of ordered nanoporous alumina films with an ion beam, Abstract collection (2004)
- Electrochemical synthesis of zinc manganese oxide as diluted magnetic semiconductor, Nano and Giga Challenges (2004)
- Ion track developed polyimide resist on wafers as template for nanowires (2004)
- Nanometric phase transformation of materials by swift heavy ions (2004)
- Diamond microoptics (2002)
- Miniature X-Ray Sources with Diamond Electrodes (2002)
- Construction of a Miniature X-ray Source with Diamond Electrodes (2002)
- Microstructured diamond membranes for miniature X-ray sources (2001)
- Diamond Membrane Based Structures for Miniature X-ray Sources (2001)
- Diamond membrane based miniature X-ray source (2000)
- Micro sculpturing - Somewhat new materials and micromachining methods to meet new applications (1999)
- Damages in oxygen plasma bonding (1999)
- Microfluid Components in Diamond (1999)
- Diamond Membrane Based Miniature X-ray Source (1999)
- Field emitting structures intended for a miniature x-ray source (1999)
- InP based Micro Opto Electro Mechanics (1998)
- A Test Facility for micro Machining and Other Applications of Ion-assisted Etching Technology (1996)