Swedish Foundations’ Starting Grant to Uppsala mathematician



The Swedish Foundations’ Starting Grant is a joint initiative involving five foundations that provide long-term support for young Swedish researchers. In the 2017 call, three researchers have been awarded grants. One of them is Cecilia Holmgren of the Department of Mathematics at Uppsala University.

Research applications to the European Research Council (ERC) are among the most sophisticated drawn up in Sweden today. The consensus is that the applications submitted by those who proceed to interviews are of outstanding quality. The purpose of the Swedish Foundations’ Starting Grant call is to find the younger researchers at Swedish higher education institutions who are in the European elite but have not yet received ERC grants, and give them long-term prospects for their research.

The outcome of the 2017 call was that three researchers were awarded grants. They have each been guaranteed funding of some EUR 1.5 million over five years, but they must continue to apply for funds from ERC to obtain next year’s support. For the researchers who are awarded ERC grants, Swedish funding is discontinued.

Cecilia Holmgren

One of the three researchers awarded grants in the 2017 call is Cecilia Holmgren of the Department of Mathematics at Uppsala University. Her project, ‘Analysis of random graphs and trees with a focus on fringe trees, percolation and random networks’, is funded by the Ragnar Söderberg Foundation.

See also: Researcher Profile on Cecilia Holmgren

The Swedish Foundations’ Starting Grant is a joint initiative comprising five foundations that fund researchers according to the foundations’ respective statutes and priorities. This year, the collaborating funders are the Erling-Persson Family Foundation, the Kempe Foundations, the Ragnar Söderberg Foundation, the Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences (Riksbankens Jubileumsfond) and the Olle Engkvist Byggmästare Foundation.

Anna Malmberg

