30 April celebrations in Uppsala cancelled again

Carolina Hill, 15:00, 30 April last year. Regrettably, all traditional 30 April celebrations in Uppsala are cancelled this year as well.

Carolina Hill, 15:00, 30 April last year. Regrettably, all traditional 30 April celebrations in Uppsala are cancelled this year as well.

The celebration of Valborg (30 April) was cancelled in Uppsala last year because of the pandemic. The actors involved in Valborg activities have now reluctantly concluded again that it is impossible to celebrate safely. The COVID-19 situation is still serious. Consequently, a joint decision has been taken that all activities associated with the traditional celebration of Valborg in Uppsala will be cancelled this year as well.

On the days around 30 April, around 150,000 people usually gather in central Uppsala to experience a traditional Valborg celebration, with the running of the falls of the River Fyris, herring lunches, the donning of the caps on Carolina Hill and the choir singing by the Gunilla Bell.

Help prevent the spread of infection

Uppsala Municipality and the other actors collaborating on 30 April (Valborg) in Uppsala have now jointly decided to help prevent the transmission of infection by acting responsibly and limiting activities that lead to large gatherings this 30 April as well.

“30 April is a strong Uppsala tradition that many people have been looking forward to, but sadly it is not possible to celebrate given the current infection situation,” says Anders Hagfeldt, Vice-Chancellor of Uppsala University. “We must all follow the current guidelines and take joint responsibility so as not to add to the infection rates, which are already high. So let’s refrain from celebrating, for everyone’s good, and hope for a spring when it will be possible to open up our society. See you on Carolina Hill in 2022!”

Goal for 30 April 2022. Photo: Stewen Quigley


Anna Malmberg

Actors collaborating on 30 April in Uppsala

The event has no overall organiser – the programme on 30 April consists of many different activities arranged by various organisers in cooperation.

The actors collaborating on 30 April in Uppsala are Uppsala University, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala Municipality, the County Administrative Board in Uppsala County, Destination Uppsala, Region Uppsala, the Police, the Uppsala student nations’ Curators Committee and Uppsala University Student Unions. Some 40 additional organisations are also involved. Everyone has now agreed to act responsibly to help prevent the transmission of infection by limiting activities that lead to large gatherings on 30 April this year as well.

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