Book sale at the University Main Building
27 February is the start of this year’s book sale of Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis publications. You find a small selection of new publications from the series for sale at the shop in the University Main Building.
List of the books on sale:
Lars Ahlbom (red.), Sven Delblanc – en bibliografi, 299 kr - now 129 kr
Charlotte Bellamy, The Heritage on the Hill, 70 kr - now 29 kr
Hans-Olof Boström, Carl Larsson – monumentalmålaren, 279 kr - now 129 kr
Carina Burman, Dubbelt öl ger gott humör, 140 kr - now 69 kr
Carl Frängsmyr, Uppsala universitet 1852–1916, del 1 & 2 (paketpris), 700 kr - now 129 kr
Mark Ian Jones, Vicke Lindstrand on the Periphery, 316 kr - now 129 kr
Daniel Solling, Till mina vänner – en stambok från 1720-talet, 70 kr - now 29 kr
Uppsala University also sells their other publications at ordinary prices in the webshop: To the webshop
Helena Backman