Artificial Intelligence, humans, and law

Futuristic A.I.

Futuristic A.I.

What happens when the law doesn't keep up with technology? How is accountability to be enforced when there is no longer a human behind the decisions? The Department of Law will be there to address these and other questions during a short film screening followed by a panel discussion with researchers, on 13 March

A screening of the short film GUILTY NOT GUILTY at Filmhuset in Stockholm on 13 March will address the problems and the ethical and philosophical aspects of "deep fakes" and other examples of creative Artificial Intelligence (A.I.). How should we act when our legal system is lagging behind technical developments, especially A.I.?

Katja de Vries, Associate Professor of Public Law at the Department of Law, researches law and A.I. with a focus on deep fakes and will be one of the participants in the screening and discussion afterwards.

Maria Cicilaki

More about:

The screening of GUILTY NOT GUILTY

The concept of A.I. (from Wikipedia): the ability of computer programs and robots to mimic the natural intelligence of humans and other animals, primarily cognitive functions such as the ability to learn things from past experience, understand natural language, solve problems, plan a sequence of actions, and to generalize.

The concept of deep fakes: This refers to advanced A.I. technology in which multiple layers of machine-learning algorithms are used to manipulate faces or voices in videos and photos to make them appear real.

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