Five Uppsala researchers to receive ERC grants following the 2015 calls



The European Research Council, ERC, has now released a complete list of researchers who are to receive Starting Grants and Consolidator Grants following the 2015 calls for proposals. 593 European researchers will share EUR 1.1 billion. Five of the 22 researchers from Swedish educational institutions are at Uppsala University.

Invitations to apply for an ERC Starting Grant are intended for researchers who are at an early stage in their careers (2-7 years after gaining a doctoral degree) and who wish to become established as research leaders in Europe. Of the 2 862 applications received in 2015, 10.2 percent were granted. Of the 291 applications granted, eleven were from researchers at Swedish institutions. Three of the grants went to Uppsala University.

Starting Grants awarded to Uppsala University 2015:

  • Lars Forsberg, Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology
  • Monica Guica, Department of Physics and Astronomy
  • Anna Rosling, Department of Ecology and Genetics

Invitations to apply for an ERC Consolidator Grant are intended for more established researchers who have recently set up a research group and who wish to strengthen their role as a research leader (7-12 years after gaining a doctoral degree). In 2015, a total of 2 023 applications from all over Europe were submitted and 302 grants were awarded. Of these, 11 were from researchers at Swedish institutions. Two of the grants went to Uppsala University.

Consolidator Grants awarded to Uppsala University 2015:

  • Carolina Wählby, Department of Information Technology
  • Sven Oskarsson, Department of Government

Anna Malmberg

