Students in search for sustainability during collaborative interdisciplinary days
On 7-9 September, new bachelor's and master's students at Campus Gotland were invited to take part in Uppsala University ‘s introductory days called ‘Searching for Sustainability’. Approximately 100 students and ten lecturers from five different programs gathered to explore the field of sustainability from various perspectives.
The aim of the introduction days is to explore collaborative, creative, and critical learning in a safe space, and open up for new collaborations across disciplines.
This is the fourth time that the event was organised for students at Campus Gotland.
This year’s program included presentations of the sustainability programs at Campus, a keynote speech and workshops. Also, a full day excursion on Gotland took place.
Students and teachers visited the east side of the island where people have joined forces to produce local and renewable energy. The tour also made a stop in Herrvik to connect to the Gotlandic nature with walking mediation. The participants also visited Suderbyn Ecovillage where they got to learn about organic farming.
The introduction days ended with a barbeque by the boardwalk next to Campus Gotland.
Viktor Jacobsson