A Century of Comics in English
7.5 credits
Reading list, Bachelor's level, 5EN107
Main group 1
Primary Reading
The ISBN number refers to an available edition of the work, but any edition of the text is acceptable, including the two-volume edition of Maus:
- Bell, Darrin, The talk, London, Jonathan Cape, [2023]Compulsory
- Bechdel, Alison, Fun home: a family tragicomic, 1st Mariner Books ed., Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 2007Compulsory
- Berry, Hannah, Adamtine, London, Jonathan Cape, 2012Compulsory
- Hernandez, Gilbert., Human diastrophism, 1st ed., Seattle, WA, Fantagraphics Books, 2007Compulsory
- Jones, Luke et al., Square eyes, London, Jonathan Cape, [2018]Compulsory
- Moore, Alan; Gibbons, Dave, Watchmen, New York, NY, DC Comics, 2014Compulsory
- Simmonds, Posy, Tamara Drewe, Boston, Mariner, 2007Compulsory
- Spiegelman, Art, Maus: a survivor's tale, London, Penguin, 2003Compulsory
Secondary Reading
- McCloud, Scott, Understanding comics: the invisible art, New York, HarperCollins Publishers, 1994Compulsory (The ISBN number refers to one available edition of the work, but any edition of the text is acceptable.)
Additional secondary material to be supplied by the teacher.
* Compulsory